Mother Of Six Year Old Child Who Shot Teacher FINALLY Speaks Out

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Yet instead of taking responsibility for the situation, she's repeatedly using the ADHD for an excuse. My fiancee/best friend has ADHD and he would have never done something like this.

Well, to be fair, if your violent, psychotic child had ADHD, then he probably is prone to acting rather compulsively.
Yet instead of taking responsibility for the situation, she's repeatedly using the ADHD for an excuse. My fiancee/best friend has ADHD and he would have never done something like this.

ADHD my balls.

That kid didn't have ADHD. And that alone doesn't cause kids to behave like that. In the 90s every god damn kid supposedly had ADHD and not one them shot a teacher that I know of.

ADHD isn't even a real thing anyway 98% of the time. It was dreamt up so drug companies could sell riddilin and parents could use it as an excuse to not have to work so hard being parents and them not let their kids go crazy on sugary drinks and snacks.

If ADHD is a real thing then how did it go from being an epidemic to hardly ever being mentioned now? They changed all the kids they used to say had ADHD to now saying all kids have autism.

But what do you expect from an xxxxxxxx? Course they always will just blame something else or someone else.

***Mod Edit: We have a rule about trying to get around the word filter. You won't win a gold star for doing that!
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ADHD my balls.

That kid didn't have ADHD. And that alone doesn't cause kids to behave like that. In the 90s every god damn kid supposedly had ADHD and not one them shot a teacher that I know of.

ADHD isn't even a real thing anyway 98% of the time. It was dreamt up so drug companies could sell riddilin and parents could use it as an excuse to not have to work so hard being parents and them not let their kids go crazy on sugary drinks and snacks.

If ADHD is a real thing then how did it go from being an epidemic to hardly ever being mentioned now? They changed all the kids they used to say had ADHD to now saying all kids have autism.

But what do you expect from an nword? Course they always will just blame something else or someone else.

Agreed, but my fiancee was diagnosed both with Autism (highly functioning) and ADHD when he was a kid.
The last thing said during that clip is that the boy is with his great grandfather right now. What makes the authority people think that a person that old can do a good enough job looking after a kid like that boy considering what we already know that the boy is capable enough of going?

God bless you always!!!

Yet instead of taking responsibility for the situation, she's repeatedly using the ADHD for an excuse. My fiancee/best friend has ADHD and he would have never done something like this.

It was ultimately her responsibility to keep a gun out the hands of her 6 year old.

She failed. Back in the day, she'd be in jail.
The last thing said during that clip is that the boy is with his great grandfather right now. What makes the authority people think that a person that old can do a good enough job looking after a kid like that boy considering what we already know that the boy is capable enough of going?

God bless you always!!!

It's gotta be better than what he had. Older people are sharper, wiser, and smarter anyways.

Maybe not as physically adept, but some are in pretty good shape, too.
Just curious, was the gun legal? Namely, registered and acquired lawfully or was it acquired through illegal means?

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