Mr. Trump, ask this question on your Twitter

Oh my god, you should have charged admission for us to watch you act the fool

Shouting insults at someone telling your beaked birdbrain the truth is par for the course of supporting Hillary.

What does CO2 have to do with plate tectonics???

Seriously. I will pay you a dollar to keep going like this. Do you have a Paypal account?
Seriously. I will pay you a dollar to keep going like this

I don't need to be paid for being a truth telling patriotic American.

I just need the loudmouth to ask the question the "US media" censors....
Seriously. I will pay you a dollar to keep going like this

I don't need to be paid for being a truth telling patriotic American.

I just need the loudmouth to ask the question the "US media" censors....
The truth the US media censors. You mean the moon being made out of cheese?

I'm not kidding. I'd like to pay you. Between you and Dale Smith and LadyGunSlinger, my stomach muscles have turned into a six pack from laughing so much. I'd like to thank you with some cash.
Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9+ times the ice of the other, the Arctic?


We'll take it from there.

Hillary had an event with Gore two days ago - it is a current issue.

It's because the Antarctic has land underneath.

And due to its elevation. It is the coldest place on earth. Whereas the North Pole is not the coldest in the Northern hemisphere.
Retarded Crooked Hillary douchebags are scientists all of a sudden. :p
The truth the US media censors. You mean the moon being made out of cheese?

You cannot answer any of my questions because you are a taxpayer funded leech with a birdbrain and you are only capable of parroting, not thinking...
Yes the Transantarctic Mountains have some high ones. The rest is 2+ mile thick glaciers, some 8 million cubic miles of ice.
Mr. Trump,

Notice that the Hillary side can only name call and threaten jail for those who post this truth.

Bust Mr. Gore's FRAUD. Bust Hillary in the process... and many many more, including, yes, Paul Ryan, who covered up the FBI case that Obama covered up in 2012...
hot water freezes faster than cold water. here is snopes defending/debunking physics since 1996...

because it was an internet rumor all these years... :cool: heh

Freezing/boiling: hot water vs. cold - › Urban Legends › Science
Sep 26, 2008 - 7 posts - ‎5 authors
Comment: PLEASE put to rest the widely held belief that cold water boils faster than hot water! The myth may have arisen from the fact that cold ...
"Wet cold" vs. "dry cold"
20 posts
Jul 30, 2012
Hot water boils at a higher temperature
20 posts
May 13, 2008
Straight antifreeze better than the dilute form?
16 posts
May 1, 2007
Preventing brain freeze
20 posts
Dec 28, 2006
More results from

you aren't answering the questions here. Did I STUMP you??


You do not care if CO2 changes the climate or not. You just care about your government check, and hence you support Hillary....
In short, one Democrat here actually answered the question, that the amount of ice on Earth has EVERYTHING to do with WHERE LAND IS, not CO2.

So if CO2 has NOTHING to do with the amount of ice on Earth, why are we wasting tens of billions of taxdollars "studying" something not happening???
Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9+ times the ice of the other, the Arctic?


We'll take it from there.

Hillary had an event with Gore two days ago - it is a current issue.
Be afraid liberal, be very afraid. Not of the poles, but because of Trump. He will send you where you belong.
Liberals - absolutely certain of that which isn't true, and only capable of insults when questioned about it...
Trump's campaign workers here would be wise to notice how this topic went...

The LEFT has NO ANSWERS to TRUTH about CLIMATE... TRUTH that CO2 has NOTHING TO DO with Earth Climate Change - NOTHING.
Wow, did our USMB "climate non-deniers" want this thread to VANISH VANISH VANISH...

Not even an attempt to defend Algore's FRAUD...
In short, one Democrat here actually answered the question, that the amount of ice on Earth has EVERYTHING to do with WHERE LAND IS, not CO2.

So if CO2 has NOTHING to do with the amount of ice on Earth, why are we wasting tens of billions of taxdollars "studying" something not happening???

One way of measuring the effect of CO2 is by using satellites to compare how much energy is arriving from the sun, and how much is leaving the Earth. What scientists have seen over the last few decades is a gradual decrease in the amount of energy being re-radiated back into space. In the same period, the amount of energy arriving from the sun has not changed very much at all. This is the first piece of evidence: more energy is remaining in the atmosphere.

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

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