Mother On the Lam For Right to Let Son Die

If anyone is interested they are going to show this story on Fox very soon. (3:20pm eastern time).
they said nothing on it other than tracking the woman and her husband is going to come on tv and plead for her to come home with their son....

he wants the son to get treatment now too...
oh, fox is reporting more on it now...
From Fox news on tv:

Mom and son thought to be heading to Mexico. A felony arrest warrant has been issued even though no felony has been committed. Husband is pleading for wife and son to come home. Chemo not wanted by parents citing that their religion only permits herbal remedies. With chemo, 90% survival; without 5% survival. Doctors believe that without chemo treatment he will die.

Sounds as if the chemo is given now it will still save his life. Parents say their religion does not allow this treatment, only herbs.

Kid and family do not want him to have the chemo. Family is afraid and fearful of chemo treatment. Authorities trying to force the chemo treatment. Peter Johnson Jr., a Fox news legal analyst, knew an 18 yr old who suffered from this same cancer and was successfully treated with chemo. He is offering to help the family; child will be sick from chemo but will survive the cancer and be cured.

Family spokesperson is on: Daniel stopped chemo after one treatment. Spokesperson is advocating natural remedies and he knows of success stories using natural remedies.

Kid's aunt had cancer and died; family is fearful. Kid does not want chemo. He says "I would rather live a virtuous life than a long life." He knows he could die. Side effects of chemo are bad, burning out of thyroid. Daniel does not want chemo.
Here's something to chew on:

"The alert said they might also be with a Massachusetts man named Billy Best, who as a teenager in 1994 ran away from home to escape chemotherapy for cancer similar to Daniel's. Best, who says he was cured by natural remedies, had appeared at a news conference in Minnesota recently to support the Hausers."

Look, a kid who ran from treatment and is...GASP! still alive 15 years later!

Apparently they don't ALL die without treatment.

Likewise, I imagine many die WITH treatment.

"There have been at least five instances in the U.S. in recent years in which parents fled with a sick child to avoid medical treatments.

They include the celebrated case of Parker Jensen, who was 12 when his family fled from Utah to Idaho in 2003 to avoid court-ordered chemo after doctors removed a small cancerous tumor under his tongue. Daren and Barbara Jensen pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor in a deal that brought no jail time or fines, and went on to lobby for legislation to strengthen the rights of parents. Parker survived without chemotherapy."

My Way News - Police look for Minn. mother, son who fled chemo
wonder why he went for his first treatment then?

Probably thought the doctor actually cared, went in, found out the treatment is worse than the illness and changed their minds.

so this has NOTHING to do with "religious" beliefs as some have argued and the press reported?

anyway the family spokesman just admitted this group is not a "religious" group...and that this group does get conventional medical care when needed.
And this is exactly why families should be able to choose their own medical paths. I rest my fucking case. The government is NOT the ultimate authority and should never be the ultimate authority that determines how we medically treat ourselves or our loved ones.

Then I'm sure that you supported Terri Schiavo's husband's decision to pull the feeding tube.
wonder why he went for his first treatment then?

Probably thought the doctor actually cared, went in, found out the treatment is worse than the illness and changed their minds.

so this has NOTHING to do with "religious" beliefs as some have argued and the press reported?

anyway the family spokesman just admitted this group is not a "religious" group...and that this group does get conventional medical care when needed.

Being against suffering and torture is somehow not effected by religious belief? :eusa_eh:
No, because that isn't treatment, that's murder. #1, Schiavo's husband is likely the one who landed her there, and the rest of her family didn't want the tube pulled. #2, that is action INTENDED to end the life of a patient. It's not an "alternative" method of treating her.
And #3, Terry couldn't speak for herself or participate in the decision making. If that's the case, and you have 10 members of the family saying she wouldn't want it, and one (who is person who tried to kill her) who, along with his gf, say she would....I think I'd go with the majority.
No, because that isn't treatment, that's murder. #1, Schiavo's husband is likely the one who landed her there, and the rest of her family didn't want the tube pulled. #2, that is action INTENDED to end the life of a patient. It's not an "alternative" method of treating her.
Oh, I get it. Marriage means nothing. :rolleyes:
No, because that isn't treatment, that's murder. #1, Schiavo's husband is likely the one who landed her there, and the rest of her family didn't want the tube pulled. #2, that is action INTENDED to end the life of a patient. It's not an "alternative" method of treating her.

How do you say that Schiavo's husband landed her there? She had cardiac arrest due to complications from Bulemia.

And with the Schiavo case, are you saying that the government can FORCE you to keep your loved one alive with artificial means?

Do you disagree with do not resuscitate orders, or hospice, or removing life support? Should the state mandate that these all be performed against a family's wishes?
This woman needs to be put away....

Arrest warrant issued for mother of Daniel Hauser, 13; boy is resisting chemo for treatable cancer

NEW ULM, Minn. - A judge issued an arrest warrant Tuesday for the mother of a 13-year-old boy resisting chemotherapy after she and the boy missed a court hearing on his welfare.

Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg also ordered that Daniel Hauser be placed in a foster home and be sent for an immediate examination by a pediatric oncologist so he can get treated for Hodgkins lymphoma.

"The court's priority at this point is to try to get Daniel Hauser and get him the care he needs," Rodenberg said.

The cancer is considered highly curable with chemotherapy and radiation, but Daniel quit chemo after a single treatment and with his parents opted instead for "alternative medicines," citing religious beliefs. That led authorities to seek custody. Rodenberg last week ruled that Daniel's parents, Colleen and Anthony Hauser, were medically neglecting their son.

The family, of Sleepy Eye, was due in court Tuesday to tell the judge results of a chest X-ray and arrangements for an oncologist. But Daniel's father was the only one who appeared. He told Rodenberg he last saw Colleen Hauser on Monday evening.

"She said she was going to leave," Hauser testified. "She said, 'That's all you need to know.' And that's all I know."

Arrest warrant issued for mother of Daniel Hauser, 13; boy is resisting chemo for treatable cancer
if a hospital can refuse to give certain treatments due to religious reasons, any patients should be able to refuse any treatment due to religous reasons.
This woman needs to be put away....

Arrest warrant issued for mother of Daniel Hauser, 13; boy is resisting chemo for treatable cancer

NEW ULM, Minn. - A judge issued an arrest warrant Tuesday for the mother of a 13-year-old boy resisting chemotherapy after she and the boy missed a court hearing on his welfare.

Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg also ordered that Daniel Hauser be placed in a foster home and be sent for an immediate examination by a pediatric oncologist so he can get treated for Hodgkins lymphoma.

"The court's priority at this point is to try to get Daniel Hauser and get him the care he needs," Rodenberg said.

The cancer is considered highly curable with chemotherapy and radiation, but Daniel quit chemo after a single treatment and with his parents opted instead for "alternative medicines," citing religious beliefs. That led authorities to seek custody. Rodenberg last week ruled that Daniel's parents, Colleen and Anthony Hauser, were medically neglecting their son.

The family, of Sleepy Eye, was due in court Tuesday to tell the judge results of a chest X-ray and arrangements for an oncologist. But Daniel's father was the only one who appeared. He told Rodenberg he last saw Colleen Hauser on Monday evening.

"She said she was going to leave," Hauser testified. "She said, 'That's all you need to know.' And that's all I know."

Arrest warrant issued for mother of Daniel Hauser, 13; boy is resisting chemo for treatable cancer
if a hospital can refuse to give certain treatments due to religious reasons, any patients should be able to refuse any treatment due to religous reasons.

there is no religious reason, it was bogus and made up....

She and her son due to the mother putting the fear in to him, are just afraid of the chemo....maybe that is good enough, I don't think so.
if a hospital can refuse to give certain treatments due to religious reasons, any patients should be able to refuse any treatment due to religous reasons.

there is no religious reason, it was bogus and made up....

She and her son due to the mother putting the fear in to him, are just afraid of the chemo....maybe that is good enough, I don't think so.
the only one i've heard claiming it was for religious reasons were the mom and the child

personally, i dont care what they use as a reason
i still say they have the options to seek out an alternative

on a side note, i think this woman is fucking NUTZ, but i still say she has a right to make that choice
this woman is fucking NUTZ, but i still say she has a right to make that choice

Again I say, we have an obligation as a society to protect that child from his fucking NUTZ mother. :cool:

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN chief medical correspondent, said he had no doubts about what to do.

"My advice would be to treat him, without question," he said. "He has a very, very good chance of surviving, being cured and never having to deal with this again. As a doctor, as a fellow citizen, I would say he should be treated."
Police: Boy, mom in chemo case may be bound for Mexico -
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this woman is fucking NUTZ, but i still say she has a right to make that choice

Again I say, we have an obligation as a society to protect that child from his fucking NUTZ mother. :cool:

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN chief medical correspondent, said he had no doubts about what to do.

"My advice would be to treat him, without question," he said. "He has a very, very good chance of surviving, being cured and never having to deal with this again. As a doctor, as a fellow citizen, I would say he should be treated."
Police: Boy, mom in chemo case may be bound for Mexico -
you can not force treatment
the boy doesnt want it, neither does his mom
And this is exactly why families should be able to choose their own medical paths. I rest my fucking case. The government is NOT the ultimate authority and should never be the ultimate authority that determines how we medically treat ourselves or our loved ones.

Unfortunately, having kids doesn't require an education and some parents are too stupid to know what is best to keep their kids from dying. Someone has to protect those kids who can't fend for themselves.
As I said. This issue is just another argument for taking power away from the majority and placing it in the hands of liberal elitists who think they should have the final say on every choice lesser mortals make.

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