Mr. Kerry:"why was it important to underscore "not a broader failure of policy"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
On May 21, John Kerry will have to explain why it was important to blame a video ...

The move comes in the wake of new, "smoking gun" emails that show top White House officials working to craft a narrative that the attack was the result of a YouTube video and "not a broader failure of policy."
From Ben Rhodes Memo Friday, September 14, 2012


* To convey that the United States is doing everything that we can to protect our people and facilities abroad.

* To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;

* To show that we will be resolute in bringing people who harm americans to justice, and standing steadfast through these protests'

* To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.

Oh by the way Mr. Rhodes who WORKS for the administration, paid by our tax dollars ALSO is the brother of David president of CBS News.
ANY wonder Sharyl Attkisson former employee CBS News, was thwarted in getting more information regarding Benghazi???
dimocrap scum will refuse to engage.

1) Ignore it and hope it goes away

2) Lie about it if it doesn't go away. Lie, get the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to lie, get all your toadies and knob-slurping sycophants to lie byt giving them talking points through OFA, DailyKooks, dummieunderground, moveon.borg, etc. And obfuscate, confuse and mix up the issue. Same as lying, really

3) If those two don't derail the discussion..... Attack. Hit hard, lie about the accuser, call names, make shit up, try to put the accuser on the defensive.

John the traitor Kerry was called to appear before a House Committee for a reason.

I suspect we won't know much until 3 weeks from now.

But to subpoena a sitting Sec State? That's a Big Deal
Boehner is giving serious thought to a Select Committee.

Are the gloves coming off?

Update: Boehner to Form Select Committee on Benghazi | The Weekly Standard

Hokay...... I guess, between the time I saw it and the time it took me to bring it here, Boehner made his mind up. There WILL be a Select Committee

uh-oh, dimocraps. Better hide the incriminating evidence. Select Committees have a LOT of power


House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is announcing today that he intends for the House to vote to create a new select committee to investigate the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. He released the following statement: -
See more at: Boehner to Establish Select Committee on Benghazi |
Our resident dims haven't received their marching orders and talking points from OFA, DailyKooks or moveon.borg yet.

As soon as the pheromone-born alert reaches them and they tune their antennae toward the hive-mind that controls them, they'll be in here, lying, denying and obfuscating.

And when that doesn't work, they'll attack!!

Wait! I think I see one coming...!!

You guys aren't going to accept what has to says no matter what he says, so what difference, at this point, does it make?
You guys aren't going to accept what has to says no matter what he says, so what difference, at this point, does it make?

Good point.

So let's bring on the Special Prosecutor and start sending dimocrap scum to Prison.

I'll accept that
You guys aren't going to accept what has to says no matter what he says, so what difference, at this point, does it make?

The smoking gun is this:
From the memo one of the goals:
"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;"

Kerry will have to explain with 60 days till re-election why was it important to show it was "not a broader failure of policy"?

Pretty obvious to EVERYONE that for an administration that was downplaying terrorism as diminished would another terrorist
attack on 9/11 killing Americans not show a policy failure?
Our resident dims haven't received their marching orders and talking points from OFA, DailyKooks or moveon.borg yet.

Ah but I see the lockstep righties have gotten theirs this morning :rolleyes:

Hey... is there any reason Kerry can explain why it was important to blame an Internet Video 60 days before re-election?

It is very sad that human lives were considered less important then allowing the truth about Obama's ineptness be known at least 60 days before
You guys aren't going to accept what has to says no matter what he says, so what difference, at this point, does it make?

Because we don’t accept being lied to and covering up incompetence in order to influence an election. The sad part is that so many on the left seem to willingly accept that the government changes facts to suit public image during an election. It is pathetic.
You guys aren't going to accept what has to says no matter what he says, so what difference, at this point, does it make?

The smoking gun is this:
From the memo one of the goals:
"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;"

Kerry will have to explain with 60 days till re-election why was it important to show it was "not a broader failure of policy"?

Pretty obvious to EVERYONE that for an administration that was downplaying terrorism as diminished would another terrorist
attack on 9/11 killing Americans not show a policy failure?

Well since the protest were rooted in that video, or rather news of that video whats' the problem? They were prepping her for talks shows that were about the unrest in the Middle East. Or, are you saying the Protest throughout the ME that week were not due to the news of that video on the internet?

Ya'lls smoking gun looks more like a wet cap gun!
Our resident dims haven't received their marching orders and talking points from OFA, DailyKooks or moveon.borg yet.

Ah but I see the lockstep righties have gotten theirs this morning :rolleyes:

Hey... is there any reason Kerry can explain why it was important to blame an Internet Video 60 days before re-election?

It is very sad that human lives were considered less important then allowing the truth about Obama's ineptness be known at least 60 days before

Obviously to remind people that the riots and protest throughout the ME were about news of that video and to try and combat the Republicans who were already turning the tragedy in Benghazi in to a political attack on the President?

Why did Muslim riot then? Did someone publish more cartoons or something?

What is sad was that Romney's attack started before the event was over. Americans should never forgive him for that.
Ah but I see the lockstep righties have gotten theirs this morning :rolleyes:

Hey... is there any reason Kerry can explain why it was important to blame an Internet Video 60 days before re-election?

It is very sad that human lives were considered less important then allowing the truth about Obama's ineptness be known at least 60 days before

Obviously to remind people that the riots and protest throughout the ME were about news of that video and to try and combat the Republicans who were already turning the tragedy in Benghazi in to a political attack on the President?

Why did Muslim riot then? Did someone publish more cartoons or something?

What is sad was that Romney's attack started before the event was over. Americans should never forgive him for that.

you're regurgitating a lie

it's comical!!

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