MSNBC Blames Obama Loss On Angry Black Man Syndrome


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Michael Eric Dyson on MSNBC blamed Obama's fear of being called an "Angry Black Man" on his "refusal" to refute "lies" by Mitt Romney Thursday night.

NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie complimented Romney’s style over Obama’s. She said that, judging by body language alone, Romney appeared comfortable and confident. Dyson interrupted Guthrie, saying that Romney’s performance only told half the story.

“He had the least to lose,” Dyson interjected. “Mitt Romney came into the game, so to speak, not expected to do well – back against the wall – and, therefore, he’s free to throw darts and see what lands.”

Dyson then pivoted to what he believed could be in Obama’s head during last night’s debate, which was The Daily Caller tape of him from 2007 attacking the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina and suggesting there were unresolved racial issues behind that insufficient response.

“Obama has just been subject to the Fox News treatment of ‘angry black man’ again,” said Dyson. “Let’s not forget this. Lest we pretend that that doesn’t make a difference to the specter hanging over his neck that ‘I can’t come off as too vigorous, because then it looks like I’m being an angry black man.’”

Since the debate we've heard all sorts of excuses. Everything from lack of oxygen because of the high altitude to the Sun was in his eyes. Obama didn't prepare like he should have because to be honest he's been coddled most of his life. Not to mention the fact that everyone has treated him like he's more special than he really is, Obama has become spoiled. He doesn't really work at his job. He's just there to clock in.

David Axlerod sounded real testy when he was interviewed afterward. He essentially called Romney a liar. He also says that the challenger always, always, always gets a bump out of these debates. 2

Not if the challengers sucked.

Fact is Obama cannot defend his policies. It's an impossible task to defend them. I was thinking that Romney was going to say that Obama has the tougher job. Defending his job performance. Fact is there is no defense for it. Obama supporters have to trust that every lie the left dreams up for him will convince enough people to vote to continue the malaise that his presidency has become. 3 You can tell they're desperate when they use race-baiting because it is a sign of desperation.

Oh, and a phony jobs report helps too.


1 Michael Eric Dyson: Obama Played It Safe Because Fox Called Him ‘Angry Black Man’ Night Before | Mediaite

2 Axelrod Weighs In On First Debate, Attempts To Explain Performance | RealClearPolitics

3 Articles: How the Liberal Media Ruined Obama
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I am so sick of hearing about Obama's skin color..

Number one reason for the people vote him out, so WE don't have to hear this ugly and ignorant shit anymore..
White racism is the reason Obama did so poorly? Stupid afro-shit.
And, yet, Romney wasn't afraid of looking like an Angry White Male?

Stupid afro-shits and their liberal owners.
Dyson plays the race card again. Nasty Fox was making Barry look like an angry black man by playing a video of the community agitator addressing a black audience. His own words in his own Negro dialect (as Sen. Reid calls it) and it's a racial attack according to this race pimp.

You're hurting yourselves, fools, so please, please, please keep it up.
I am so sick of hearing about Obama's skin color..

Number one reason for the people vote him out, so WE don't have to hear this ugly and ignorant shit anymore..


You're an idiot.

I'll just join you there..

maybe the people who voted for him like having the fact he is black thown up in their faces...I guess we'll see
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I disagree with the guy's assertion about the "angry black man syndrome" regarding this election and Obama. He had a poor performance, Mitt was on his game and fresh off of debating in the primaries. Didn't people ay that Gore won the first debate with G.W. Bush?
I disagree with the guy's assertion about the "angry black man syndrome" regarding this election and Obama. He had a poor performance, Mitt was on his game and fresh off of debating in the primaries. Didn't people ay that Gore won the first debate with G.W. Bush?
No...He didn't win any of them.

Debate 1 :Siiiigh...Siiiiigh...Grunt...Grunt.

Debate 2: Showed up looking like an Ooompaloompa.

Debate 3: The one where he (in)famously and inexplicably came out from behind his lectern and did a little staredown thing to Chimpy.

He looked like an imbecile in all three of them.
Blacks can't stop blaming the white man for all their problems. Grow the fuck up already.

Obama lose because Romney had far more "facts" and a better debate performance. The fact that blacks can't even judge their own selfs and seek towards better. Tells me a lot about them.
I disagree with the guy's assertion about the "angry black man syndrome" regarding this election and Obama. He had a poor performance, Mitt was on his game and fresh off of debating in the primaries. Didn't people ay that Gore won the first debate with G.W. Bush?
No...He didn't win any of them.

Debate 1 :Siiiigh...Siiiiigh...Grunt...Grunt.

Debate 2: Showed up looking like an Ooompaloompa.

Debate 3: The one where he (in)famously and inexplicably came out from behind his lectern and did a little staredown thing to Chimpy.

He looked like an imbecile in all three of them.

Half of what fucked Obama is he's running against his shitty record. :eusa_boohoo:
Oh, so they thought that the "smirking punk" or the "deer in the headlights" look were a better alternative to the "angry black man"?

Uh-huh....Suuuurrrre. :rolleyes:
Actually I was motivated to vote for Obama because I believed an angry Black man was needed to deal with kind of corrupt White sonsabitches who were looting this Country and driving it into the ground. But while Candidate Obama did project somewhat the charisma of the angry, righteous Black who would wield the Sword of Justice against the outgoing criminal Bush Administration, this is what we got:


And it's been like that ever since.

Obama has been passive, almost submissively so, in response to overtly contemptuous treatment by the Republican Congress. And while he was able to hold his own against a relatively weak and stumbling adversary (McCain) in the 2007 debates he showed himself to be utterly incapable of assertiveness last night, and assertiveness is a critically important characteristic in a leader. It is a characteristic which people in the position to choose a leader are preconsciously impressed by.

I believe that demonstrating the characteristic of poised assertiveness is the very purpose of these debates, far moreso than the presentation of ideas and intentions, and it appears that while Romney is aware of this Obama is not.

What I saw in the Obama/Romney debate is precisely analogous to that of a champion boxer "taking a dive," i.e. throwing the fight.
Oh, so they thought that the "smirking punk" or the "deer in the headlights" look were a better alternative to the "angry black man"?

Uh-huh....Suuuurrrre. :rolleyes:
Actually I was motivated to vote for Obama because I believed an angry Black man was needed to deal with kind of corrupt White sonsabitches who were looting this Country and driving it into the ground. But while Candidate Obama did project somewhat the charisma of the angry, righteous Black who would wield the Sword of Justice against the outgoing criminal Bush Administration, this is what we got:


And it's been like that ever since.

Obama has been passive, almost submissively so, in response to overtly contemptuous treatment by the Republican Congress. And while he was able to hold his own against a relatively weak and stumbling adversary (McCain) in the 2007 debates he showed himself to be utterly incapable of assertiveness last night, and assertiveness is a critically important characteristic in a leader. It is a characteristic which people in the position to choose a leader are preconsciously impressed by.

I believe that demonstrating the characteristic of poised assertiveness is the very purpose of these debates, far moreso than the presentation of ideas and intentions, and it appears that while Romney is aware of this Obama is not.

What I saw in the Obama/Romney debate is precisely analogous to that of a champion boxer "taking a dive," i.e. throwing the fight.
Wow...You're not gonna have the blue dress cleaned either, areya? :lol:
Michael Dyson is a typical over-educated liberal arts elitist who is used to having students swallow their bullshit with glistening eyes.
He is an idiot. And this is not the first time he has showed that fact.
I disagree with the guy's assertion about the "angry black man syndrome" regarding this election and Obama. He had a poor performance, Mitt was on his game and fresh off of debating in the primaries. Didn't people ay that Gore won the first debate with G.W. Bush?
No...He didn't win any of them.

Debate 1 :Siiiigh...Siiiiigh...Grunt...Grunt.

Debate 2: Showed up looking like an Ooompaloompa.

Debate 3: The one where he (in)famously and inexplicably came out from behind his lectern and did a little staredown thing to Chimpy.

He looked like an imbecile in all three of them.

Even though Gore came off looking silly. Bush came off as a grade school bullshitter. But, Americans like themselves some bullshit. Hope and Change Obama also used bullshit to get elected. Maybe he should have retreated to that tactic to beat Romney in this latest round?

Al Gore comes out from behind his lectern and does a little staredown thing to Chimply - you tube

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