Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.
No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

Asshole his first meeting with the Russian Ambassador occured because the fucking STATE DEPARTMENT invited a 100 ambassadors to his speech. The second occured when in his capacity as a Senator he was required to meet with the Ambassador.


LOL, You must have known I didn't lie:

Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Russian envoy overheard saying he discussed campaign with Sessions: Post

Jeff Sessions: I didn’t talk with Russians about the Trump campaign. New report: Yes, he did.
Mueller and his team are going down. From the Clinton Foundation lawyer across the board.

I'm no spring chicken but I have learned over all these years that you cannot operate like the 90's. Mueller and his people think they are untouchable. No they aren't. And neither are their children, nor their grandchildren or any of their friends or their ex wives.

This is the point of my OP. Already rocking on dirt against them. So are others. Deep state is going to have so much dirt on them they will really wish they died as a child (MODS a quote from good morning vietnam)
Muellers and his team are highly respected professionals. Mueller is a Republican.
If you have ANY problem with their findings you are free to raise them
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.
Lol you people come across so lame.
In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

Asshole his first meeting with the Russian Ambassador occured because the fucking STATE DEPARTMENT invited a 100 ambassadors to his speech. The second occured when in his capacity as a Senator he was required to meet with the Ambassador.


LOL, You must have known I didn't lie:

Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Russian envoy overheard saying he discussed campaign with Sessions: Post

Jeff Sessions: I didn’t talk with Russians about the Trump campaign. New report: Yes, he did.


Show me how any of those are "illegal". Are we at war with Russia?
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.
Not the president
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.
Lol you people come across so lame.
You really do , like nothing burgers
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.
Not the president

Nor will she ever be. But she can run again in 2020 if she wants another beating. The old communist guy too.
Mueller and his team are going down. From the Clinton Foundation lawyer across the board.

I'm no spring chicken but I have learned over all these years that you cannot operate like the 90's. Mueller and his people think they are untouchable. No they aren't. And neither are their children, nor their grandchildren or any of their friends or their ex wives.

This is the point of my OP. Already rocking on dirt against them. So are others. Deep state is going to have so much dirt on them they will really wish they died as a child (MODS a quote from good morning vietnam)
Muellers and his team are highly respected professionals. Mueller is a Republican.
If you have ANY problem with their findings you are free to raise them

You can register as anything. Mueller is a law partner with Jamie Gorelick. You bet I have a problem with him. Ditt\o Kushner hirering Gorelick
No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.
In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Really you are using the , country being sold to Russia about Trump, did you have the same outrage with Hillery and the Uranium deal with Russia, you must have been steamed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Too bad that's rightwingnut lies as. You've been told repeatedly. Duplicitous wingnut.
Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Someone with a double digit IQ like you really shouldn't insult other people's intellect. Wackjob
"People of America?" You mean the 3 mm less than hills?. Well it is proven that trumpies are not exactly the best math students

And I see you are ignorant of the Republic and the electoral rules you live under. The Trumpsters are quite good at math. That's how Trump win.
And the 6-7% pop Comey gave them. Based on a fake Russian e-mail about Lynch and Bill.

WTF? Lynch is under serious investigation for obstruction of justice. You need to get up to speed franco.
By the usual GOP Senate Committee witch hunt operation. And they will find nothing again as always- except in Dupeworld....

Haha I can't wait on McCabe. 3 count them 3 investigations into the FBI director.

That's because you're disgusting and decent people offend you.
Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Jillian you are just one more lying bitch. Lawyer my ass, you aren't intelligent enough honey. What have you done for "social justice"?
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Really you are using the , country being sold to Russia about Trump, did you have the same outrage with Hillery and the Uranium deal with Russia, you must have been steamed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Too bad that's rightwingnut lies as. You've been told repeatedly. Duplicitous wingnut.

So you are saying that Hillary did not work out a deal to give Russia 20% of our Uranium reserves, and that her Clinton Foundation did not receive millions of dollars in return?

How do I know you're lying? Go ahead. Ask me.
And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Someone with a double digit IQ like you really shouldn't insult other people's intellect. Wackjob

You po lil don't even have an IQ.
lol.... trump supporters sure are little snowflakes that sound way too buttercuppy lately.

i love irony.

Thats funny.

Not buttercuppy at all.

I'm deadly. I'm lethal..

AND Mueller is an old dog who beleives he and Comey still run the place. Deplorables will give him a wake up call. NO FEAR. FUCK MUELLER.

You're a drug addled fool

The only things a you're lethal too are human dignity and yourself.
Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Someone with a double digit IQ like you really shouldn't insult other people's intellect. Wackjob

You po lil don't even have an IQ.

If that's what makes you feel better about being such an uneducated uninformed failure, have at it.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

If Mueller goes after Trump's personal finances, and exceeds the scope of his investigation of the Russian influence on the election, he should be fired.

You do know that the Clinton investigation wasn't about a blow job, right?

Yeah it wad. Because Kenny Starr was told to find something anything to impeach bill Clinton. So they went from a failed land deal all the way through to a blue dress

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