Movie "Going Clear" Shows Concerns About Our Society


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
If there are an Scientoligists here I would love to hear a debate for the "other" side of it but it may not happen because they aren't supposed to get online, according to the movie.

This movie absolutely proves that large groups in America today know how to and are using Cult style tactics to control people. And one of the biggest signs of a Cult is not allowing outside idea's in. The Cult dies once the person/pepole becomes informed outside of the bubble.

This is important to Politics because in debates today you can post a link from (X) source and the other person will say nothing about the substance inside that link but will discard it immediately as false material. Parties won't spend one second to learn about the other parties. The funny thing is, they all want the same thing and see the same flaws and all have the same common enemy but they are so fixated on each other that they don't see it.
The big note to take away from this is NEVER rely on only one source of information. That is Cult 101.
If there are an Scientoligists here I would love to hear a debate for the "other" side of it but it may not happen because they aren't supposed to get online, according to the movie.

This movie absolutely proves that large groups in America today know how to and are using Cult style tactics to control people. And one of the biggest signs of a Cult is not allowing outside idea's in. The Cult dies once the person/pepole becomes informed outside of the bubble.

This is important to Politics because in debates today you can post a link from (X) source and the other person will say nothing about the substance inside that link but will discard it immediately as false material. Parties won't spend one second to learn about the other parties. The funny thing is, they all want the same thing and see the same flaws and all have the same common enemy but they are so fixated on each other that they don't see it.

Most social groups use the control of information. See it in religions and politics too. Islam with teaching only Qur'an, politics with the so-called conservative bubble they reside in. When you control what members see and hear and learn about, you control their reality. And can in effect create an edited reality they'll use to make decisions.

The psychology at work in people who join cults is actually no different than those who become religious. They're the natural submissives who prefer to be lead and will readily accept whatever leaders tell them. Independent thinkers rarely fall under the sway of charismatic cultists or other group leaders.
If there are an Scientoligists here I would love to hear a debate for the "other" side of it but it may not happen because they aren't supposed to get online, according to the movie.

This movie absolutely proves that large groups in America today know how to and are using Cult style tactics to control people. And one of the biggest signs of a Cult is not allowing outside idea's in. The Cult dies once the person/pepole becomes informed outside of the bubble.

This is important to Politics because in debates today you can post a link from (X) source and the other person will say nothing about the substance inside that link but will discard it immediately as false material. Parties won't spend one second to learn about the other parties. The funny thing is, they all want the same thing and see the same flaws and all have the same common enemy but they are so fixated on each other that they don't see it.

Most social groups use the control of information. See it in religions and politics too. Islam with teaching only Qur'an, politics with the so-called conservative bubble they reside in. When you control what members see and hear and learn about, you control their reality. And can in effect create an edited reality they'll use to make decisions.

The psychology at work in people who join cults is actually no different than those who become religious. They're the natural submissives who prefer to be lead and will readily accept whatever leaders tell them. Independent thinkers rarely fall under the sway of charismatic cultists or other group leaders.

^ That is extremely well put. I struggle in my religion but I know that the New Test Bible was written BY MAN 90 years after Jesus died.

What keeps me there is wondering how the bodies of all creatures were designed so perfectly for their habitat.
Right train wrong track.

You should read The Big Sort. Americans have been dividing for years. We have reached the point where different factions no longer have anything to say to one another nor an inclination to listen either.

Further explanation here

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