Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

IRS inspector general finds up to 30,000 of Lois Lerner’s e-mails

Truth the vote now has access to these 30,000 emails via court order...............during the time period in which they were targeted...............

But the IRS said the emails were lost..............the Hard drive crashed and it cannot be recovered.............


Were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?

Did you mean Michael Schwerner? If you want to play individuals what party did Martin Luther King Jr belong to?

Ideologies. Not parties. Seriously...are you really this dense?

King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated?
Did you mean Michael Schwerner? If you want to play individuals what party did Martin Luther King Jr belong to?

Ideologies. Not parties. Seriously...are you really this dense?

King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated? their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.
Ideologies. Not parties. Seriously...are you really this dense?

King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated? their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.

They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol:
King was a true conservative.

You wanted to play individuals and now it backfired on you.

King would be appalled at the sorry state of blacks today and would be opposef to what democrats are doing.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated? their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.

They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.
Except when it came to to civil rights, something all those true conservatives vehemently resisted in the south.

Now I expect you will try to insist that they were all liberals :lol:

Ideologies, not parties, parties change where politically expedient.

This may be above your head given your insistence on conflating parties with ideologies.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated? their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.

They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Tell me about the rights of conservative groups who were targeted by the Obama administration.

You care about rights soooooo much......................


Targeted by the FBI
Targeted by the IRS
Targeted by the ATF
Targeted by OSHA.


It's not over yet.

Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated? their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.

They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.

Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.
What this shows is that Orange Jesus's worshippers care more about the cult of personality than The Constitution and America.

Proves you are just another partisan hack that looks the other way when they attacked groups for their beliefs.......

Perhaps you wouldn't sing that tune if the current administration gave you a rectal exam by all these gov't agencies like they did conservatives...............

Don't worry though Sessions is a ETHICAL MAN unlike the other Attorney Generals.

Your dismissal of the abuse of power is NOTED AS WELL.
Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

The detailed narratives of FBI agent investigations, known as FBI 302 documents, were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

( – A federal judge in Ohio ruled Friday that a lawsuit filed against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for allegedly engaging in “viewpoint discrimination” while processing applications for tax exempt status by ten conservative groups has “a likelihood of success on the merits”.

Here Are the FBI’s Files From the Hillary Clinton Email Investigation – Mother Jones

Read the full documents below:

FBI summary file:
The fight is FAR FROM OVER...........................

These fights are not being handled by Trump btw....................They are being fought by the ones targeted...........

Those abusing the power's............DAY WILL COME.
What really pisses me off about this so called team of independents is that even establishment R's are saying Mueller is honorable and we should trust him.

Like freaking hell I'm going to have faith that they're independent and unbiased. One of the lawyers worked for the Clinton Foundation. Kiss my ass that they are unbiased.
What really pisses me off about this so called team of independents is that even establishment R's are saying Mueller is honorable and we should trust him.

Like freaking hell I'm going to have faith that they're independent and unbiased. One of the lawyers worked for the Clinton Foundation. Kiss my ass that they are unbiased.
Makes no difference in the other lawsuits pending.........................of those targeted...........
What really pisses me off about this so called team of independents is that even establishment R's are saying Mueller is honorable and we should trust him.

Like freaking hell I'm going to have faith that they're independent and unbiased. One of the lawyers worked for the Clinton Foundation. Kiss my ass that they are unbiased.
Setting up for future denial

Why should we worry about the current witch hunt..............The Liberals, MSM, Establishment, and Never Trumpers are losing at every turn.

The left said we should take Obama's Supreme Court pick or we'd get a worse choice under Hillary...........Hillary Lost and Trump got the pick......They lost on both accounts.

They challenged the travel ban in court...............went to the Supreme Court...............and they lost again............

They held up the Keystone pipeline for almost the entire Presidency of's now being completed.......they lose again........

The VA under Trump......vouchers continue.....legislation passed to allow easier firing of incompetent employees.........and they are cleaning house there.......up to 546 fired under Trump...........

Shake up in all executive branches as they are cleaning house in other agencies as well...........

Ended Michele Obama's Food Program...................the program that kids wouldn't eat.........

Trump versus Hillary or the GOP candidates on the TPP.....................He ended the TPP while the others would have screwed us and had promised to enact it.

Trump's promise on cutting regulations...............Least amount of regulations under any president for a very long time......More regulations cut than a president for a very long time...............He created the 2 for 1 rule.........for every new rule 2 must be eliminated.........but that didn't work out..........they have cut 16 for every new regulation...............Promises being fulfilled...............

Paris Accord...................dead in the water......

Obama's War against Coal.............dead in the water.........

Obama's wimp ass ROE's............dead in the water........

Obama versus Trump red line in the sand...................Obama made himself look like a fool.........Trump hit their asses as soon as they used them again..........The deal Obama made wasn't worth the paper it was written on..........

ICE rules are NOW BEING ENFORCED................completely...........the CATCH AND RELEASE program under Obama is LOSE AGAIN........

Most of Obama's executive orders have been put through the shredder...............poor things.................

Your side is LOSING...............and after over 9 months of investigations you have not brought forward 1 piece of evidence to proof ANY CRIME was committed by Trump..............yet you keep going..........BECAUSE YOU CAN'T STAND THE AGENDA OF TRUMP............can't stand that the TPP is dead....
TOO DAMNED BAD.................
Nice meme...............prove my post wrong...................You can't so you can only insult..............Problem is............I'm laughing at you.
Why don't you traitors come out and admit it, you don't want to know if the president is a crook.
You wouldn't know a traitor if he reached up and bit you in the ass.

After what the Obama administration did...........what Hillary did.............................You HAVE NO MORAL GROUND TO STAND ON.


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