Mr. President, close the southern border.

name one border crossing where people can just walk in without going through a checkpoint and customs .. JUST ONE.
THIS ONE: the USA Mexico border
Oh....can you point to the spot on the border where that happens? Perhaps pinpoint it on a map?

Start here

And here

And here
It does not matter about the funding anymore. This illegal immigration has been going on for years as caravans and as unaccompanied minors. All of this must stop.
Many of these hot young dude "asylum seekers" have already named a priority destination to start their dream life: California the sanctuary state. What a surprise.
garden snails arent stupid enough to communicate with RW's.
Fences and checkpoints. Don't you know that?

if theres a fence there it's not there as a barrier to block traffic, it means COME ON IN !

Sounds like someone has not visited our border. Do you know where the border is?


They know exactly what’s going on...they play some stupid game of’s weird. It’s how they stay infected with Head-In-Ass-Itus.
name one border crossing where people can just walk in without going through a checkpoint and customs .. JUST ONE.
THIS ONE: the USA Mexico border

name the crossing

Eastern San Diego, a small town called Jacumba. I’ve sat on this exact portion of this fence.

so where is the crossing ?

a crossing and a fence must confuse you ...
If you're illegal, the entire border is a crossing.
Don't quite got all your groceries bagged, doya?
These are not desperate times, pants shitter.

These are not desperate times??? Dood, talk with a liberal.

you're confused. liberals are not the ones irrationally frightened by brown boogeymen. :itsok:

Wow, sound a bit racist there pal. I wasn't referring to "brown boogeymen", I was referring to all the "end of the world" BS stories libs decide to make up on a daily basis....dumbass.

team trump has brought ignorant fearmongering to public policy on a daily basis which is why dumbo bedwetters (like you!) now RABIDLY chant for a border wall, AS IF "these are desperate times"...

(shocking you needed that explained to you) ^

face it, rethuglicans own all the "end of the world" BS stories made up on a daily basis....

blame liberals and the evil media for noticing how fucking irrational and ignorant you assholes are.

Can all these words fit on the protestors banners now?:

"Abolish Ice, Border Patrol, National Guard, US Army, US Air Force, Mexican Army, Drones, Citizens of the USA"?

Oh it’s definitely in the’s coming.
We’re probably an election cycle away from the Mexicrat Party running on this tagline-
Make America Mexico Again
This will be part of the official campaign attire.
These are not desperate times, pants shitter.

These are not desperate times??? Dood, talk with a liberal.

you're confused. liberals are not the ones irrationally frightened by brown boogeymen. :itsok:

Wow, sound a bit racist there pal. I wasn't referring to "brown boogeymen", I was referring to all the "end of the world" BS stories libs decide to make up on a daily basis....dumbass.

team trump has brought ignorant fearmongering to public policy on a daily basis which is why dumbo bedwetters (like you!) now RABIDLY chant for a border wall, AS IF "these are desperate times"...

(shocking you needed that explained to you) ^

face it, rethuglicans own all the "end of the world" BS stories made up on a daily basis....

blame liberals and the evil media for noticing how fucking irrational and ignorant you assholes are.


How long can you ignorant fools possibly keep your heads in your asses?
$21 trillion in debt, deficit spending like nobody’s business, 29 million illegal invaders dropping taxpayer dependent litters of pet humans at a cockroaches pace, homeless Vets pissing, shitting and dying in our streets daily, a middle class that can’t afford decent healthcare or save a dime and a exploding filthy, disgusting underclass like we’ve never seen before....
At what FUCKING point are you going to decide we’re in trouble?
The crossing in Tijuana needs to be closed immediately. So does the one in El Paso. We cannot allow the whole of central America to flow into this country. The United States will be remade into exactly what they left.
Can all these words fit on the protestors banners now?:

"Abolish Ice, Border Patrol, National Guard, US Army, US Air Force, Border Wall, Drones, Citizens of the USA"?
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team trump
The correct title is citizens of the United States.

and what is the "correct title" for liberals, democrats, independents, rational moderates, rational republicans, the media, and the overwhelmingly vast majority who do not approve of team trump?

You must be referring to the degenerate filth in Mexifornia and Loon York...right?
Cuz 30 states and 2,623 counties just gave Trump the keys to the Oval Office....remember now?
"To those in the Caravan, turnaround, we are not letting people into the United States illegally. Go back to your Country and if you want, apply for citizenship like millions of others are doing!" - President Trump

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