Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

You're way too drunk, way too early.

Take some remedial 5th grade grammar, punctuation and syntax classes?


Get ready/ I won you lost
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

she was parroting a leftard website


That's pretty much all they can do. I'd be shocked if a liberal actually came up with something unique or original on their own.

They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

You're way too drunk, way too early.

Take some remedial 5th grade grammar, punctuation and syntax classes?


Get ready/ I won you lost
Tiny, it is highly unlikely that the combat Marine veteran, former prosecutor, and long term FBI Director is concerned about the trump cult trolls. Certainly, he is not intimidated. The guy fought and led fellow Marines against the Viet Cong and NVA. Do you really think you guys register on his list of folks to be afraid of?
They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...
They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"
If the Imperial Cheeto is foolish enough to hinder or fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it will bring on a Constitutional Crisis of epic proportions.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

she was parroting a leftard website


That's pretty much all they can do. I'd be shocked if a liberal actually came up with something unique or original on their own.
We have these things called facts and journalism...the whole world outside your RW fake news bubble, dupe..see sig.
They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"

For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)
They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Again, we are talking about ideologies NOT parties. Two different things. Civil Rights was driven by LIBERALS - those guys who were murdered for trying to bring voting rights to blacks in the CONSERVATIVE south.
he can't fire him, moron. he has to have someone ELSE fire him.

and like nixon, he'll have to find a loser like bork.

you should probably look at the mandate... and learn the rules surrounding the appointment.

not that you're smart enough to understand
Just like he couldn't fire Comey. LOL


Trump can order the special counsel regulations repealed and fire Mueller. Or could fire the DAG. So yeah, Trump could

he could..... but you won't see congress fail to act if he tries to play dictator.

he may be that stupid (you know, like his adjutants) but congress won't tolerate that one.

nixon didn't get away with it either.... and even he had more respect for this country than trump scum.

WTF do you think Congress is going to do? Their only choice would be what? Impeach? That fairy tale that keeps libs warm at night?

You people are losing it more day by day. I think President Trump needs to declare a state of emergency because of the deteriorating mental health of all you snowflakes. We may have to build FEMA camps after all to house all of the fringe lunatics on the left whose sanity has been compromised!

Unless an actual crime is committed (like Nixon) it would be hard. I'm not actually looking for that. Pence would be worse because unlike Trump, Pence is sane, mature, and competent.

Well all I can say is "Be careful what you wish for."

Trump is a funny guy. I like his rough NYC sense of humor. BUt that Pence guy, I don't trust him. He has the eyes of a natural-born killer.

Funny that you say that. I can't stand Trump but what you see is what and always has been despite people's delusions. Pence is something else and he knows how to work with Congress to achieve an agenda which will be one I don't agree with.
It's simply amazing how many of the self-righteous have allowed themselves to be misled by the great Deceiver, and bow down to him in supplication.

Simply amazing.

Seriously? How has he "deceived" me?

Take off your blindfold, willfully blind monkey.

Start by asking Trump to produce the replacement for ObamaCare he told you he had.

You know, the one he was going to introduce on day one.

No, seriously. How has he "deceived" me? I never wanted a replacement for Obamacare, I wanted nothing less than a total repeal of it. Is it his fault there are so many tainted Republican in Congress?

Trump has his pen and is waiting 24/7. Do you think if Congress approved a bill to repeal it, Trump wouldn't sign it?

Rather it's you Democrats who have had the wool pulled over your eyes. From Hillary's lying, deceitful, and incompetent campaign to her underhanded method of forcing Sanders out of the race, it's pretty clear who the fools are here.

Actually...there is no evidence Hillary tried to force Sanders out of the race. That is one of those things that got a bit blown up.

I oppose repeal. I support fixing the system.

As much evidence as there is to support the goofy idea of Trump colluding with the Russians.

But at least Bernie got a nice fancy mansion out of the deal.
Bernie says it was BS.
He wrote a best seller, duhhhh.
Last edited:
They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"

For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)

You used an example and got slapped down. Republicans were the driving vote behind the Civil Rights Act. LBJ did his best to mask his racism, but failed miserably.

Just as the DNC's racism was exposed by Wiki leaks

You learn this in Political Science courses.
They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"

For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)

You used an example and got slapped down. Republicans were the driving vote behind the Civil Rights Act. LBJ did his best to mask his racism, but failed miserably.

Just as the DNC's racism was exposed by Wiki leaks

You learn this in Political Science courses.

Speaking of taking courses...

let me know when you understand the difference between political ideologies and political parties. Until then there is no sense in speaking with you because you aren't making any sense.

(hint - were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?)
I simply want it investigated, and assurances that there is a plan in place to prevent future Russian meddling in our elections. If it's found that crimes were committed, then that to should be investigated and dealt with.

Seems to me any good American would want that.

here is the problem I have - "selective outrage"

I know it is an old case, but why did Ted Kennedy skate?

he actually begged the Kremlin for help in bringing down Reagan, this info came out when he was still in the Senate

not a peep from our media & no ramifications for him

also, I KNOW that some of this "Russians" stuff has been just flat made up, and then reported on like it's a big story

Jeff Sessions failed to disclose that he was at a large party where the Russian Ambassador also attended? Really?

Also, where was the outrage over Obama telling Russia that he would have more discretion & leeway once he was reelected?

The Uranium One deal SHOULD have been a big story - should have prevented Hillary from being allowed to even run. So should the big check that her husband got for a speech just before she advocated for reduced sanctions

How many millions went into the Clinton Foundation, from Uranium One & others? Like, right before foreign dignitaries were granted access to her as SecState or before she used her influence to push deals that they were asking for?

We are talking "smoking gun" type evidence - ZERO outrage & zero ramifications

I know I am going down the road of "moral equivalency"; but do not care.

We KNOW that left wingers have actually done things far worse than Trump has even been accused of

Also - Mueller's relationship with Comey, the fact that Comey illegally leaked classified info in an effort to force a special council AND that most of Mueller's team are card carrying leftists that donated to Hillary and/or Obama - appearance of impropriety?

The cocksucker should be disqualified based on this set of facts alone

so, no

I have ZERO outrage based on anything "Trump" or "muh Russians"

I think this is all bullshit

IF Kennedy had been kicked out of congress & sent to jail, I could be there with you. But that did not happen. So I don't care - EVEN IF Trump did ask Russians for dirt on Hillary; which to date, we have seen ZERO evidence of

So there you have it...
Last edited:
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.


They have...believe it or not. Like...civil rights for negros :dunno:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"

For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)

You used an example and got slapped down. Republicans were the driving vote behind the Civil Rights Act. LBJ did his best to mask his racism, but failed miserably.

Just as the DNC's racism was exposed by Wiki leaks

You learn this in Political Science courses.

Speaking of taking courses...

let me know when you understand the difference between political ideologies and political parties. Until then there is no sense in speaking with you because you aren't making any sense.

(hint - were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?)

I know the difference, dip shit. It's you who is befuddled but thst isn't anything new.

Democrats are the worst racists on the planet, you assholes pander for the black vote every four years and after you use them you forget about them. YOU are the ones keeping them down, toss them scraps for their vote...then blame the right for all their woes. You fool only yourselves...and the blacks
I simply want it investigated, and assurances that there is a plan in place to prevent future Russian meddling in our elections. If it's found that crimes were committed, then that to should be investigated and dealt with.

Seems to me any good American would want that.

here is the problem I have - "selective outrage"

Selective outrage is correct. Outrage at Hillary Clinton, 4 yrs of Benghazi, email server investigated...and Trump...hands off. I have a problem with that as well.

I know it is an old case, but why did Ted Kennedy skate?

he actually begged the Kremlin for help in bringing down Reagan, this info came out when he was still in the Senate

not a peep from our media & no ramifications for him

Because it IS an old case. Like Iran Contra. Like a bunch of other scandals that resulted in little criminal penalties for those involved at a high level. But that was then. I am more concerned with now.

also, I KNOW that some of this "Russians" stuff has been just flat made up, and then reported on like it's a big story

A lot of it wasn't made up. There is enough confirmed to concern me that they will make future attempts at our elections and at sowing mistrust in the system. Don't you think that is important enough to investigate? I do.

Jeff Sessions failed to disclose that he was at a large party where the Russian Ambassador also attended? Really?

There have been a LOT of "failures to disclose" at a time when Russia is high profile. Should we NOT take a critical look at that? Really?

Also, where was the outrage over Obama telling Russia that he would have more discretion & leeway once he was reelected?

What were the circumstances of that? Was Russia attempting to hack our elections? Were there sanctions on Russia for annexing Crimea and invading Ukraine?

The Uranium One deal SHOULD have been a big story - should have prevented Hillary from being allowed to even run. So should the big check that her husband got for a speech just before she advocated for reduced sanctions wasn't a big story - it was mostly urban legend. I think you're grasping at straws here.

How many millions went into the Clinton Foundation, from Uranium One & others? Like, right before foreign dignitaries were granted access to her as SecState or before she used her influence to push deals that they were asking for?

We are talking "smoking gun: type evidence - ZERO outrage & zero ramifications

I know I am going down the road of "moral equivalency"; but do not care.

So...even assuming all that is true (which I dispute) - Clinton IS NOT the president. Who cares at this point? I'm MORE concerned with what the POTUS does.

We KNOW that left wingers have actually done things far worse than Trump has even been accused of

That's your bias showing. Just saying.

Also - Mueller's relationship with Comey, the fact that Comey illegally leaked classified info in an effort to force a special council AD that most of Mueller's team are card carrying leftists that donated to Hillary and/or Obama - appearance of impropriety?

The cocksucker should be disqualified based on this set of facts alone

so, no

I have ZERO outrage based on anything "Trump" or "muh Russians"

I think this is all bullshit

IF Kennedy had been kicked out of congress & sent to jail, I could be there with you. But that did not happen. So I don't care - EVEN IF Trump did ask Russians for dirt on Hillary; which to date, we have seen ZERO evidence of

So there you have it...

Come and Mueller were fine. Comey was fine as long as he stuck to attacking Clinton. Mueller was great until he started investigating Trump.

Don't you think there is something odd there? Common denominator - Don't investigate Trump![/quote]
Last edited:

who was an actual racist

and his civil rights would NEVER have passed without the republicans in congress, it was democrats that were fighting it and tried to block it

history, facts and shit...

Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"

For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)

You used an example and got slapped down. Republicans were the driving vote behind the Civil Rights Act. LBJ did his best to mask his racism, but failed miserably.

Just as the DNC's racism was exposed by Wiki leaks

You learn this in Political Science courses.

Speaking of taking courses...

let me know when you understand the difference between political ideologies and political parties. Until then there is no sense in speaking with you because you aren't making any sense.

(hint - were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?)

I know the difference, dip shit. It's you who is befuddled but thst isn't anything new.

Democrats are the worst racists on the planet, you assholes pander for the black vote every four years and after you use them you forget about them. YOU are the ones keeping them down, toss them scraps for their vote...then blame the right for all their woes. You fool only yourselves...and the blacks

The fact that you are still banging on about political parties indicates that you DON'T know the difference.
Wait for the tired, worn out and lame "back then republicans were really democrats"

For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)

You used an example and got slapped down. Republicans were the driving vote behind the Civil Rights Act. LBJ did his best to mask his racism, but failed miserably.

Just as the DNC's racism was exposed by Wiki leaks

You learn this in Political Science courses.

Speaking of taking courses...

let me know when you understand the difference between political ideologies and political parties. Until then there is no sense in speaking with you because you aren't making any sense.

(hint - were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?)

I know the difference, dip shit. It's you who is befuddled but thst isn't anything new.

Democrats are the worst racists on the planet, you assholes pander for the black vote every four years and after you use them you forget about them. YOU are the ones keeping them down, toss them scraps for their vote...then blame the right for all their woes. You fool only yourselves...and the blacks

The fact that you are still banging on about political parties indicates that you DON'T know the difference.

The fact you don't realize what I just told you is true indicates you're a partisan hack with your head up your ass.

How about them apples, hack?

This isn't my first rodeo with an ignorant leftist such as yourself
For the tired, worn out and lame....don't confuse political parties with political ideologies ;)

You used an example and got slapped down. Republicans were the driving vote behind the Civil Rights Act. LBJ did his best to mask his racism, but failed miserably.

Just as the DNC's racism was exposed by Wiki leaks

You learn this in Political Science courses.

Speaking of taking courses...

let me know when you understand the difference between political ideologies and political parties. Until then there is no sense in speaking with you because you aren't making any sense.

(hint - were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?)

I know the difference, dip shit. It's you who is befuddled but thst isn't anything new.

Democrats are the worst racists on the planet, you assholes pander for the black vote every four years and after you use them you forget about them. YOU are the ones keeping them down, toss them scraps for their vote...then blame the right for all their woes. You fool only yourselves...and the blacks

The fact that you are still banging on about political parties indicates that you DON'T know the difference.

The fact you don't realize what I just told you is true indicates you're a partisan hack with your head up your ass.

How about them apples, hack?

This isn't my first rodeo with an ignorant leftist such as yourself

Were Michael Scherner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman conservatives?

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