MP dissects Amazons evil working practices. Clinical.

Of course, none of this is related to the issue at hand which is, should a worker with substandard performance be fired or should the cost of carrying him be passed on to the consumer and increase the cost of living? The Labour MP who in the video clearly favors the latter choice as do Tommy and you.
Placed on a PIP then dumped if no improvement.
You do know that Amazon is owned by a flaming liberal who also owns the Warshington Compost? Are you saying that Liberal/Marxists do bad things to people?

Sure seems to be. Democrats hate brown people, and the poor.

Bozos is a sociopath, so he fits in with Taints quite well.
You see this is what I was meaning by the psychological difference between our countries I cannot imagine anyone here saying that to what I said although just in the last few years we have seen some of them springing up. I have heard people who work in some of these places where you do not even know if you will work the next day and you get no sick pay or holiday. They are the poorest working people in the land but they are now told that they are self employed and just to be able to say that seems to make it all worth it to them. The seemingly higher status seems to make up for everything else to them

For many people it is about getting a job and with Amazon taking over just about all the high street jobs possibly there will not be many more for offer. Your attitude supports the reality that 3 people in the US have as much wealth as half the US, supports the reality that you no longer can look forward to any increase in your standard of living and that your children will not have as good a life as you have. All due to a few obscenely wealthy people taking over your democracy and getting the opportunity for themselves to rule the world.

There is no longer an American Dream. The richest have it all. You know what I think that the reason the UK does understand this more than the US is. It is because we had to fight for our rights before.
I can't imagine working some place with poor working conditions like your people seem to do. I'd find another job; one I enjoy doing. If it ain't fun, don't do it.
I can't imagine working some place with poor working conditions like your people seem to do. I'd find another job; one I enjoy doing. If it ain't fun, don't do it.
We are a different country and work in different ways. We believe that people should have decent working conditions and that is particularly so in Monopolies. We have been through the process of freeing ourselves from unacceptable conditions before and do not want any of our people having to do so now.
We are a different country and work in different ways. We believe that people should have decent working conditions and that is particularly so in Monopolies. We have been through the process of freeing ourselves from unacceptable conditions before and do not want any of our people having to do so now.
I am not complaining about working my working conditions, it seems people in your country are complaining. Life is too short to work where you don’t like to, I refuse to live that life. If I don’t love my job, I will leave. I can do that and I suggest those that dislike their jobs to do the same. Again, life is too short to be misserable.
This guy is an idiot. Amazon is big, but it is in no sense a monopoly.
Oh haven't you heard of him? He is an extremely intelligent man. Not agreeing with his left wing position is your choice but to call him an idiot suggests something else.
I am not complaining about working my working conditions, it seems people in your country are complaining. Life is too short to work where you don’t like to, I refuse to live that life. If I don’t love my job, I will leave. I can do that and I suggest those that dislike their jobs to do the same. Again, life is too short to be misserable.
You believe that everyone has the choice as to the working conditions under which they live and that is not the truth in the US or in the UK. Children used to be put up chimneys. Do you think they wanted that? Do you think that they would not have either developed psychological problems or told people how much they hated this or both. They also used to do dangerous work in factories. Children are the most obvious example. I have read that in the States until very recently white people regardless of social position could always feel they were superior because regardless of the lowest job they could always get a superior position to black people. Perhaps that is why you believe that everyone is able just to get a better job if the conditions they work under are unacceptable. In the UK we went through an extremely long time of working to get working conditions acceptable. Many people lost their lives fighting for the ability to just get sufficient money to survive. Others were sent to Australia.

In Amazon a worker is kept tabs of every second they are working and is not even allowed to take a toilet break. These are the sort of conditions we would only expect slaves to have to live under and that was the inhumanity of the conditions which the Labour MP was talking about. The vast majority of people who work for Amazon do not have sufficient means to become voluntary unemployed and I suspect it is just because of the situation you are used to in the States where white people can always get a better job than black people that you believe that people can just get a better job if they don't like the one they have and that any one who cannot is worth nothing.

We do not have that history in the UK. We all had to work to get decent working conditions. However bit by bit these hard fought for conditions are being taken away. Anyone who does not want that to happen to them would do well to support those who are experiencing this and Amazon is just one example.

White working class people in the US can no longer necessarily get a better job if their working conditions are beyond poor. The American Dream is no more and yet American's continue to believe these myths. That is why in recent years you have had an explosion of white working and middle class people getting into serious difficulties with drink and drugs and a surge in suicide because they also believe they ought to be able to change things but they can't. They blame it on themselves believing themselves to be the lowest of the low. Hardly surprising drink, drugs and suicide are the only options they see available. If there were some form of support for them this would not be necessary.
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You believe that everyone has the choice as to the working conditions under which they live and that is not the truth in the US or in the UK. Children used to be put up chimneys. Do you think they wanted that? Do you think that they would not have either developed psychological problems or told people how much they hated this or both. They also used to do dangerous work in factories. Children are the most obvious example. I have read that in the States until very recently white people regardless of social position could always feel they were superior because regardless of the lowest job they could always get a superior position to black people. Perhaps that is why you believe that everyone is able just to get a better job if the conditions they work under are unacceptable. In the UK we went through an extremely long time of working to get working conditions acceptable. Many people lost their lives fighting for the ability to just get sufficient money to survive. Others were sent to Australia.

In Amazon a worker is kept tabs of every second they are working and is not even allowed to take a toilet break. These are the sort of conditions we would only expect slaves to have to live under and that was the inhumanity of the conditions which the Labour MP was talking about. The vast majority of people who work for Amazon do not have sufficient means to become voluntary unemployed and I suspect it is just because of the situation you are used to in the States where white people can always get a better job than black people that you believe that people can just get a better job if they don't like the one they have and that any one who cannot is worth nothing.

We do not have that history in the UK. We all had to work to get decent working conditions. However bit by bit these hard fought for conditions are being taken away. Anyone who does not want that to happen to them would do well to support those who are experiencing this and Amazon is just one example.

White working class people in the US can no longer necessarily get a better job if their working conditions are beyond poor. The American Dream is no more and yet American's continue to believe these myths. That is why in recent years you have had an explosion of white working and middle class people getting into serious difficulties with drink and drugs and a surge in suicide because they also believe they ought to be able to change things but they can't. They blame it on themselves believing themselves to be the lowest of the low. Hardly surprising drink, drugs and suicide are the only options they see available. If there were some form of support for them this would not be necessary.
So now I am a racist. This to me effectively ends my conversation.

I live in a country with virtually no unemployment, there are truck driving jobs that pay six figure incomes that aren’t being filled. My employer has several job openings that pay very well and we can’t get people. My employer treats us all very well, regardless of skin color, if I didn’t like it I’d leave. McDonald’s employees are starting at $18 an hour because they can’t keep employees, they also offer to help students pay for college, the opportunity is there, Starbucks offers the same.

Amazon is right down the road from us and can’t keep employees, the are a burn and churn company, they exist, however the turnover rate there shows people have choice and move on, rapidly.

My daughter’s husband has no trouble finding work and left a job that paid less and got the same job at another company doing the same thing, for $8 an hour more and he is black.

I feel sorry for people like yourself.
Anyone else find it odd that Tainted Tommy, who very obviously is not gainfully employed, and very likely never has been; is purporting to be such an advocate for workers?

As someone who really is an honest worker, I completely reject Tainted Tommy as having any standing to speak for me, or for any other workers.
Anyone else find it odd that Tainted Tommy, who very obviously is not gainfully employed, and very likely never has been; is purporting to be such an advocate for workers?

As someone who really is an honest worker, I completely reject Tainted Tommy as having any standing to speak for me, or for any other workers.
You could engage with the thread rather than take potshots at me.
If you had the ability of course.
Sounds absolutely reasonable to me. They expect a certain amount of work to get done in a shift. If it’s not getting done, there’s a problem. Every employer does this to some degree or another. Amazon is just more efficient at it than most companies.

My Supervisor sends out reports every month tracking how long (in days) we took to get different types of work done in the previous month; both as a department and individually. There are expected standards and stretch goals. We’re closer to the stretch goal (better than required) almost every month. Customer Service Reps in our Call Center have every second of their time away from their desks tracked and can be disciplined if it’s excessive.
Anyone else find it odd that @Tainted Tommy, who very obviously is not gainfully employed, and very likely never has been; is purporting to be such an advocate for workers?
You could engage with the thread rather than take potshots at me.
If you had the ability of course.

Am I incorrect about your lack of gainful employment?

If so, then what is your job? From lofty profession do you arrogantly look down on me for my profession?

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
So now I am a racist. This to me effectively ends my conversation.

I live in a country with virtually no unemployment, there are truck driving jobs that pay six figure incomes that aren’t being filled. My employer has several job openings that pay very well and we can’t get people. My employer treats us all very well, regardless of skin color, if I didn’t like it I’d leave. McDonald’s employees are starting at $18 an hour because they can’t keep employees, they also offer to help students pay for college, the opportunity is there, Starbucks offers the same.

Amazon is right down the road from us and can’t keep employees, the are a burn and churn company, they exist, however the turnover rate there shows people have choice and move on, rapidly.

My daughter’s husband has no trouble finding work and left a job that paid less and got the same job at another company doing the same thing, for $8 an hour more and he is black.

I feel sorry for people like yourself.
I am not saying you are a racist. I am saying what is the reality in your country. Up until now even the poorest paid white person knew that he would be getting more than the poorest paid black person. Like it or not racism is built into the US....and I am saying that because that is what I have been hearing from experts on fascism...but I was not saying you yourself are a racist. Looking at it again I don't think that any objective reading would see what I wrote as you being racist so that was obviously just a bait from you.

There may be jobs for all but just because you have things cushy does not mean that is the case for everyone else. I have been watching a documentary of those in the States who with their families are working but do not have a residence as they are not paid enough to pay for a home. They do not seem to be able to find a cushy job like yours and none of them are 'the undeserving poor'. Since 2008 there has apparently been a massive drive by the 0.1% to increase their profits. I will tell you a couple of situations. One is a young single Mum of three children. She is black. She had previously had a cushy job like yourself but suddenly the owner decided to close and that was her cushy job gone but she still had to provide for her family. She moved to where she was told there were jobs. She lives in a motel. Her mother is also there and they all live and sleep in one room. Her Mum looks after the children most of the time because in order to get sufficient money to scrape by this young woman has to work 2 full time jobs. One is in McDonalds and another in a similar place. She spends as much time as she can with the children and gets very little sleep till she has to go back to work....and you are supposed to be the richest country in the world.

Thias next one is like Amazon. It illustrates how the US is moving to serfdom. I remember when studying politics being told that a country which does not allow Unions is not a Democracy.

In this one we have one of your electricity Companies. They want to make some more money. Having had all the real increase in wealth since the 80's they clearly have decided that is not enough for them. They have their factory or whatever in a State which has Unions and their workers are part of a Union so they decide to move their entire business to some other State, make all the workers in this State redundant and hire workers in the other state AT HALF THE PAY THEY ARE GIVING NOW.

When people only care for themselves this is the kind of situation they allow to grow. One day you may find you need to face it. I wonder will there be anyone to help you. I take it you know the 'first they came for' the socialists, the trade Unionists, the Jews and then him


That was written the last time we were in fascism. There certainly are similarities happening already.
I am not saying you are a racist. I am saying what is the reality in your country. Up until now even the poorest paid white person knew that he would be getting more than the poorest paid black person. Like it or not racism is built into the US.

More ignorant bullshit from someone who has no usable knowledge of the United States, and no standing to speak of anything to do with the United States.

Mind your own business, and worry about the goings on in your own degenerate shithole of a country. We, in a far superior country to yours, on the opposite side of the world from you, have no use for your counsel. The whole point on which our country was founded was to not be the same kind of shithole that your country is.

You and your countrymen have no wisdom to offer us, other than to show us how not to run a truly civilized nation.

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