Mother On the Lam For Right to Let Son Die

In respect to this argument there are several "alternative treatments" that are illegal because of the drug laws set up by Nixon
It is warped.

And everyone blissfully carries on with the trampeling of this child's rights and the rights of his family without waiting to see what the situation is.

When was he diagnosed? What stage was he when diagnosed? What factors into the effectiveness of the chemo? What are his medical issues besides the Hodgkins? Why should they opt for chemo if he's dying anyway?

I see nothing about the family refusing to get chemo fact, no mention has been made of his condition prior to a few days ago. So was he JUST diagnosed and already at a point where chemo is not likely to be effective? WHAT ARE HIS OTHER MEDICAL CONDITIONS???

did you read the original article allie?

the child was diagnosed in january, he received his first, out of 6 chemo treatment in february...after this treatment the parents changed their minds for no valid reason, there was NOTHING religious holding them back from getting treatments....they already put him through one...his cancer was retreating, but because he did not continue with them, the exam 12 days ago showed his cancer spreading.

at the time he was diagnosed or at the time this first went to a judge, the judge ordered the chemo to continue because his odds were great....of survival with the treatment according to EVERYTHING the doctors presented in the court precedings...the judge said if the possibilities of a successful treatment were not so good, he would not have given the doctors what they ordered.

the mother is not giving her son any kind of supervised alternative treatment that can cure her son....she is letting him die.
WRONG, the cancer will have killed him
they do have the choice to choose whatever alternative treatments they wish

would you be for charging the doctors with murder when the chemo doesnt work and the patient still dies?

so if they want to shake some animal bones over the kid while chanting, that would be ok to you, too?

they don't have the right to let this kid die.

What is with you people... terry shiavo's husband didn't have the right to turn off the machines but these people can let a kid die who has a 95% chance of being cured???

please enlighten me. becaues i don't get it. it seems warped to me.
yet you support the killing of the unborn

that seems pretty fucking warped to me

What if you're for both, the right to choose, period?
And still have managed to sidestep the original prognosis, the stage at which he was when he was diagnosed, and what are his other medical conditions.
so, as jillian asked, why in the hell did you fight so hard to save terri schiavo from her demise? and not for this child?
actually this post is about illegal treatments

the judge says that alternative treatment is illegal
you say the forcing of chemo is illegal

I was reffering to herbs that are outlawed in the US because of the FDA. There are a few plants that have curative properties. Also I was answering your eloquent argument of no not really.
You're attempting to hijack the thread, and I'm not interested.

and for the second time, Care, believing that this child has rights, Terry S. has rights and the unborn have rights are not in conflict at all.
And still have managed to sidestep the original prognosis, the stage at which he was when he was diagnosed, and what are his other medical conditions.
so what are you saying allie? you think the doctors did not know their patient's other conditions or what stage of cancer the child had and what his odds were of survival and they went willie nillie before the court with no medical facts on the lad?
actually this post is about illegal treatments

the judge says that alternative treatment is illegal
you say the forcing of chemo is illegal

I was reffering to herbs that are outlawed in the US because of the FDA. There are a few plants that have curative properties. Also I was answering your eloquent argument of no not really.

They don't outlaw them really, they just don't "endorse" them, almost the same thing since it does allow them to force regulation to only use the hard meds even when herbs tend to be better for you.
actually this post is about illegal treatments

the judge says that alternative treatment is illegal
you say the forcing of chemo is illegal

I was reffering to herbs that are outlawed in the US because of the FDA. There are a few plants that have curative properties. Also I was answering your eloquent argument of no not really.

no it isn't....the alternative treatment involves diet only....there are no illegal drugs/herbs etc involved.... it isn't an alternative treatment with any prospect at all for his survival...
By Mayo Clinic staff

Hodgkin's disease — also known as Hodgkin's lymphoma — is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of your immune system.

In Hodgkin's disease, cells in the lymphatic system grow abnormally and may spread beyond the lymphatic system. As Hodgkin's disease progresses, it compromises your body's ability to fight infection.

Hodgkin's disease is one of two common types of cancers of the lymphatic system. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the other type, is far more common. Hodgkin's disease is named after the British physician Thomas Hodgkin, who first described the disease in 1832 and noted characteristics that distinguish it from other lymphomas.

Advances in diagnosis, staging and treatment of Hodgkin's disease have helped to make this once uniformly fatal disease highly treatable with the potential for full recovery.

Treatments and drugs

By Mayo Clinic staff

The most important factor in Hodgkin's disease treatment is the stage of the disease. The number and regions of lymph nodes affected and whether only one or both sides of your diaphragm are involved also are important considerations. Other factors affecting decisions about treating this disease include:

* Your age
* Your symptoms
* Whether you're pregnant
* Your overall health status

The goal of treatment is to destroy as many malignant cells as possible and bring the disease into remission. As many as 95 percent of people with stage I or stage II Hodgkin's disease survive for five years or more with proper treatment. The five-year survival rate for those with widespread Hodgkin's disease is about 60 percent to 70 percent.

Hodgkin's disease -
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If anyone is interested they are going to show this story on Fox very soon. (3:20pm eastern time).
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actually this post is about illegal treatments

the judge says that alternative treatment is illegal
you say the forcing of chemo is illegal

I was reffering to herbs that are outlawed in the US because of the FDA. There are a few plants that have curative properties. Also I was answering your eloquent argument of no not really.

They don't outlaw them really, they just don't "endorse" them, almost the same thing since it does allow them to force regulation to only use the hard meds even when herbs tend to be better for you.

Actually, herbal treatments are neither outlawed nor "not endorsed" by FDA. Herbs are no regulated or tested by the FDA, so they have no comment on them either way.
I re-read the article and still see no reference to what stage this boy was at when he was diagnosed. Given the rapidity of his deterioration, I think he wasn't Stage 1.
actually this post is about illegal treatments

the judge says that alternative treatment is illegal
you say the forcing of chemo is illegal

I was reffering to herbs that are outlawed in the US because of the FDA. There are a few plants that have curative properties. Also I was answering your eloquent argument of no not really.

They don't outlaw them really, they just don't "endorse" them, almost the same thing since it does allow them to force regulation to only use the hard meds even when herbs tend to be better for you.

Actually, herbal treatments are neither outlawed nor "not endorsed" by FDA. Herbs are no regulated or tested by the FDA, so they have no comment on them either way.

Thus they are "not endorsed" ... they do however endorse many of the hard meds, often without full testing and many times with dire consequences. "No comment" is the same as "no endorsement".
I feel bad for this mother as I'm sure she is feeling terrified. No doubt she believes she's doing the best for her son, it's just so sad because she truly is not.
And this is exactly why families should be able to choose their own medical paths. I rest my fucking case. The government is NOT the ultimate authority and should never be the ultimate authority that determines how we medically treat ourselves or our loved ones.
so if they want to shake some animal bones over the kid while chanting, that would be ok to you, too?

they don't have the right to let this kid die.

What is with you people... terry shiavo's husband didn't have the right to turn off the machines but these people can let a kid die who has a 95% chance of being cured???

please enlighten me. becaues i don't get it. it seems warped to me.
yet you support the killing of the unborn

that seems pretty fucking warped to me

What if you're for both, the right to choose, period?
it would at least be consistent

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