Mr Magoo wins South Carolina

Biden cheated, just like Hillary.

Your being sarcastic.

Doubt it and Gipper can not handle the idea Sanders is not popular in the South...
I really can’t handle it. My head is about to explode.

Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.

Super Tuesday will kill Biden bid but it will also make it clear Sanders will not have the Delegates to win the nomination and the Super Delegates will nominate the candidate...
Biden cheated, just like Hillary.

Your being sarcastic.

Doubt it and Gipper can not handle the idea Sanders is not popular in the South...
I really can’t handle it. My head is about to explode.

Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.

Super Tuesday will kill Biden bid but it will also make it clear Sanders will not have the Delegates to win the nomination and the Super Delegates will nominate the candidate...
Thank you, but your post has nothing to do with what I posted.
Biden cheated, just like Hillary.

Your being sarcastic.

Doubt it and Gipper can not handle the idea Sanders is not popular in the South...
I really can’t handle it. My head is about to explode.

Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.

Super Tuesday will kill Biden bid but it will also make it clear Sanders will not have the Delegates to win the nomination and the Super Delegates will nominate the candidate...
Thank you, but your post has nothing to do with what I posted.

Yes it did because you claimed Biden cheated and I said he did not in my response, so stop lying and being a Sanders nutter that believe Sanders is being cheated again!
Your being sarcastic.

Doubt it and Gipper can not handle the idea Sanders is not popular in the South...
I really can’t handle it. My head is about to explode.

Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.

Super Tuesday will kill Biden bid but it will also make it clear Sanders will not have the Delegates to win the nomination and the Super Delegates will nominate the candidate...
Thank you, but your post has nothing to do with what I posted.

Yes it did because you claimed Biden cheated and I said he did not in my response, so stop lying and being a Sanders nutter that believe Sanders is being cheated again!
Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

I wouldn't count on that. Biden won one state. Bernie is leading in all the Super Tuesday states right now.

The big loser is probably Mike Bloomberg, as he is no longer the viable alternative to Biden, who has some new life.

I'm fine with either one of them as the nominee.
The gaff machine took S Carolina with an impressive victory.

But the next state California is looney leftist liberal land.

My prediction is commie Bernie will win that state by a landslide. ..:cool:

Little girls across America be very afraid. :shok:


I wonder how many million dead skin cells flaked off on her from Biden?
Doubt it and Gipper can not handle the idea Sanders is not popular in the South...
I really can’t handle it. My head is about to explode.

Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.

Super Tuesday will kill Biden bid but it will also make it clear Sanders will not have the Delegates to win the nomination and the Super Delegates will nominate the candidate...
Thank you, but your post has nothing to do with what I posted.

Yes it did because you claimed Biden cheated and I said he did not in my response, so stop lying and being a Sanders nutter that believe Sanders is being cheated again!

I know...

It is hilarious to me that so many Sanders lovers think their old gimpy white man is being cheated when in reality Sanders is not even a Democrat...

The party can just say no and run whomever they want and Sanders voter can cry but nothing really says the party must accept Sanders as their nominee especially if he fails to get 1991...

So no, Biden did not cheat but alas you will say he did and we will flame each other until I just fall asleep from boredom as usual...
Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

I wouldn't count on that. Biden won one state. Bernie is leading in all the Super Tuesday states right now.

The big loser is probably Mike Bloomberg, as he is no longer the viable alternative to Biden, who has some new life.

I'm fine with either one of them as the nominee.

Being fine with either Bernie or Biden ---- ---- kinda like being fine with either vomiting or diarrhea.
I really can’t handle it. My head is about to explode.

Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.

Super Tuesday will kill Biden bid but it will also make it clear Sanders will not have the Delegates to win the nomination and the Super Delegates will nominate the candidate...
Thank you, but your post has nothing to do with what I posted.

Yes it did because you claimed Biden cheated and I said he did not in my response, so stop lying and being a Sanders nutter that believe Sanders is being cheated again!

I know...

It is hilarious to me that so many Sanders lovers think their old gimpy white man is being cheated when in reality Sanders is not even a Democrat...

The party can just say no and run whomever they want and Sanders voter can cry but nothing really says the party must accept Sanders as their nominee especially if he fails to get 1991...

So no, Biden did not cheat but alas you will say he did and we will flame each other until I just fall asleep from boredom as usual...
Ummm, I would ask which head but I really do not want to know but will leave you with this advice that if it is the one that most of us men think with then a good Asian Massage Parlor with a happy ending will help you...

Now, Biden did not cheat and Sanders hit a wall which I believe he will hit in most if not all of the Southern and Midwest States...

I wouldn't count on that. Biden won one state. Bernie is leading in all the Super Tuesday states right now.

The big loser is probably Mike Bloomberg, as he is no longer the viable alternative to Biden, who has some new life.

I'm fine with either one of them as the nominee.

Being fine with either Bernie or Biden ---- ---- kinda like being fine with either vomiting or diarrhea.

Joe would be fine with Trump if Trump would switch back to a Democrat...

The political party is all that matters to Joe and not the political stances or reality that Sanders Agenda would kill the U.S. economy and starve the American Population...
I know...

It is hilarious to me that so many Sanders lovers think their old gimpy white man is being cheated when in reality Sanders is not even a Democrat...

The party can just say no and run whomever they want and Sanders voter can cry but nothing really says the party must accept Sanders as their nominee especially if he fails to get 1991...

So no, Biden did not cheat but alas you will say he did and we will flame each other until I just fall asleep from boredom as usual...

If Sanders gets the most elected delegates, he should get the nomination, period.

Using superdelegates to ignore your voters is just a bad idea.
Joe would be fine with Trump if Trump would switch back to a Democrat...

The political party is all that matters to Joe and not the political stances or reality that Sanders Agenda would kill the U.S. economy and starve the American Population...

Yawn, guy, you are going into hysterics.

Here's the thing, from 1980 to 2008, I voted for the Republican candidate for President.

I probably would have voted for the REpublican in 2012 if the GOP didn't let the Mormon Cult hijack their party.

If the GOP hadn't let Trump be the nominee in 2016, I probably would have voted for whatever not Hillary they put up.

I don't like Bernie, but if it's a choice between him and Trump, then it's an easy call.
Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.
I don't understand why. Sanders is a socialist (it is how he called himself, right?) and proposes such stuff as free education and medical service. Shouldn't these things be greeted especially by the Black community?
Sanders is not very popular amongst the Black community and Biden win was not surprising except the margin of the win.
I don't understand why. Sanders is a socialist (it is how he called himself, right?) and proposes such stuff as free education and medical service. Shouldn't these things be greeted especially by the Black community?

Nothing is free in life and Blacks know when a conman is conning them...

The free education and debt relief will be on the backs of the taxpayer and not just the wealthy but also the middle class that many blacks live in.

They know their taxes will increase under such plan by Sanders and understand his promise to tax only certain groups is hogwash.

Free Healthcare is still being paid by the taxpayer which again will hit the Black community hard while being given poorly managed healthcare that will look like the VA on steroids.

Then the green deal that will raise gas taxes and personal taxes again along with taxes on groceries and cost on groceries and now you see why the Southern Black will be against a man like Sanders who owns three homes, flies in jets and drives expensive vehicles...
A Biden-Warren alliance might stop Sanders.
Lie-a-watha Warren would be a detriment to Biden, not a help. She is just as radical as Bernie, and would drive many of Biden's moderate voter base away. ... :cool:

I have to agree because Biden could die in office and then Warren is President and that is as scary as when McCain took Palin...

No damn way Biden takes Warren...

Senator Amy yes but Warren no and Warren does not help him Geographically either...

Might as well take Sanders as VP instead...
Biden needs to unite all the non-Communist non-Sanders elements of the Democrat Party.

He faces problems, for example: 1) Such unity may not be possible at this point. 2) Warren is kind of goofy.
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LOL Did you see his wife run up and whisper something to Ol Joe just before he starting giving his victory speech? Maybe something like "You are Joe Biden, you are in SOUTH Carolina, Corn Pop isn't real".

Jill also promised him a hand job for coming in 1st for a change.
Biden winning yesterday just shows how fucking dumb Negroes can be at the voting booth.

What kind of an idiot would actually come to the conclusion that an asshole demented shithead like Creepy Joe should be President? Only a dumbass Negro with an IQ of 41. SC must be full of them.
The gaff machine took S Carolina with an impressive victory.

But the next state California is looney leftist liberal land.

My prediction is commie Bernie will win that state by a landslide. ..:cool:
/——/Breaking News: Buttplug drop out. Now Dems have to choose between a billionaire, a millionaire and a Squaw.

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