Mother On the Lam For Right to Let Son Die

I should have known I wouldn't get a straight forward answer.

The questions I posed were simple questions. But obviously not simple enough for your limited intelligence.

After reading your response it's clear that you do not stand for anything and your knowledge of Jesus and his teachings are slim to none. I think the latter is more exact.

Jesus probably would have told the kid/parents to use the best medicines of the he did with Lazerus...
annointing with oil was NOT considdered medicine


annointing of oil today has different meaning, this WAS NOT the case during the time of Jesus....i studied this was a medicinal means of curing and healing back then...
Jesus probably would have told the kid/parents to use the best medicines of the he did with Lazerus...
annointing with oil was NOT considdered medicine


annointing of oil today has different meaning, this WAS NOT the case during the time of Jesus....i studied this was a medicinal means of curing and healing back then...
never heard of such a thing, and what scripture backs that up?, Mason isn't a religion.....

I know!!!! And the Catholics won't even let their members join a group like the Masons, I don't think they would ever let parishioners belong to another religion like this:


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Nemenhah Band and Native American Traditional Organization. An Educational Auxiliary of The Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanpete.

Declaration of Good Conscience and Practice, Constitution, and Establishment of a Native American Traditional Organization beginning in this State of Utah, in the United States of America. In a Sacred Manner We Are Talking. In a Sacred Manner We Are Walking.


We, Nemenhah, believe in the Creator and that the Creator made all men and women who have lived, do now live, and who will yet live, as free and equal beings. We recognize the inherent, ancestral, sovereign rights granted to all people by the Creator, human conscience, international law, and legal constructs of reciprocity, mutuality, and comity, which cannot be diminished or extinguished. We believe that we derive from and that we may become like the Nemenhah who lived in this land anciently and that, through their literal descendents, we claim the right to form a Native American Traditional Organization based upon their teachings which have been passed down to us through the traditions, customs, ceremonies, writings, and records of the Native American People, among which we acknowledge the Mentinah Archives by way of example.

Accordingly, we believe that we are all relations one to another and we are children of the same Creator. We affirm the UNITED NATIONS Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (U.N. Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1994/45, August 26, 1994. U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1995/2, E/CN.4/sub.2/1994/56, at 105 (1994). Fundamental to our traditions is the truth that, as children of the Creator, we are entitled to the freedoms of thought, religion, education, assembly, opinion, speech, movement, our sacred rights of worship and methods of healing, our traditional lifestyle and security within our historical territories, insofar as that freedom does not prevent others from likewise enjoying the same freedoms. We believe that men and women have been endowed with intelligence enough to govern themselves in such a manner as to guarantee to themselves these freedoms, to establish just and right ways to deal with each other, to maintain a tranquil and secure domestic life, provide for defense of these rights when needed, and to insure for ourselves and our posterity the blessings that our culture, traditions, and teachings bring. Accordingly, we exercise our right to form a Band and Traditional Organization of our own people, founded upon the principles cited herein, and we ordain and establish this Constitution for the Nemenhah Band and Native American Traditional Organization as an Indigenous Group.

Are these people, the Hausers, also Native Americans, I missed that part if they are....
THe Masons are just a fraternity, with roots in the Catholic church. I think there are many Catholics who belong.
annointing with oil was NOT considdered medicine


annointing of oil today has different meaning, this WAS NOT the case during the time of Jesus....i studied this was a medicinal means of curing and healing back then...
never heard of such a thing, and what scripture backs that up?

the history of the times they were in which helps one understand the Bible even better...

like learning about the importance of numbers and their symbolic meanings of the time....also helps to understand the bible better...

i have a book, called THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY....

annointing of oil today has different meaning, this WAS NOT the case during the time of Jesus....i studied this was a medicinal means of curing and healing back then...
never heard of such a thing, and what scripture backs that up?

the history of the times they were in which helps one understand the Bible even better...

like learning about the importance of numbers and their symbolic meanings of the time....also helps to understand the bible better...

i have a book, called THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY....
ok, so you have a book, please show an example of oil being used for medicinal purposes
not once in my life have i ever heard of it being used as such in a biblical perspective
its always been symbology for the Holy Spirit
Bathsheba bathed in oil...

I'm not convinced that Catholics look askance at freemasons.
never heard of such a thing, and what scripture backs that up?

the history of the times they were in which helps one understand the Bible even better...

like learning about the importance of numbers and their symbolic meanings of the time....also helps to understand the bible better...

i have a book, called THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY....
ok, so you have a book, please show an example of oil being used for medicinal purposes
not once in my life have i ever heard of it being used as such in a biblical perspective
its always been symbology for the Holy Spirit

Mark 6:13

13They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.
Oh wait, I looked and apparently they've been at odds for a while.


they are at odds but many catholics are unaware

read this article below at the link, if you wish...

Author Explains Why Catholics Can't Be Freemasons

By JOHN P. CONNOLLY, The Bulletin
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
On April 28, 1738, Pope Clement XIII issued a papal bull declaring any Catholic who participated in Freemasonry would be automatically excommunicated.

The Catholic Church reaffirmed his declaration numerous times, the most recent being under Pope John Paul II in 1983.

Yet many Catholics are unaware of the Church’s ban against joining Freemasonry, or think the prohibition was handed down only for political reasons.

John Salza, a Catholic apologist and author, and former 32nd-degree Freemason, said the Church’s objections to Freemasonry are theologically based.
Author Explains Why Catholics Can't Be Freemasons - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives
James 5:14-15

14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.
Ravi, those are spiritual use
but i dont expect you to ever understand the difference
:rolleyes: You could say the same about chemo...oil was used to heal in the bible, doofus.

22 Is there no balm in Gilead?
Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing
for the wound of my people?
Ravi, those are spiritual use
but i dont expect you to ever understand the difference

you are wrong on this Dive....not that you are wrong in questioning what I said, because many are unaware....the meaning of annointing with oil has come down to a Catholic Sacrament for spiritual reason upon death now, but during the time of Christ, olive oil was a healing ointment...

Olive oil is widely known for providing a wide range of health benefits, including but not limited to preventing skin cancer, support with weight loss, preventing ear aches and infections, softening calluses, preventing heart attack and stroke, relieving irritated skin around the eyes, healing frostbite, flattening wrinkles, strengthening weak fingernails, reducing scarring, treating indigestion, healing stomach ulcers, rejuvenating damaged hearing, softening rough skin, and reversing hair loss.

The Bible itself is said to contain 191 references to the healing powers of oil, most said to be referred to the use of olive oil.
Ravi, those are spiritual use
but i dont expect you to ever understand the difference
:rolleyes: You could say the same about chemo...oil was used to heal in the bible, doofus.

22 Is there no balm in Gilead?
Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing
for the wound of my people?
no it wasnt MORON
it was used as a method of FAITH
this is why you are such an idiot, you claim things that are not so
Ravi, those are spiritual use
but i dont expect you to ever understand the difference

you are wrong on this Dive....not that you are wrong in questioning what I said, because many are unaware....the meaning of annointing with oil has come down to a Catholic Sacrament for spiritual reason upon death now, but during the time of Christ, olive oil was a healing ointment...

Olive oil is widely known for providing a wide range of health benefits, including but not limited to preventing skin cancer, support with weight loss, preventing ear aches and infections, softening calluses, preventing heart attack and stroke, relieving irritated skin around the eyes, healing frostbite, flattening wrinkles, strengthening weak fingernails, reducing scarring, treating indigestion, healing stomach ulcers, rejuvenating damaged hearing, softening rough skin, and reversing hair loss.

The Bible itself is said to contain 191 references to the healing powers of oil, most said to be referred to the use of olive oil.
that is taking every one of those scripture OUT OF CONTEXT

i am NOT wrong
not a single faith will tell you oil was used as a medicine, but as a means of improving ones faith

it was a point of contact, not a medicine
I don't see how the use of oil in the bible means we should inject our dying children with poison today, however.
I don't see how the use of oil in the bible means we should inject our dying children with poison today, however.

well, I can understand that allie...I watched my father in law with terminal cancer die from the Chemo treatments that brought him down to 90 lbs at 6'4''....this was back in 1988 and Chemo has improved a great deal, but still poisonous....but this particular poison is what poisons the CANCER....

How it relates is that Jesus asked the people calling for him to save Lazurus, TO FIRST USE the medical treatment of the time, anointing with oil....lazurus died anyway....i think Jesus knew he would die anyway, don't you? So, why would he ask them to do such? The only reason I could come up with is that he was telling them to use the medicines available to MAN....that this was an important part as well....
Ravi, those are spiritual use
but i dont expect you to ever understand the difference

you are wrong on this Dive....not that you are wrong in questioning what I said, because many are unaware....the meaning of annointing with oil has come down to a Catholic Sacrament for spiritual reason upon death now, but during the time of Christ, olive oil was a healing ointment...

Olive oil is widely known for providing a wide range of health benefits, including but not limited to preventing skin cancer, support with weight loss, preventing ear aches and infections, softening calluses, preventing heart attack and stroke, relieving irritated skin around the eyes, healing frostbite, flattening wrinkles, strengthening weak fingernails, reducing scarring, treating indigestion, healing stomach ulcers, rejuvenating damaged hearing, softening rough skin, and reversing hair loss.

The Bible itself is said to contain 191 references to the healing powers of oil, most said to be referred to the use of olive oil.
that is taking every one of those scripture OUT OF CONTEXT

i am NOT wrong
not a single faith will tell you oil was used as a medicine, but as a means of improving ones faith

it was a point of contact, not a medicine

you are wrong....ask your own pastor if oil was not the medicine of the day...please do so.

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