Moving back to Poland?

I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
You mean thanks to democrats winning the last election.

If you are such a loser in America that you have to move to Poland, maybe you shouldn’t have voted for trickle down economics. We told you it wouldn’t trickle down on you.

And what will you losers depend on to survive in Poland? Your social security payments. You’re welcome
Let him go maybe he takes a few of the fruit cake tin hat brigade with him.
I just don’t like him spending the money outside the country. Why can’t he move to Alabama or Tennessee? Those are low tax red states right?

My brothers mother in law got social security from Greece. But Greece wouldn't send it to her here in America. They direct deposit it in a Greek bank. So every year she goes to Greece on vacation for two months and it’s all paid for. If she tries to take too much back she’ll have to pay taxes. But she doesn’t get that much.
Not everyone's money is worth having.
I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
You mean thanks to democrats winning the last election.

If you are such a loser in America that you have to move to Poland, maybe you shouldn’t have voted for trickle down economics. We told you it wouldn’t trickle down on you.

And what will you losers depend on to survive in Poland? Your social security payments. You’re welcome
Let him go maybe he takes a few of the fruit cake tin hat brigade with him.
I just don’t like him spending the money outside the country. Why can’t he move to Alabama or Tennessee? Those are low tax red states right?

My brothers mother in law got social security from Greece. But Greece wouldn't send it to her here in America. They direct deposit it in a Greek bank. So every year she goes to Greece on vacation for two months and it’s all paid for. If she tries to take too much back she’ll have to pay taxes. But she doesn’t get that much.

Funny, when you libs talk about leaving, we conservatives were all like, "Bye, have a good life",

but you, you lefties want us to stay. Maybe you should build a wall to keep up in....
I am fine with your moving. Don't let the door hit ya in the ass.
I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
I thought trump made America great again. Isnt it still? What changed other than your party isn’t in power?

No one ever said Trump MADE America great, past tense. It was always a goal.

Why are you being such a jerk?
Leftist ss's have nothing but hate and lies.
We aren’t angry, anymore. We’re in power.

You are still full of hate and lies.

You have convinced yourself that your enemies are all ws or nazis. YOu have your justifications lined up for any atrocity that your leadership wants to commit.

What would you do, if you found out that I was arrested for "hate speech" due to my posts here, and died in prison, after being housed with MS-13 gang members?
I would worry I’m next.

A valid worry. Such regimes do tend to eat their own.

But, thanks for not claiming that you would see my demise as any red flag that you had made a terrible mistake and supported the turning of America into an oppressive hellhole were people are killed for their speech.

It is clear already, your side's agenda and intent.
Just remember what you republicans did to the Dixie chicks for speaking out against the Iraq war.

Then 10 or so years later you Now agree with them and admit they were right and you were wrong? If you don’t, trump did. He admitted it when he was a candidate
Did the Dixie chicks lose their record label contract.
Were' they suspended from Twitter? Banned from Facebook?
Where they stopped from using Go Fund Me?
Poland is probably one of the best countries in the EU to raise a family.
The rest have been destroyed by miass immigration, rising crime, and Islam.
I live in Ireland and this is not true. And the Polish are a big part of this massive immigration.

The major reason that Poles went to the UK was to make more money. Already many are happily returning to Poland.

The same with Ireland, but many have stayed. I know some who went back to Poland and then returned to Ireland.
Poland is probably one of the best countries in the EU to raise a family.
The rest have been destroyed by miass immigration, rising crime, and Islam.
I live in Ireland and this is not true. And the Polish are a big part of this massive immigration.
What's not true??
Just read what I said and think.
So you don't think mass immigration has changed Ireland??
I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
You mean thanks to democrats winning the last election.

If you are such a loser in America that you have to move to Poland, maybe you shouldn’t have voted for trickle down economics. We told you it wouldn’t trickle down on you.

And what will you losers depend on to survive in Poland? Your social security payments. You’re welcome
Hey asshole don't derail threads.
Poland is probably one of the best countries in the EU to raise a family.
The rest have been destroyed by miass immigration, rising crime, and Islam.
I live in Ireland and this is not true. And the Polish are a big part of this massive immigration.

The major reason that Poles went to the UK was to make more money. Already many are happily returning to Poland.

They must have failed

No, Brexit has made living in the UK uncertain for EU nationals and UK citizens are no longer certain they will be allowed to live in the EU. In fact UK citizens in the EU now have to have a visa for stays longer than six months.

You can sort out a visa in half a day in some Embassy.
Free movement is a threat to national security.
Countries should have the right to allow good people come in and bad people kept out.
The bataclan killers were able to travel from Syria to Paris with AK's completely unhindered.

I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just a fact. Brits who bought homes in France or Spain for leisure or retirement aren't sure how this will play out. Uncertainty about how EU and non-EU people will be treated regarding ownership and residency issues could find a satisfactory solution or make things difficult for everyone.

I personally believe that every country should remain sovereign and that the EU needs to focus on building a stronger economic bloc and leave the social issues and choices to each country.

Poland is probably one of the best countries in the EU to raise a family.
The rest have been destroyed by miass immigration, rising crime, and Islam.
I live in Ireland and this is not true. And the Polish are a big part of this massive immigration.

The major reason that Poles went to the UK was to make more money. Already many are happily returning to Poland.

They must have failed

No, Brexit has made living in the UK uncertain for EU nationals and UK citizens are no longer certain they will be allowed to live in the EU. In fact UK citizens in the EU now have to have a visa for stays longer than six months.

You can sort out a visa in half a day in some Embassy.
Free movement is a threat to national security.
Countries should have the right to allow good people come in and bad people kept out.
The bataclan killers were able to travel from Syria to Paris with AK's completely unhindered.

I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just a fact. Brits who bought homes in France or Spain for leisure or retirement aren't sure how this will play out. Uncertainty about how EU and non-EU people will be treated regarding ownership and residency issues could find a satisfactory solution or make things difficult for everyone.

I personally believe that every country should remain sovereign and that the EU needs to focus on building a stronger economic bloc and leave the social issues and choices to each country.


I'm not saying it's wrong, it's just a fact. Brits who bought homes in France or Spain for leisure or retirement aren't sure how this will play out. Uncertainty about how EU and non-EU people will be treated regarding ownership and residency issues could find a satisfactory solution or make things difficult for everyone.

I personally believe that every country should remain sovereign and that the EU needs to focus on building a stronger economic bloc and leave the social issues and choices to each country.

I've never been there, but home town is the Tremendous city of Krakow.

The prices, even in such a supersized city seem reasonable.

Is Poland a chill place for someone who was raised in the tremendous city of Youngstown, USA?

whats is your occupation , are you rich ?
Poland is probably one of the best countries in the EU to raise a family.
The rest have been destroyed by miass immigration, rising crime, and Islam.
I live in Ireland and this is not true. And the Polish are a big part of this massive immigration.
What's not true??
Just read what I said and think.
So you don't think mass immigration has changed Ireland??
It has enriched the culture.
I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
I thought trump made America great again. Isnt it still? What changed other than your party isn’t in power?

No one ever said Trump MADE America great, past tense. It was always a goal.

Why are you being such a jerk?
Leftist ss's have nothing but hate and lies.
We aren’t angry, anymore. We’re in power.
Not angry?
Just talking about droning Trumo supporters, comparing them to ISIS, tsllking about indoctirnating their kids.
Sacking Trump staff and denying them maternity pay.
Deplatforming anyone who backed him.
Destroying businesses who supported him.
Remember trump fired that fbi guy just days before he would have qualified for a pension?

So, instead of denying the evidence of your side's hate, you justify it?

You just admitted the point, that you are full of hate and lies.
Nonsense. I love you now that Democrats are in control. This is right where you should be. Biden MAGA just by winning.

Too late to walk it back now. You were presented with a list of actions of your side's vindictive payback and instead of denying it, you choose to justify it.

That is an admission that your side is still full of hate and lies AND ACTING ON THAT HATE.
I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
I thought trump made America great again. Isnt it still? What changed other than your party isn’t in power?

No one ever said Trump MADE America great, past tense. It was always a goal.

Why are you being such a jerk?
Leftist ss's have nothing but hate and lies.
We aren’t angry, anymore. We’re in power.

You are still full of hate and lies.

You have convinced yourself that your enemies are all ws or nazis. YOu have your justifications lined up for any atrocity that your leadership wants to commit.

What would you do, if you found out that I was arrested for "hate speech" due to my posts here, and died in prison, after being housed with MS-13 gang members?
I would worry I’m next.

A valid worry. Such regimes do tend to eat their own.

But, thanks for not claiming that you would see my demise as any red flag that you had made a terrible mistake and supported the turning of America into an oppressive hellhole were people are killed for their speech.

It is clear already, your side's agenda and intent.
Just remember what you republicans did to the Dixie chicks for speaking out against the Iraq war.

Then 10 or so years later you Now agree with them and admit they were right and you were wrong? If you don’t, trump did. He admitted it when he was a candidate

We criticized them for insulting the country on foreign soil, hardly equal to killing someone.

A better counter example would be, say if evidence came out that Trump really though that he could use the DC riot to take over the nation as a dictator.

If you asked me such a question, my response would have been along the lines of, "I am shocked, and saddened to realize that I was on the wrong side and supported such evil".

YOur response was to worry about it coming back on you. YOu were NOT surprised at the idea that the movement you support would murder me for my speech.
I hear the Polish chicks are gorgeous and like Americans.

By the way, there is a Youtube guy who does a whole series of videos about what it is like for American living in Poland.

It is a sad day when a previous Communist country is a better option for Liberty than the US, thanks to the Democrats stealing our Republic.
I thought trump made America great again. Isnt it still? What changed other than your party isn’t in power?

No one ever said Trump MADE America great, past tense. It was always a goal.

Why are you being such a jerk?
Leftist ss's have nothing but hate and lies.
We aren’t angry, anymore. We’re in power.

You are still full of hate and lies.

You have convinced yourself that your enemies are all ws or nazis. YOu have your justifications lined up for any atrocity that your leadership wants to commit.

What would you do, if you found out that I was arrested for "hate speech" due to my posts here, and died in prison, after being housed with MS-13 gang members?
I would worry I’m next.

A valid worry. Such regimes do tend to eat their own.

But, thanks for not claiming that you would see my demise as any red flag that you had made a terrible mistake and supported the turning of America into an oppressive hellhole were people are killed for their speech.

It is clear already, your side's agenda and intent.
Just remember what you republicans did to the Dixie chicks for speaking out against the Iraq war.

Then 10 or so years later you Now agree with them and admit they were right and you were wrong? If you don’t, trump did. He admitted it when he was a candidate
Did the Dixie chicks lose their record label contract.
Were' they suspended from Twitter? Banned from Facebook?
Where they stopped from using Go Fund Me?

DID THEY FUCKING DIE IN PRISON? (as per my hypothetical that seely had no problem with)
You are no different today. You want to fight a civil war with me to defend a system where the rich get richer and you get crumbs.

You are confused Moon Bat. The Democrats are the ones that fuck things up for Americans.

Under Obama the disparity between the rich and poor grew. In addition poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared with nothing to show for it, the military was weakened, taxes increased, health care cost increased, welfare rolls increased, Wall Street and big corporations got bailouts, millions of Illegals flooded in and there was dismal economy growth.

Under China Joe it will be worse. he is a fucking moron. As bad as that worthless Negro Obama was this clown China Joe will be worse. We never thought that was possible, did we?

You are a frigging moron supporting him, especially after knowing that he stole the election. Shame on you!

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