Mother On the Lam For Right to Let Son Die

The boy has an excellent chance of survival if treated and an excellent chance of death if he is not. The fact is it is a very treatable form of cancer. Why would you fight an abortion but not the slow death of a living child? Makes no sense. It's child neglect.

Let's see ... the 13 years old boy is at least able to make a choice, whether you agree with it or not. The unborn child just gets squashed. No choice.

Ever been through chemo? Anyone who hasn't been through it or watched someone go through it needs to shut up. Death doesn't look so bad by comparison.

So you didn't bother to even read the thread? :rolleyes:

Notice my not shutting up, BTW. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I read the thread. Did you notice which post I responded to? I think it was prior to anything you had to say.

My statement stands.
Let's see ... the 13 years old boy is at least able to make a choice, whether you agree with it or not. The unborn child just gets squashed. No choice.

Ever been through chemo? Anyone who hasn't been through it or watched someone go through it needs to shut up. Death doesn't look so bad by comparison.

So you didn't bother to even read the thread? :rolleyes:

Notice my not shutting up, BTW. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

You and Jillian are simply LYING. Or ignorant. The mother is NOT refusing treatment, she is not trying to kill her son, nor let him die. She is seeking ALTERNATE TREATMENT. But hey keep twisting what is and is not the facts to justify YOUR bruised morals.

Okay, RGS it's a lie that she's refusing treatment. :cuckoo:

I can't do the reading for you, sorry. :doubt:
This woman needs to be put away....

Arrest warrant issued for mother of Daniel Hauser, 13; boy is resisting chemo for treatable cancer

NEW ULM, Minn. - A judge issued an arrest warrant Tuesday for the mother of a 13-year-old boy resisting chemotherapy after she and the boy missed a court hearing on his welfare.

Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg also ordered that Daniel Hauser be placed in a foster home and be sent for an immediate examination by a pediatric oncologist so he can get treated for Hodgkins lymphoma.

"The court's priority at this point is to try to get Daniel Hauser and get him the care he needs," Rodenberg said.

The cancer is considered highly curable with chemotherapy and radiation, but Daniel quit chemo after a single treatment and with his parents opted instead for "alternative medicines," citing religious beliefs. That led authorities to seek custody. Rodenberg last week ruled that Daniel's parents, Colleen and Anthony Hauser, were medically neglecting their son.

The family, of Sleepy Eye, was due in court Tuesday to tell the judge results of a chest X-ray and arrangements for an oncologist. But Daniel's father was the only one who appeared. He told Rodenberg he last saw Colleen Hauser on Monday evening.

"She said she was going to leave," Hauser testified. "She said, 'That's all you need to know.' And that's all I know."

Arrest warrant issued for mother of Daniel Hauser, 13; boy is resisting chemo for treatable cancer

wow. unbelievable.

does she think she's going to pray him to health?
So you didn't bother to even read the thread? :rolleyes:

Notice my not shutting up, BTW. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

You and Jillian are simply LYING. Or ignorant. The mother is NOT refusing treatment, she is not trying to kill her son, nor let him die. She is seeking ALTERNATE TREATMENT. But hey keep twisting what is and is not the facts to justify YOUR bruised morals.

Okay, RGS it's a lie that she's refusing treatment. :cuckoo:

I can't do the reading for you, sorry. :doubt:

She is refusing THAT treatment. Now read the rest of the story you DUMB ASS. She said they are seeking ALTERNATE treatment. Good god you ARE IGNORANT. Thanks for proving it so convincingly.
So you didn't bother to even read the thread? :rolleyes:

Notice my not shutting up, BTW. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

You and Jillian are simply LYING. Or ignorant. The mother is NOT refusing treatment, she is not trying to kill her son, nor let him die. She is seeking ALTERNATE TREATMENT. But hey keep twisting what is and is not the facts to justify YOUR bruised morals.

Okay, RGS it's a lie that she's refusing treatment. :cuckoo:

I can't do the reading for you, sorry. :doubt:

It's a lie that she is refusing any treatment at all. She is seeking alternative means of treatment. You're taking a stand on her refusing conventional medical treatment as prescribed by an MD because Lord knows THEY never screw up.:eusa_whistle:

This is just another case of the government and the people who mindlessly believe it dictating our personal lives.

My cousin's wife had Hodgkins. She took the treatment. She was cured. She's been fucked up ever since. The best the medical community has to offer is chemo. It's all they've had for 40 years and it's been pathetic at best.

I'd try something different, that's for sure.
they don't have the right to kill their 13 year old child through neglect....the judge should determine such, since he was brought in to it.

I don't think the government should be involved in our routine medical decisions and never will think they should be....however there are exceptions to the rule, as there should be as well....

All other cases like this that have made it to court, the ruling has always been to SAVE THE CHILD, and the child has always been put in to a foster home while getting their treatments then returning the child to their parents after the necessary treatment is done.

This is nothing new, it is the LAW, and it will continue to happen with parents that neglect their children.

In my opinion and probably the judges as well, that this woman's holistic measures of giving her son some food and dilstilled water as his cure, is nothing less than neglect....I don't believe for one nanosecond it is for "religious" reasons, since they are Catholics and this is not against the Catholic Church, I did not even see in the Indian tribe that she supposed joined is even against it, because i did not see it in their Constitution of what they stood for on their site....

there are some parents that do make completely foolish decisions, to act as though all parents are the same and all parents are good parents therefore all parents should not EVER be interfered with when each parent is different and a few are downright rotten.... is nonsensical.

We are discussing an EXCEPTION regarding this case.

99% of all parents would have done the treatment ALL of the doctors they went to prescribed...and as in a New York minute they would have done it for their child.

this case is abnormal...
Thread title is wrong as well as most of the comments, the Mother is not trying to kill her son nor allow him to die, she is seeking DIFFERENT medical options available for the treatment of his illness.

The Judge had no business enforcing the Doctors wishes in this case. Should the boy get chemo? Sure, sounds like the best option, BUT it is NOT our right to dictate to him or his family what treatment he receive.

did you even READ what the medical alternative that he is supposedly taking?

CUT ME A BREAK....water and some food...jimminee christmas...with no specialist even guiding her...
She is refusing THAT treatment. Now read the rest of the story you DUMB ASS. She said they are seeking ALTERNATE treatment. Good god you ARE IGNORANT. Thanks for proving it so convincingly.

And what is that alternate treatment? Is is good for the kid or not? I'd trust medical science over voodoo quackery any day of the week...
Let's see ... the 13 years old boy is at least able to make a choice, whether you agree with it or not. The unborn child just gets squashed. No choice.

Ever been through chemo? Anyone who hasn't been through it or watched someone go through it needs to shut up. Death doesn't look so bad by comparison.

So you didn't bother to even read the thread? :rolleyes:

Notice my not shutting up, BTW. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I read the thread. Did you notice which post I responded to? I think it was prior to anything you had to say.

My statement stands.

This boy didn't have the capacity to make an informed choice in his own best interest and the court ruled, correctly IMO, that neither did his parents. This mother is guilty of child neglect.
has it been explained to this 13 year old that can not even read, that barring a miracle, he IS GOING TO DIE young using his mothers water and food recipe?
he's probably ALREADY A GONER, they have put this off since january and his doctor's last exam 12 days ago showed the tumors spreading. :(
Thread title is wrong as well as most of the comments, the Mother is not trying to kill her son nor allow him to die, she is seeking DIFFERENT medical options available for the treatment of his illness.

The Judge had no business enforcing the Doctors wishes in this case. Should the boy get chemo? Sure, sounds like the best option, BUT it is NOT our right to dictate to him or his family what treatment he receive.

did you even READ what the medical alternative that he is supposedly taking?

CUT ME A BREAK....water and some food...jimminee christmas...with no specialist even guiding her...

Some can't help their knee jerk reaction to fight for some left vs right bullshit principle.
has it been explained to this 13 year old that can not even read, that barring a miracle, he IS GOING TO DIE young using his mothers water and food recipe?

I haven't read the whole thread, but if that is the mother's answer, then she needs a kick up the arse. If she gets cancer, she can do what she likes. When her kid gets of voting age, he can do what he likes. Whether the RSG's and Gunny's - and all the other 'freedom-loving' folk love it, we are a society of rules. Some are good, some are bad. If you don't like 'em, get 'em changed...
he's probably ALREADY A GONER, they have put this off since january and his doctor's last exam 12 days ago showed the tumors spreading. :(

You're right and so the argument will shift and so will the perception and the true principle as well.

Hey look! CNN is in on our big lie that the mother refused treatment! :eusa_shhh:

Mother, son missing in forced chemotherapy case -
and where does that support that this mom wants her son to die?

it doesnt
so once again you are lying
he's probably ALREADY A GONER, they have put this off since january and his doctor's last exam 12 days ago showed the tumors spreading. :(

You're right and so the argument will shift and so will the perception and the true principle as well.

Hey look! CNN is in on our big lie that the mother refused treatment! :eusa_shhh:

Mother, son missing in forced chemotherapy case -

and where does that support that this mom wants her son to die?

it doesnt
so once again you are lying

Yeah, I said the mom WANTS him to die. Your logic is brilliant, really, you got me. :lol:
You're right and so the argument will shift and so will the perception and the true principle as well.

Hey look! CNN is in on our big lie that the mother refused treatment! :eusa_shhh:

Mother, son missing in forced chemotherapy case -

and where does that support that this mom wants her son to die?

it doesnt
so once again you are lying

Yeah, I said the mom WANTS him to die. Your logic is brilliant, really, you got me. :lol:
wow, are you really this obtuse?
look at the thread title you were defending
no, you don't....

i am not denying that the church of TODAY uses anointing with oil in a spiritual fashion, but in the time of Christ in the middle east, anointing oil was used for medicinal purposes in conjunction with prayer to heal people....if prayer was all that was needed then prayer is all that would have been done.

PLEASE speak to your own pastor or google it yourself, what you THINK you know, is incomplete....

the whole middle east used oil to heal their wounds or the sick, it was not just followers of Christ...

no, i know what i know and i dont need to ask anyone

you can believe that crap if you want to, but not me

ok, that's fine and dandy, don't speak to your pastor! :(

but HOW will you ever know more than you know now?

i for one, plan on expanding my knowledge, every day for the rest of my life and never plan to stop learning more every day that passes, than i know now....
dcon emulates his hero Dubya Bush...critical thinking isn't needed when you "know" something. :lol:

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