MSNBC calls out Antifa violence and calls Antifa fascist

no the leftists are getting nervous

that groups like this has become the new face

of the democrat party which it has

and that party membership has dropped to an all time low
Damn ... when you've lost MSNBC ... you've really lost your base. Their dozens of viewers must be incensed.

When is FOXNEWS & it's viewers going to call out the KKK and White Supremacists?
That's because for serious people antifa is the biggest threat to our democracy, not white supremacists.
That's because for serious people antifa is the biggest threat to our democracy, not white supremacists.
Does the PERCEIVED terrorist future of ANTIFA supersede the ACTUAL terrorist history of the White Supremacists in your mind?
Holy toledo! I'm checking out the window but I swear I hear the flutter of wings.

That's because for serious people antifa is the biggest threat to our democracy, not white supremacists.
Does the PERCEIVED terrorist future of ANTIFA supersede the ACTUAL terrorist history of the White Supremacists in your mind?
Both extremes are wrong and dangerous, get it!
Since you butted to answer the question Spruce?
OMG, you don't get it.

Who knows what the future holds, but both extremes need to be kept in check. Which ever extreme is not kept in check will be the biggest problem in the future. For the most part, the White Supremacist have been neutered for many years. ANTiFA needs to be neutered also.

Neutered figuratively means publicly scorned/minimalized/kept in check.
Marc you are fighting the last war. I already know what happened in the past. I am WORRIED about what is going to happen in the future. I am not worried about 5 to 8 thousand has beens, I am worried about organized,billionaire supported,politically connected group of anti American mobs. And memo to mark, the violence of antifa is not "perceived"
OMG, you don't get it.

Who knows what the future holds, but both extremes need to be kept in check. Which ever extreme is not kept in check will be the biggest problem in the future. For the most part, the White Supremacist have been neutered for many years. ANTiFA needs to be neutered also.

Neutered figuratively means publicly scorned/minimalized/kept in check.
Oh I get it alright.

What you and your ilk have been trying to do since the term ANTIFA become en vogue in the last two months is EQUATE the violent, racist and terroist PROVEN history of the KKK and White Supremecists of America to ANTIFA, who's very recent past doesn't even hold a CANDLE to the aforementioned groups.

Are you going to be a man and CALL OUT the PROVEN history of the KKK and the White Supremacists or are you going to kuntinue to equivocate?

Your call bruh.
That's because for serious people antifa is the biggest threat to our democracy, not white supremacists.

A bunch of rioting crusties is "the biggest threat to our democracy"?

This country has survived a lot worse than a bunch of filthy white kids with dreads and cardboard "shields".

Don't be such a fucking drama queen.
OMG, you don't get it.

Who knows what the future holds, but both extremes need to be kept in check. Which ever extreme is not kept in check will be the biggest problem in the future. For the most part, the White Supremacist have been neutered for many years. ANTiFA needs to be neutered also.

Neutered figuratively means publicly scorned/minimalized/kept in check.
Oh I get it alright.

What you and your ilk have been trying to do since the term ANTIFA become en vogue in the last two months is EQUATE the violent, racist and terroist PROVEN history of the KKK and White Supremecists of America to ANTIFA, who's very recent past doesn't even hold a CANDLE to the aforementioned groups.

Are you going to be a man and CALL OUT the PROVEN history of the KKK and the White Supremacists or are you going to kuntinue to equivocate?

Your call bruh.
ANTIFA is new, but recent events prove they use violence and intimidation to shut down those they disagree with. You seem to be defending them.
The KKK, White Supremecist and ANTIFA should be shunned. They are all bad news.
When is FOXNEWS & it's viewers going to call out the KKK and White Supremacists?

ummm, they have repeatedly, and for at least a dozen years that I can recall.
ANTIFA is new, but recent events prove they use violence and intimidation to shut down those they disagree with. You seem to be defending them.
The KKK, White Supremecist and ANTIFA should be shunned. They are all bad news.
Why can't you simply call out the PROVEN HISTORY of the KKK and White Supremacists by themselves, without doing this cowardice both-sides mealy mouth nonsense?

CALL OUT the violent, racist and terrorist history of the KKK and White Supremacists why don't you?

Unless you agree with them and what they stand for.

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