Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast


So Liberals..............IMPEACH HIM............................Go ahead...........

You couldn't impeach a dog catcher.............


You're really into fiction, I see.

Seriously, cupcake, mos tof your list isn't even true and what is true is nonsense.

Get a grip dudette.
Perhaps you haven't been seeing the positives of Trump.

Quoted some of them in many threads now. Did you miss them somehow..................

Oh.......sorry......he's tearing up Obama's little legacy and you have butt sorry...........

No need repeating them..........I know you've seen them.
He hasn't changed a damn thing of consequence...
Your side losing the Supreme Court nomination..............No consequences...........

We'll see. He seems ok and sees abortion question as over.
Why don't you traitors come out and admit it, you don't want to know if the president is a crook.
You wouldn't know a traitor if he reached up and bit you in the ass.

After what the Obama administration did...........what Hillary did.............................You HAVE NO MORAL GROUND TO STAND ON.

You are highly misinformed. All the Hillary/Obama phony scandals have been investigated and NOTHING.
Your side can't even get Impeachment started without the consent of the House Majority Leaders consent................

CHECK MATE......................
I suggest you go to the House Majority Leader and propose Impeachment proceedings.............I'm sure he would appreciate the laugh............

Why don't you traitors come out and admit it, you don't want to know if the president is a crook.
You wouldn't know a traitor if he reached up and bit you in the ass.

After what the Obama administration did...........what Hillary did.............................You HAVE NO MORAL GROUND TO STAND ON.


Conspiring with Russia to win an election?

Lock him up
Lock him up
Targeted? Talk about snowflakes. You do realize IRS and Obama were investigated? their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.
They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.

Again - all that was covered in MULTIPLE bipartisan and partisan investigations. I'm sorry but you can't create your own version of "justice" here. The IRS Targeting Scandal was investigated by the DoJ, FBI, Senate Finance Committee, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations...probably some others too.

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

It was handled appropriately, and hopefully, some of the problems within the IRS bureacracy will be fixed. (not holding my breath on that one).

Now, moving forward - we have the Trump/Russia/etc investigation. Will you accept the results? Will you cry foul like the above - if Trump & minions are cleared of any wrong doing? Somehow, I think not :lol: their OWN DOJ NONE THE LESS...............

Got news for you........................those targeted aren't standing down..............regardless of how long they drag this shit out in court.

Obama's administration attacked them, their families, their businesses and their lives...............

THEY AREN'T STANDING DOWN..............You HOPE IT GOES AWAY now don't you.

Now give your opinion on it....................If IT WAS YOU THEY DID THIS TO.

They were investigated by the FBI..........MULTIPLE TIMES..................

They were AUDITED by the IRS..........MULTIPLE TIMES.............

They were investigated by the ATF.........................

They were investigated by OSHA.....................

They were given questionaires from HELL................


Speak into the microphone with your partisan BS.
They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.

Again - all that was covered in MULTIPLE bipartisan and partisan investigations. I'm sorry but you can't create your own version of "justice" here. The IRS Targeting Scandal was investigated by the DoJ, FBI, Senate Finance Committee, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations...probably some others too.

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

It was handled appropriately, and hopefully, some of the problems within the IRS bureacracy will be fixed. (not holding my breath on that one).

Now, moving forward - we have the Trump/Russia/etc investigation. Will you accept the results? Will you cry foul like the above - if Trump & minions are cleared of any wrong doing? Somehow, I think not :lol:
And AGAIN you refuse to comment on if that happened to you.

And again you ignore those who continue to go forward with Lawsuits......

Thanks for lifting your partisan skirt.
What really pisses me off about this so called team of independents is that even establishment R's are saying Mueller is honorable and we should trust him.

Like freaking hell I'm going to have faith that they're independent and unbiased. One of the lawyers worked for the Clinton Foundation. Kiss my ass that they are unbiased.

Don't you think that is reason enough to believe he is? :dunno:

He sounds like he's nobody's chump, but I'm thinking anyone who is not part of the Trump inner circle, investigating Trump, will be smeared.
They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.

Again - all that was covered in MULTIPLE bipartisan and partisan investigations. I'm sorry but you can't create your own version of "justice" here. The IRS Targeting Scandal was investigated by the DoJ, FBI, Senate Finance Committee, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations...probably some others too.

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

It was handled appropriately, and hopefully, some of the problems within the IRS bureacracy will be fixed. (not holding my breath on that one).

Now, moving forward - we have the Trump/Russia/etc investigation. Will you accept the results? Will you cry foul like the above - if Trump & minions are cleared of any wrong doing? Somehow, I think not :lol:
And AGAIN you refuse to comment on if that happened to you.

And again you ignore those who continue to go forward with Lawsuits......

Thanks for lifting your partisan skirt.

I did comment on it. You're in such a lather. I said FIRST I'd want to find out IF all those claims of being targeted by different agencies are even true or if it's fake news.

Without establishing that, there's little point in getting upset.

What we do know is the IRS targeted conservative groups at a higher rate than leftwing groups. If it was my group - of course I'd be pissed and I'd want to see it investigated - which it WAS - by multiple agencies. The fact that it was, and that it was very thorough would satisfy me. Pretty much the same way I feel about the Trump investigations. If he's cleared of wrong doing, I'm fine with that even though (as you felt about Obama) - I loath him - I'll accept the results, I think Mueller is a good man, and I'm waiting for the conclusions.
They were investigated.

The investigation was concluded. I accept the results.

Now Trump Admin is being investigated. I'll accept those results as well.

I suspect 90% of those claims are partisan hyperbole :lol: refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.

Again - all that was covered in MULTIPLE bipartisan and partisan investigations. I'm sorry but you can't create your own version of "justice" here. The IRS Targeting Scandal was investigated by the DoJ, FBI, Senate Finance Committee, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations...probably some others too.

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

It was handled appropriately, and hopefully, some of the problems within the IRS bureacracy will be fixed. (not holding my breath on that one).

Now, moving forward - we have the Trump/Russia/etc investigation. Will you accept the results? Will you cry foul like the above - if Trump & minions are cleared of any wrong doing? Somehow, I think not :lol:
And AGAIN you refuse to comment on if that happened to you.

And again you ignore those who continue to go forward with Lawsuits......

Thanks for lifting your partisan skirt.

By the way - ANYONE can file a lawsuit - merit doesn't necessarily have much to do with it. Witness the many birther suits. refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.

Again - all that was covered in MULTIPLE bipartisan and partisan investigations. I'm sorry but you can't create your own version of "justice" here. The IRS Targeting Scandal was investigated by the DoJ, FBI, Senate Finance Committee, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations...probably some others too.

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

It was handled appropriately, and hopefully, some of the problems within the IRS bureacracy will be fixed. (not holding my breath on that one).

Now, moving forward - we have the Trump/Russia/etc investigation. Will you accept the results? Will you cry foul like the above - if Trump & minions are cleared of any wrong doing? Somehow, I think not :lol:
And AGAIN you refuse to comment on if that happened to you.

And again you ignore those who continue to go forward with Lawsuits......

Thanks for lifting your partisan skirt.

I did comment on it. You're in such a lather. I said FIRST I'd want to find out IF all those claims of being targeted by different agencies are even true or if it's fake news.

Without establishing that, there's little point in getting upset.

What we do know is the IRS targeted conservative groups at a higher rate than leftwing groups. If it was my group - of course I'd be pissed and I'd want to see it investigated - which it WAS - by multiple agencies. The fact that it was, and that it was very thorough would satisfy me. Pretty much the same way I feel about the Trump investigations. If he's cleared of wrong doing, I'm fine with that even though (as you felt about Obama) - I loath him - I'll accept the results, I think Mueller is a good man, and I'm waiting for the conclusions.
The investigations uncovered documented targeting of these groups. Including being investigated by the FBI, ATF, IRS, OSHA..................of which you ignore..........I've posted the hearings and proof on that................

These so called investigations ongoing now.................have no bearing on the many lawsuits by those abused by our gov't at this time..................and they now have access via a Supreme Court Ruling.....................the so called emails lost that were found..............after they were found missing LOL

You again dodge the question of how would you like to be the one abused as these people were.......denying that it even happened........

You are a tool of the democratic party and nothing more. refuse to answer the question.on if it was you they did this to................

Perhaps you should take the 5th on's kind of a trend on your side...............

The lawsuits against those responsible continue...............those people targeted refuse to go away...............

You NO LONGER OWN THE DOJ................You don't OWN THE COURTS were this will finally end up at..............

Laugh all you want as you continue to ignore the ABUSES of the Obama administration.

Very telling to me on what you actually are.

I don't think you care much about justice. You seem to be more into lynch mobs and political vengeance. Regardless of the political make up of the courts and DoJ, these are still dedicated professionals trying to do a job. They may surprise you when they don't jump on board or if they unsist on following the law not politics.

The investigation was concluded.

As for what if it were me? Well I'd want to know if those claims were even true as stated first and not just fake news.
Proving yourself a partisan hack one post at a time.

Documents indicate IRS officials knew of Tea Party targeting since 2011

Federal Judge: Lawsuit Against IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups Will Likely Succeed

It ISN'T OVER YET....................

The corrupt DOJ and executive branches under Obama...........want it to go away................all of their stalling and pandering..........haven't ended it...........


I don't care what you think of that comment..........your routine dismissal of Abuse of power is Noted as usual.

Again - all that was covered in MULTIPLE bipartisan and partisan investigations. I'm sorry but you can't create your own version of "justice" here. The IRS Targeting Scandal was investigated by the DoJ, FBI, Senate Finance Committee, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations...probably some others too.

IRS targeting controversy - Wikipedia

It was handled appropriately, and hopefully, some of the problems within the IRS bureacracy will be fixed. (not holding my breath on that one).

Now, moving forward - we have the Trump/Russia/etc investigation. Will you accept the results? Will you cry foul like the above - if Trump & minions are cleared of any wrong doing? Somehow, I think not :lol:
And AGAIN you refuse to comment on if that happened to you.

And again you ignore those who continue to go forward with Lawsuits......

Thanks for lifting your partisan skirt.

By the way - ANYONE can file a lawsuit - merit doesn't necessarily have much to do with it. Witness the many birther suits.

Well then...........those filing the suits are saying see you in court then.................

Your lack of caring for the abuse of power is again NOTED.
Back to Impeachment............the Democratic party doesn't have enough votes to Impeach a Dog Catcher.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.
"The people?" You mean 3mm less than hill?
Jealous of the fat mans vagina grabbing?

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