Mr. Powell No To Four Rate Hikes!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Mr. Powell, the new Federal Reserve Chairman, lacks wisdom he doesn't know where the ball is! The ball is whether or not the Federal Reserve Board raises the Federal Fund Rate three times or four times this year. The Federal Reserve Board wins if America's investment and business community believes there will only be three hikes this year because that way leaders in these communities can prudently assume that the business outlook looks good for this year and they can capital spend and hire accordingly which will result in winning for the American economy and thus the American people. Mr. Powell doesn't seem to get what his predecessor Ms. Yellin and Mr. Bernanke knew it as a given that the 2007/2009 Great Recession really scarred the American people and the American business community's psyche, we all have our eagle eye out for a repeat downturn so prudent Federal Reserve Chairperson err on the side of giving a high amount of monetary stimulus to the U.S. economy because they don't want the drivers of the American economy to clam up. Mr. Powell this past Tuesday when he testified in Congress should have said something like the only way the Fed will have four rate hikes this year is if the yearly inflation rate approaches three percent which would necessitate the Fed stepping in to cool down the economy and rein in inflation. Instead Mr. Powell leaves the door open for four rate hikes so for every measurement statistic on the economy that comes out on a monthly and quarterly basis we will have an army of financial experts giving their analysis whether that means three or four rate hikes this year. This will cause significant volatility in the equity and bond markets and dampen consumer and business confidence in the economy thus hurting U.S. economic growth.

Donald Trump really screwed up not reappointing Yellin she knew how to do the job of Fed Chair now the American people have to wait for this new guy to climb the learning curve on how to do his job. If this guy is not up to the job now on how to be a good steward of the U.S. economy when the job is a cake walk what happens in two years when the job becomes really hard. When the U.S. consumer is facing interest rates a point or a point and a half higher than today causing their spending to dive and sovereign debt investors start requiring a premium for buying U.S. Treasuring debt because U.S. credit worthiness has significantly worsened with yearly budget deficits in the vicinity of a trillion dollars a year with no end in sight and a dysfunctional government paralyzed by politics and cannot even achieve must-do straight forward good public policy changes like significantly improving the Affordable Care Act and amending the Tax Code so that it raises enough revenue that at least responsibly approaches the country's needs. America needs four rate hikes this year from the Fed like it needs the plague, wake up Jerome and smell the coffee!
Mr. Powell, the new Federal Reserve Chairman, lacks wisdom he doesn't know where the ball is! The ball is whether or not the Federal Reserve Board raises the Federal Fund Rate three times or four times this year. The Federal Reserve Board wins if America's investment and business community believes there will only be three hikes this year because that way leaders in these communities can prudently assume that the business outlook looks good for this year and they can capital spend and hire accordingly which will result in winning for the American economy and thus the American people. Mr. Powell doesn't seem to get what his predecessor Ms. Yellin and Mr. Bernanke knew it as a given that the 2007/2009 Great Recession really scarred the American people and the American business community's psyche, we all have our eagle eye out for a repeat downturn so prudent Federal Reserve Chairperson err on the side of giving a high amount of monetary stimulus to the U.S. economy because they don't want the drivers of the American economy to clam up. Mr. Powell this past Tuesday when he testified in Congress should have said something like the only way the Fed will have four rate hikes this year is if the yearly inflation rate approaches three percent which would necessitate the Fed stepping in to cool down the economy and rein in inflation. Instead Mr. Powell leaves the door open for four rate hikes so for every measurement statistic on the economy that comes out on a monthly and quarterly basis we will have an army of financial experts giving their analysis whether that means three or four rate hikes this year. This will cause significant volatility in the equity and bond markets and dampen consumer and business confidence in the economy thus hurting U.S. economic growth.

Donald Trump really screwed up not reappointing Yellin she knew how to do the job of Fed Chair now the American people have to wait for this new guy to climb the learning curve on how to do his job. If this guy is not up to the job now on how to be a good steward of the U.S. economy when the job is a cake walk what happens in two years when the job becomes really hard. When the U.S. consumer is facing interest rates a point or a point and a half higher than today causing their spending to dive and sovereign debt investors start requiring a premium for buying U.S. Treasuring debt because U.S. credit worthiness has significantly worsened with yearly budget deficits in the vicinity of a trillion dollars a year with no end in sight and a dysfunctional government paralyzed by politics and cannot even achieve must-do straight forward good public policy changes like significantly improving the Affordable Care Act and amending the Tax Code so that it raises enough revenue that at least responsibly approaches the country's needs. America needs four rate hikes this year from the Fed like it needs the plague, wake up Jerome and smell the coffee!
Yellen that same one who spineless couldn't raise rates under Obama because even her talking about it, would cause 300 - 1000 point sell off? Obama needed his economy to look good, so 4.5 trillion FAUX dollars were made under QE forever.. Now we are paying for it, as the central bank(not federal government) is bringing those dollars back in. Apple who had borrowed 5 billion of those dollars to buy back their stock, is now sweating for they will have to totally sell off those shares before the rates are higher than their dividend.
Mr. Powell, the new Federal Reserve Chairman, lacks wisdom he doesn't know where the ball is! The ball is whether or not the Federal Reserve Board raises the Federal Fund Rate three times or four times this year. The Federal Reserve Board wins if America's investment and business community believes there will only be three hikes this year because that way leaders in these communities can prudently assume that the business outlook looks good for this year and they can capital spend and hire accordingly which will result in winning for the American economy and thus the American people. Mr. Powell doesn't seem to get what his predecessor Ms. Yellin and Mr. Bernanke knew it as a given that the 2007/2009 Great Recession really scarred the American people and the American business community's psyche, we all have our eagle eye out for a repeat downturn so prudent Federal Reserve Chairperson err on the side of giving a high amount of monetary stimulus to the U.S. economy because they don't want the drivers of the American economy to clam up. Mr. Powell this past Tuesday when he testified in Congress should have said something like the only way the Fed will have four rate hikes this year is if the yearly inflation rate approaches three percent which would necessitate the Fed stepping in to cool down the economy and rein in inflation. Instead Mr. Powell leaves the door open for four rate hikes so for every measurement statistic on the economy that comes out on a monthly and quarterly basis we will have an army of financial experts giving their analysis whether that means three or four rate hikes this year. This will cause significant volatility in the equity and bond markets and dampen consumer and business confidence in the economy thus hurting U.S. economic growth.

Donald Trump really screwed up not reappointing Yellin she knew how to do the job of Fed Chair now the American people have to wait for this new guy to climb the learning curve on how to do his job. If this guy is not up to the job now on how to be a good steward of the U.S. economy when the job is a cake walk what happens in two years when the job becomes really hard. When the U.S. consumer is facing interest rates a point or a point and a half higher than today causing their spending to dive and sovereign debt investors start requiring a premium for buying U.S. Treasuring debt because U.S. credit worthiness has significantly worsened with yearly budget deficits in the vicinity of a trillion dollars a year with no end in sight and a dysfunctional government paralyzed by politics and cannot even achieve must-do straight forward good public policy changes like significantly improving the Affordable Care Act and amending the Tax Code so that it raises enough revenue that at least responsibly approaches the country's needs. America needs four rate hikes this year from the Fed like it needs the plague, wake up Jerome and smell the coffee!
Yellen that same one who spineless couldn't raise rates under Obama because even her talking about it, would cause 300 - 1000 point sell off? Obama needed his economy to look good, so 4.5 trillion FAUX dollars were made under QE forever.. Now we are paying for it, as the central bank(not federal government) is bringing those dollars back in. Apple who had borrowed 5 billion of those dollars to buy back their stock, is now sweating for they will have to totally sell off those shares before the rates are higher than their dividend.
Trump just rewarded Apple with a massive and permanent tax cut. They can do whatever they want.

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