Mothers vs "birthing people"

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The doctor's license should be revoked

Had any of my doctors referred to me as a "birthing person" when I had my children, he would have been summarily ordered out of my room and forbidden from touching me, under threat of charges being filed for battery. I don't tolerate that sort of disrespect, especially when I'm already hormonal from being pregnant.

And I sure as shit wouldn't tolerate it from some paper-pushing medical bureaucrat.
There are trans men who have given birth to their own children. They are fathers, not mothers. They are people who birthed a child.
See? Not so hard to wrap your mind around. And it doesn’t insult you to be called a person. Why should it?
The tweet or post or whatever was awkwardly constructed - but it seems a paranoid stretch to assume this physician intended to insult some mothers and not others. She probably just has a crap communications staff.
There are trans men who have given birth to their own children. They are fathers, not mothers. They are people who birthed a child.
See? Not so hard to wrap your mind around. And it doesn’t insult you to be called a person. Why should it?
The tweet or post or whatever was awkwardly constructed - but it seems a paranoid stretch to assume this physician intended to insult some mothers and not others. She probably just has a crap communications staff.

You failed at trans men being mothers
Ben Shapiro said it well.... no more Mothers Day....instead...

"Happy Birthing Persons' Day to all the egg-producing homo sapiens of unspecified gender who made the decision to bring to term a meaningless cluster of cells!"

Oh Lord.....the craziness has been totally unleashed by the totalitarian Left.

Sad times my friends....:confused:
There are trans men who have given birth to their own children. They are fathers, not mothers. They are people who birthed a child.
See? Not so hard to wrap your mind around. And it doesn’t insult you to be called a person. Why should it?
The tweet or post or whatever was awkwardly constructed - but it seems a paranoid stretch to assume this physician intended to insult some mothers and not others. She probably just has a crap communications staff.

No, dear. If they birthed a child, they are not fathers. They are mothers. Whatever weird things they've done to their bodies doesn't change that fact.

See? Not so hard to wrap your mind around. And it doesn't insult anyone to state biological fact. Facts you don't like are not the same as insults.

If this was a problem with a "crap communications staff", shouldn't she have come out and thrown that staff under the bus?
So let me get this right; there are ejaculating persons and birthing persons...ammirite??

My vote?? XX and XY; the rest are either sad genetic anomolies who may require medical assistance and the others are "mutilated", but still XX or XY.

It's hard to see diversity working out well for America in the long haul at this junction.

I guess if the Right wing stays quiet and docile long enough (50 more years or so?.....likely) then racial dilution will solve the problem....maybe ?
(if there's a world left)
in 50-100years white people should be very rare. Everyone will be a shade of brown.
Shit, fucked up humans will find a way to hate. The "Straight hairs" vs the "Curly Hairs" or some other stupid shit like that.
Humans are fucked up.
Supporters of trump/putin don't care about born children in Ukraine.

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