Mr Magoo wins South Carolina

MaGoo is the fantasy candidate of the D party. Imagine a guy who will do anything he is told. He'll do it to keep his criminal past hidden. The American worker, the middle class and the taxpayer will be the big losers if MaGoo gets elected.
The gaff machine took S Carolina with an impressive victory.

But the next state California is looney leftist liberal land.

My prediction is commie Bernie will win that state by a landslide. ..:cool:

Little girls across America be very afraid. :shok:

But Groping Joe apparently won in SC because black people trust him!!!
How about Biden (endorsed by Klobuchar and Buttjoy and Beto and maybe even Obama) in the sane lane and Warren and Sanders fighting it out in the crazy lane?

Or should we let one of America's major parties go to Hell?
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