Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller - POLITICO
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

he can't fire him, moron. he has to have someone ELSE fire him.

and like nixon, he'll have to find a loser like bork.

you should probably look at the mandate... and learn the rules surrounding the appointment.

not that you're smart enough to understand

Why do you think that? On this point you are dead wrong.

If Rothenstein doesn't fire him, Trump can fire Rothenstein and then fire Mueller, or simply revoke the special counsel rules.

Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

he can't fire him, moron. he has to have someone ELSE fire him.

and like nixon, he'll have to find a loser like bork.

you should probably look at the mandate... and learn the rules surrounding the appointment.

not that you're smart enough to understand

Why do you think that? On this point you are dead wrong.

If Rothenstein doesn't fire him, Trump can fire Rothenstein and then fire Mueller, or simply revoke the special counsel rules.


I'm sorry! I don't have a cute meme for "witch hunt" or "fishing expedition".
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller - POLITICO

congress- as a whole- will grow balls. they are already trying to pass stronger sanctions & strengthen the ability to oerride any veto the orange diaper baby may try to do.

& those compounds will remain vacant. if congress has their way.
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well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

he can't fire him, moron. he has to have someone ELSE fire him.

and like nixon, he'll have to find a loser like bork.

you should probably look at the mandate... and learn the rules surrounding the appointment.

not that you're smart enough to understand

Why do you think that? On this point you are dead wrong.

If Rothenstein doesn't fire him, Trump can fire Rothenstein and then fire Mueller, or simply revoke the special counsel rules.


I'm sorry! I don't have a cute meme for "witch hunt" or "fishing expedition".

that's because drumpf supporters... like their dear leader... are failures. :itsok:
he can't directly. he has to go thru hoops to do it.

exactly how is that going to help him in any way shape or form.

the smell of nixon is already hanging heavy in the air.

The only reason you smell Nixon is because you have your head up your own backside.

nixon was from your party. as crooked as HE was- he wasn't a traitorous bastard like the walking mango.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

If Mueller goes after Trump's personal finances, and exceeds the scope of his investigation of the Russian influence on the election, he should be fired.

You do know that the Clinton investigation wasn't about a blow job, right? be fair...I was pissed at Comey's handling of stuff pre-election, but I didn't question either his competence or motivations - I wouldn't have fired him. He demonstrated amply that he was non-partisan.

So now you all hate Mueller. Will anyone be allowed to investigate Trump ... other than close family and trusted supporters? :lol:

Sigh, catch up already, I couldn't care less about Mueller. It's all political theatre and it's tiresome.

Come 2020 Trump will be POTUS, I doubt he'll run again and it will be Pence vs whoever you loons pick

I simply want it investigated, and assurances that there is a plan in place to prevent future Russian meddling in our elections. If it's found that crimes were committed, then that to should be investigated and dealt with.

Seems to me any good American would want that.

As long as it's an investigation and not a witch hunt and to be honest the air is ripe with the smell of one...and desperation

A with Clinton?

Does that particular smell of desperation bother you as well?

PS - I may not be a "deplorable" but I'm a "nasty women" ;)
Witch hunts are GOP congressional "investigations" like Hillary and Whitewater...

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

he can't fire him, moron. he has to have someone ELSE fire him.

and like nixon, he'll have to find a loser like bork.

you should probably look at the mandate... and learn the rules surrounding the appointment.

not that you're smart enough to understand

Why do you think that? On this point you are dead wrong.

If Rothenstein doesn't fire him, Trump can fire Rothenstein and then fire Mueller, or simply revoke the special counsel rules.


I'm sorry! I don't have a cute meme for "witch hunt" or "fishing expedition".
Best way to catch fish is to put a hook in the water
If you don't try to fish, you are unlikely to catch any

Word is there are tons of fish in Lake Trump
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

If Mueller goes after Trump's personal finances, and exceeds the scope of his investigation of the Russian influence on the election, he should be fired.

You do know that the Clinton investigation wasn't about a blow job, right?
LOL keep telling yourself that
Also tell us how it wasn't politically motivated
Years and years (and millions of taxpayer dollars) of investigating the Clinton's and all you got was a lousy blow job. That is the epitome of a witch hunt.

What's going on now is an investigation.
Years and years (and millions of taxpayer dollars) of investigating the Clinton's and all you got was a lousy blow job. That is the epitome of a witch hunt.

What's going on now is an investigation.
Let's finish ONE investigation and see the findings before Republicans declare a witch hunt
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

What a delusional OP!
One, a minority of Americans gave Trump their support and since then, fewer Americans support him.
And, the biggest enemy you goose-stepping, easily manipulated Trumpsters have, is Donald Trump, himself.
Everyone with common sense knows this is a witch hunt

Time to shut the shitshow down

Coincidentally every person who ever saw Trump as anything but being a god has been conducting "witch hunts".

Either that, or its an oversed excuse that's been applied too much in the past to mean anything now.
Part of it is the selected outrage

Here is a great representation of leftists and their pawns in the media chasing "muh Russians "


Although this is a funny clip to pretend the Russian connections don't exit even after they admit it is another level of support that doesn't make sense.

Why should we worry about the current witch hunt..............The Liberals, MSM, Establishment, and Never Trumpers are losing at every turn.

The left said we should take Obama's Supreme Court pick or we'd get a worse choice under Hillary...........Hillary Lost and Trump got the pick......They lost on both accounts.

They challenged the travel ban in court...............went to the Supreme Court...............and they lost again............

They held up the Keystone pipeline for almost the entire Presidency of's now being completed.......they lose again........

The VA under Trump......vouchers continue.....legislation passed to allow easier firing of incompetent employees.........and they are cleaning house there.......up to 546 fired under Trump...........

Shake up in all executive branches as they are cleaning house in other agencies as well...........

Ended Michele Obama's Food Program...................the program that kids wouldn't eat.........

Trump versus Hillary or the GOP candidates on the TPP.....................He ended the TPP while the others would have screwed us and had promised to enact it.

Trump's promise on cutting regulations...............Least amount of regulations under any president for a very long time......More regulations cut than a president for a very long time...............He created the 2 for 1 rule.........for every new rule 2 must be eliminated.........but that didn't work out..........they have cut 16 for every new regulation...............Promises being fulfilled...............

Paris Accord...................dead in the water......

Obama's War against Coal.............dead in the water.........

Obama's wimp ass ROE's............dead in the water........

Obama versus Trump red line in the sand...................Obama made himself look like a fool.........Trump hit their asses as soon as they used them again..........The deal Obama made wasn't worth the paper it was written on..........

ICE rules are NOW BEING ENFORCED................completely...........the CATCH AND RELEASE program under Obama is LOSE AGAIN........

Most of Obama's executive orders have been put through the shredder...............poor things.................

Your side is LOSING...............and after over 9 months of investigations you have not brought forward 1 piece of evidence to proof ANY CRIME was committed by Trump..............yet you keep going..........BECAUSE YOU CAN'T STAND THE AGENDA OF TRUMP............can't stand that the TPP is dead....
TOO DAMNED BAD.................

If there's so much winning, why do you deplorables continue to be fixated on Hilary and Obama. If Russia is a nothing burger, why is Trump so hostile? Why is he asking about pardons for a nothing burger?

Why are deplorables complaining about democrats when Republicans run the three branches of government.

You can't say there's no evidence because the investigation isn't over and the public will not have access to that information until it's over.

All I'm saying is for a group of people who are supposedly winning, there's a lot of whining and hostility.
The only reason Hillary isn't in Prison is because they owned the DOJ............

The left started the Deplorable we are just saying we don't really give a fuck...........

After 9 months...........NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.............Comey said as much under oath..............

Perhaps the left needs to shit or get off the pot...............viable evidence is coming...........oh we have it now...........countdown to COMEY TESTIMONEY..........

You guys are a laughing stock.................and you look like a bunch of IDIOTS....
Mueller has a job to do
He is quite good at it

If the investigation reveals Trump and his associates had no involvement with Russia trying to influence the election........he will report it and we can move on
If he finds otherwise, he will also report that


aka you have NOTHING NOW......................but IF...........
The fact that you are still banging on about political parties indicates that you DON'T know the difference.

The fact you don't realize what I just told you is true indicates you're a partisan hack with your head up your ass.

How about them apples, hack?

This isn't my first rodeo with an ignorant leftist such as yourself

Were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?

Did you mean Michael Schwerner? If you want to play individuals what party did Martin Luther King Jr belong to?

Ideologies. Not parties. Seriously...are you really this dense?

King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
The fact you don't realize what I just told you is true indicates you're a partisan hack with your head up your ass.

How about them apples, hack?

This isn't my first rodeo with an ignorant leftist such as yourself

Were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?

Did you mean Michael Schwerner? If you want to play individuals what party did Martin Luther King Jr belong to?

Ideologies. Not parties. Seriously...are you really this dense?

King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.

Oh get past yourself already. You're going on and on about shit you're obvioulsy clueless about

Why don't you scurry to a thread and protect that idealogy you love so dearly...Islam
The fact you don't realize what I just told you is true indicates you're a partisan hack with your head up your ass.

How about them apples, hack?

This isn't my first rodeo with an ignorant leftist such as yourself

Were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?

Did you mean Michael Schwerner? If you want to play individuals what party did Martin Luther King Jr belong to?

Ideologies. Not parties. Seriously...are you really this dense?

King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

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