Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

"People of America?" You mean the 3 mm less than hills?. Well it is proven that trumpies are not exactly the best math students

And I see you are ignorant of the Republic and the electoral rules you live under. The Trumpsters are quite good at math. That's how Trump win.
And the 6-7% pop Comey gave them. Based on a fake Russian e-mail about Lynch and Bill.

WTF? Lynch is under serious investigation for obstruction of justice. You need to get up to speed franco.
By the usual GOP Senate Committee witch hunt operation. And they will find nothing again as always- except in Dupeworld....

Haha I can't wait on McCabe. 3 count them 3 investigations into the FBI director.
What a joke! Link?
"People of America?" You mean the 3 mm less than hills?. Well it is proven that trumpies are not exactly the best math students

And I see you are ignorant of the Republic and the electoral rules you live under. The Trumpsters are quite good at math. That's how Trump win.
And the 6-7% pop Comey gave them. Based on a fake Russian e-mail about Lynch and Bill.

WTF? Lynch is under serious investigation for obstruction of justice. You need to get up to speed franco.
By the usual GOP Senate Committee witch hunt operation. And they will find nothing again as always- except in Dupeworld....

Haha I can't wait on McCabe. 3 count them 3 investigations into the FBI director.
The dupes know every detail about total garbage GOP fake news....not stupid, totally brainwashed. Change the channel sometime...
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

I know the left detests the facts like a vampire detests the light of day. But let's look at the facts here:

1. Mueller was appointed United States Attorney for the Northern District of California in 1998 under Bil "Blowjob" Clinton.

2. 98.91% of Mueller’s law firm donations were to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

3. Mueller's law firm worked with the left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015.

4. Seven of the top lawyers hired by Mueller for this so-called "independent" investigation have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

5. Not only that, but each one of those lawyers Mueller hired, has several staff members, all of whom are sympathetic to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now would someone like to tell me how the fuck this is supposed to be considered an "independent" investigation?

Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Wishful thinking. But you know what they say about wishing: "Shit in one hand, wish in the other, and see which one fills up first".
All I am wishing for is getting to the truth
Why aren't you?
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

I know the left detests the facts like a vampire detests the light of day. But let's look at the facts here:

1. Mueller was appointed United States Attorney for the Northern District of California in 1998 under Bil "Blowjob" Clinton.

2. 98.91% of Mueller’s law firm donations were to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

3. Mueller's law firm worked with the left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015.

4. Seven of the top lawyers hired by Mueller for this so-called "independent" investigation have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

5. Not only that, but each one of those lawyers Mueller hired, has several staff members, all of whom are sympathetic to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now would someone like to tell me how the fuck this is supposed to be considered an "independent" investigation?

Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard
I know the left detests the facts like a vampire detests the light of day. But let's look at the facts here:

1. Mueller was appointed United States Attorney for the Northern District of California in 1998 under Bil "Blowjob" Clinton.

2. 98.91% of Mueller’s law firm donations were to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

3. Mueller's law firm worked with the left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015.

4. Seven of the top lawyers hired by Mueller for this so-called "independent" investigation have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

5. Not only that, but each one of those lawyers Mueller hired, has several staff members, all of whom are sympathetic to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now would someone like to tell me how the fuck this is supposed to be considered an "independent" investigation?

Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Wishful thinking. But you know what they say about wishing: "Shit in one hand, wish in the other, and see which one fills up first".
All I am wishing for is getting to the truth
Why aren't you?

Why all of a sudden? Nobody on your side wanted to hear it when Hillary was getting a close look.
I know the left detests the facts like a vampire detests the light of day. But let's look at the facts here:

1. Mueller was appointed United States Attorney for the Northern District of California in 1998 under Bil "Blowjob" Clinton.

2. 98.91% of Mueller’s law firm donations were to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

3. Mueller's law firm worked with the left-wing Civis Analytics as recently as 2014-2015.

4. Seven of the top lawyers hired by Mueller for this so-called "independent" investigation have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

5. Not only that, but each one of those lawyers Mueller hired, has several staff members, all of whom are sympathetic to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Now would someone like to tell me how the fuck this is supposed to be considered an "independent" investigation?

Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.
Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.
Ready......a nothing burger
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.
Ready......a nothing burger

A big, stale, moldy nothingburger. With a side order of crap in one hand and wishes in the other.


Why should we worry about the current witch hunt..............The Liberals, MSM, Establishment, and Never Trumpers are losing at every turn.

The left said we should take Obama's Supreme Court pick or we'd get a worse choice under Hillary...........Hillary Lost and Trump got the pick......They lost on both accounts.

They challenged the travel ban in court...............went to the Supreme Court...............and they lost again............

They held up the Keystone pipeline for almost the entire Presidency of's now being completed.......they lose again........

The VA under Trump......vouchers continue.....legislation passed to allow easier firing of incompetent employees.........and they are cleaning house there.......up to 546 fired under Trump...........

Shake up in all executive branches as they are cleaning house in other agencies as well...........

Ended Michele Obama's Food Program...................the program that kids wouldn't eat.........

Trump versus Hillary or the GOP candidates on the TPP.....................He ended the TPP while the others would have screwed us and had promised to enact it.

Trump's promise on cutting regulations...............Least amount of regulations under any president for a very long time......More regulations cut than a president for a very long time...............He created the 2 for 1 rule.........for every new rule 2 must be eliminated.........but that didn't work out..........they have cut 16 for every new regulation...............Promises being fulfilled...............

Paris Accord...................dead in the water......

Obama's War against Coal.............dead in the water.........

Obama's wimp ass ROE's............dead in the water........

Obama versus Trump red line in the sand...................Obama made himself look like a fool.........Trump hit their asses as soon as they used them again..........The deal Obama made wasn't worth the paper it was written on..........

ICE rules are NOW BEING ENFORCED................completely...........the CATCH AND RELEASE program under Obama is LOSE AGAIN........

Most of Obama's executive orders have been put through the shredder...............poor things.................

Your side is LOSING...............and after over 9 months of investigations you have not brought forward 1 piece of evidence to proof ANY CRIME was committed by Trump..............yet you keep going..........BECAUSE YOU CAN'T STAND THE AGENDA OF TRUMP............can't stand that the TPP is dead....
TOO DAMNED BAD.................

If there's so much winning, why do you deplorables continue to be fixated on Hilary and Obama. If Russia is a nothing burger, why is Trump so hostile? Why is he asking about pardons for a nothing burger?

Why are deplorables complaining about democrats when Republicans run the three branches of government.

You can't say there's no evidence because the investigation isn't over and the public will not have access to that information until it's over.

All I'm saying is for a group of people who are supposedly winning, there's a lot of whining and hostility.

the morons won a president that won being investigated 8 times, and no matter how hard they yammer about clinton mueller isnt going away, and theres not a damn thing they can do about it.
And the evidence.............still waiting........plenty of evidence against Hillary, Obama, and Federal agencies that used intimidation tactics against U.S. citizens.

Put up or shut up.................You have found nothing...............your just throwing shit at a wall hoping something sticks and nothing more.......when you can't find anything you make shit up...............

Made a big deal about Comey............CNN had a COUNTDOWN TO COMEY CLOCK............You GOT NOTHING................


none YET made public monkeyshitboi ... but when there is you can bet I wont let you forget about it.
You went after poor Ken Starr who really didnt want to find out all the shit he found out. Mueller is now going to get the same treatment. I have no problem whatsoever going after every one of his hires.

Lets rock it.

2008 already?

Covering up and lying about meetings with Russians vis a vis lying about a sexual encounter with a willing adult. Are you really so stupid as to equate the former with the latter?

[the question is rhetorical, I've read enough of your posts to know the answer]
And AGAIN you refuse to comment on if that happened to you.

And again you ignore those who continue to go forward with Lawsuits......

Thanks for lifting your partisan skirt.

By the way - ANYONE can file a lawsuit - merit doesn't necessarily have much to do with it. Witness the many birther suits.

Well then...........those filing the suits are saying see you in court then.................

Your lack of caring for the abuse of power is again NOTED.

I think you are the one sounding like a partisan hack here...just saying. And you never answered my question :)
Your side shows no evidence..........

You never answered mine...............they were targeted and other than a slap on the wrist nothing happened.........a few lost jobs....still getting paid........poor things.............

But their day in court will come..............

And if it plays out in the courts with individual lawsuits - I'm fine with that. That IS afterall, how our system works.

But your answer speaks volumes as to your own partisan hackery. I'm guess your concern for abuse of power is very much one sided.
Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.
Compared to the Darryll Isis dog and pony shows, and his effort to find anything against HRC, the current investigation is clean, independent and focused. There is no evidence the Mueller team has done one thing nefarious, even a sycophant like JGalt can't come up with anything of probative value sufficient to support his*** conclusions.

***the conclusions in his post are not really his, he's echoing a meme set in motion by Trump's lawyers - at least those who have not already quit - to discredit an investigation which has yet to issue a final report.
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Wishful thinking. But you know what they say about wishing: "Shit in one hand, wish in the other, and see which one fills up first".
All I am wishing for is getting to the truth
Why aren't you?

Why all of a sudden? Nobody on your side wanted to hear it when Hillary was getting a close look.
And a second close look...and a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh........
A nothing burger I agree
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.
Mueller and his team are going down. From the Clinton Foundation lawyer across the board.

I'm no spring chicken but I have learned over all these years that you cannot operate like the 90's. Mueller and his people think they are untouchable. No they aren't. And neither are their children, nor their grandchildren or any of their friends or their ex wives.

This is the point of my OP. Already rocking on dirt against them. So are others. Deep state is going to have so much dirt on them they will really wish they died as a child (MODS a quote from good morning vietnam)
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

That one let alne what she gave to Pinchuk the Ukrainian oligarch in Iran. Made him $$$$$$$millions and he in turn donated millions.

Pinchuck is also such a huge donater to the Atlantic Council. The Ukrainians figure big on this. Dmitri from CrowdStrike is with the Atlantic Council. As is Rice Powers and others.
Your nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Trump

Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.
Oh put down the bong.

You at one point on this board were credible. You are shaming yourself into oblivion.

No the interaction between Trump representatives and Russians who were helping him win is already a Shit Sandwich
Your "nothing burger" rants are just whistling past a graveyard

In spite of what you believe or what you've heard, to this day there isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates the claim that there was any collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.

Not yet. However, there is evidence that his National Security Adviser lied, his attorney general lied, his campaign manager lied, his son lied, his son-in-law lied and each did trying to cover up who they met with, how many times and what was discussed. The president met with Putin at least twice with no other American present. Even before the election, efforts by the Trump campaign to soften language in the Republican Platform on Russia occurred.

There is too much circumstantial evidence to claim the investigation into who in the Trump Administration met with, and what they discussed. Such events are a great threat to our national security for it to be called a nothing burger or suggest the investigation be terminated; direct evidence takes time and requires a thorough vetting of all witnesses, documents and interviews of principle subjects.

There is a considerably more direct evidence in the Russia Question than to any developed on the Queston's of HRC's computer server or Benghzi.

And yet, you still don't believe that Hillary signed over almost a quarter of our uranium reserves to Russia?

Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian ambassador, or whether they didn't tell anyone about it. Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels.

Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

Asshole his first meeting with the Russian Ambassador occured because the fucking STATE DEPARTMENT invited a 100 ambassadors to his speech. The second occured when in his capacity as a Senator he was required to meet with the Ambassador.


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