Mr. & Mrs. Illegal,Please Be Polite Guests...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
As the Illegals backed by the shallow Leftist "Community Organizers" gather for their "protests",i would just like to make a sincere plea to them...

Please call off your protests. This is an incredibly generous nation full of very generous people and i feel that we have shown that we care about you far more than your own Mexican Government does. Painting swastikas on businesses and calling Americans "Racists" is rightfully being interpreted by many Americans as being a big slap in the face. That is not how polite guests are supposed to behave. You are guests in our country and i think many of your people have forgotten this. So before you wave that Mexican Flag and call Americans "Racists" please think for a second about whether or not that is how a polite guest should behave. Please just respect and obey our Laws and stop calling Americans "Evil Racists." I know the Leftists are encouraging this behavior,but i assure you that most Americans are actually appalled by this. We may be quiet but we do have a voice. So please reconsider your plans to protest. I sincerely thank you.
All countries on this Earth make their own Laws. These laws should be respected & obeyed by guests in those countries. The Illegals are guests here in our country and should not be making demands and labelling Americans "Evil Racists." That is certainly not polite behavior on their part. I think many Americans feel the same way i do on this issue.
As the Illegals backed by the shallow Leftist "Community Organizers" gather for their "protests",i would just like to make a sincere plea to them...

Please call off your protests. This is an incredibly generous nation full of very generous people and i feel that we have shown that we care about you far more than your own Mexican Government does. Painting swastikas on businesses and calling Americans "Racists" is rightfully being interpreted by many Americans as being a big slap in the face. That is not how polite guests are supposed to behave. You are guests in our country and i think many of your people have forgotten this. So before you wave that Mexican Flag and call Americans "Racists" please think for a second about whether or not that is how a polite guest should behave. Please just respect and obey our Laws and stop calling Americans "Evil Racists." I know the Leftists are encouraging this behavior,but i assure you that most Americans are actually appalled by this. We may be quiet but we do have a voice. So please reconsider your plans to protest. I sincerely thank you.
I took the liberty of using Google Translate for ya:

Por favor, llamad a vuestros protestas. Este es un país increíblemente generoso lleno de gente muy generosa y me siento que hemos demostrado que nos preocupamos por usted mucho más que su propio Gobierno mexicano lo hace. Pintura esvásticas sobre las empresas y los americanos llaman "racistas" que es legítimamente ser interpretada por muchos estadounidenses como una gran bofetada en la cara. No es así como cortés invitados se supone que se comportan. Usted está huéspedes en nuestro país y creo que muchos de nuestro pueblo han olvidado de esto. Así que antes de onda que México Bandera y los americanos llaman "racistas" por favor, piense por un segundo acerca de si o no que es como un huésped educado debe comportarse. Por favor deja de respetar y obedecer nuestras leyes y dejar de llamar a los estadounidenses "Los racistas mal". Sé que los izquierdistas son alentadores este comportamiento, pero le aseguro que la mayoría de los estadounidenses están realmente consternados por esto. Podemos estar tranquilos, pero sí tenemos una voz. Así que por favor reconsidere sus planes de protesta. Le agradezco sinceramente.
I want to make it clear that i'm not blaming all Illegals. Many Illegals are not participating in such awful behavior. The ones that are participating in that awful behavior are the ones being used by the usual suspect Leftist "Community Organizer" cretins. Make no mistake about it,it is the radical Leftist "Community Organizer" cretins who are organizing these "protests." Shallow Race-Baiting is in their DNA. They are pulling all the the strings with this stuff. Illegals are guests in our nation and it looks like many of them have forgotten this. Now they're making demands and are actually labelling good American Citizens "Racists?" How dare they. Our nation has treated them far better than their own corrupt Mexican Government has. These 'protests" are a real slap in the face in my opinion. This is not how guests are supposed to behave.
When did they forget that they were guests in our country? It's something to ponder.
Right after it was drilled in to them that they have a right to be here

Good point. The usual suspects on the Left have used them for years. They have tried to make this a "Civil Rights" issue like they do with everything. It's all about those "Evil Racists" with them. Many of the Illegals now have this mentality. They are and always have been guests in our country. Unfortunately it's pretty clear that many of them have forgotten this.
Illegal aliens are guests? Guests in our country? I perfer to call them what they really are: Criminals. I would like to see them all politely leave our country and soon.
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You forgot to add that among the organizers are the spanish media. This is not about the AZ bill - it's about demands for amnesty.
Go figure? You go into a foreign nation illegally,call their people "Evil Racists",and then tell them which Laws are acceptable or not acceptable. Is it just me or does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? What other nation on Earth allows their Illegals to dictate what Laws will be passed or not passed? I know Mexico does not allow that. The Illegal Aliens now have more power than actual American Citizens. Did you ever think you would live to see this day? I don't blame the Illegals for this though. I blame the despicable Leftist "Community Organizer" Democrat cretins. They're using this kind of stuff for political gain as usual. It's the old Divide & Conquer strategy. They have forced the Illegals into becoming incredibly rude guests. It's very sad.
Another example of a winger echo chamber fostering hate and fear.
Ya'll have fun playing with each other?
Anyone of you wingers ever consider discussing solutions?
If someone moves into my home, without my permission, that person is not a 'guest', they are a criminal. These 'guests' were not invited into our country, they are not welcome. They can fuck off back to whatever country they come from. If they want to come here, they can ask permission like others do.

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