MSNBC defends fraudulent Rand Paul transcript as "technically correct"

Exactly my point.

Do you agree with this statement?

Just as anyone could deny anyone entry to their home or land for any reason, someone should be able to deny someone entry to their business for any reason. Private property is private property. Racism is a horrible thing, but people have the right to be racist.


Seems like a silly question to me.

It's a perfectly valid question relating to the role of government as it relates to property rights, the right to conduct or refuse business with whom you please, civil liberties, and the 'common good'. Are the rights of the racist shopkeeper more or less important than those of those oppressed by the system that was in place?

Was the legislation in question justified and warranted? Was it necessary? If so, is it still necessitated and justified today?
Do you agree with this statement?

Just as anyone could deny anyone entry to their home or land for any reason, someone should be able to deny someone entry to their business for any reason. Private property is private property. Racism is a horrible thing, but people have the right to be racist.


Seems like a silly question to me.

It's a perfectly valid question relating to the role of government as it relates to property rights, the right to conduct or refuse business with whom you please, civil liberties, and the 'common good'. Are the rights of the racist shopkeeper more or less important than those of those oppressed by the system that was in place?

Was the legislation in question justified and warranted? Was it necessary? If so, is it still necessitated and justified today?

It's a silly question because the blue text is something I said in another thread. So it's silly to ask me if I agree with something I said, he was simply trying to get me in some kind of "gotcha" moment.
He didn't say "Yes" to the question, however, which is why it's misleading, and MSNBC refuses to apologize or acknowledge that it was more than just the New York Times that picked up on their mistake.

A transcript is what it is. It is the spoken word transcribed into print.

And yet the transcript erroneously makes it look like Rand answered "Yes" to a question he didn't answer "Yes" to. Which has led to many mistakes being made, and MSNBC refuses to apologize for the misunderstanding.

Kevin, your whining is only trumped by Rand Paul's. His interview with George Stephanopoulos was an embarrassment. You can't stand for 'personal responsibility', and then whine, cry, and blame EVERYONE but himself.

This guy is DANGEROUS to a free and open society. He's was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

Whats so horrible about a person in this nation believing that a private business owner has the right to run his/her business as they see fit? If they wan't to be racist assholes, so be it...word will get out, and most people will never go there and they'll go OUT of business.

It seems to me to be a much simpler, and certainly less intrusive method of dealing with racist assholes than allowing a bunch of morons in Washington, D.C. to have the power and authority to tell someone who has invested their life savings into a small business how they have to run that business.

I think Rand Paul's point is sound...less government intrusion, more personal freedom (even if it means the freedom to be a racist asshole).

Let's look at your racist shopkeeper form another view. Does the fire department have the right to let his 'private' business burn to the ground? Does the police department have the right to not offer protection or ignore a 911 call from his 'private' business? If his business is a restaurant, does your racist have the right to serve horse meat or violate health codes?

Everyone in this country should be required to complete a certified civics course before they can vote.
A transcript is what it is. It is the spoken word transcribed into print.

And yet the transcript erroneously makes it look like Rand answered "Yes" to a question he didn't answer "Yes" to. Which has led to many mistakes being made, and MSNBC refuses to apologize for the misunderstanding.

Kevin, your whining is only trumped by Rand Paul's. His interview with George Stephanopoulos was an embarrassment. You can't stand for 'personal responsibility', and then whine, cry, and blame EVERYONE but himself.

This guy is DANGEROUS to a free and open society. He's was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.

Well if asking for the truth is whining then I guess I'm guilty as charged.
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

Whats so horrible about a person in this nation believing that a private business owner has the right to run his/her business as they see fit? If they wan't to be racist assholes, so be it...word will get out, and most people will never go there and they'll go OUT of business.

It seems to me to be a much simpler, and certainly less intrusive method of dealing with racist assholes than allowing a bunch of morons in Washington, D.C. to have the power and authority to tell someone who has invested their life savings into a small business how they have to run that business.

I think Rand Paul's point is sound...less government intrusion, more personal freedom (even if it means the freedom to be a racist asshole).

Let's look at your racist shopkeeper form another view. Does the fire department have the right to let his 'private' business burn to the ground? Does the police department have the right to not offer protection or ignore a 911 call from his 'private' business? If his business is a restaurant, does your racist have the right to serve horse meat or violate health codes?

Everyone in this country should be required to complete a certified civics course before they can vote.

To say that a fireman has to put out a fire, even against their will, would be to make a slave out of the fireman, so yes a private firefighting firm would have the right to pick and choose whatever fires they wanted to put out. However, they'd likely find themselves out of business before long.
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

Whats so horrible about a person in this nation believing that a private business owner has the right to run his/her business as they see fit? If they wan't to be racist assholes, so be it...word will get out, and most people will never go there and they'll go OUT of business.

It seems to me to be a much simpler, and certainly less intrusive method of dealing with racist assholes than allowing a bunch of morons in Washington, D.C. to have the power and authority to tell someone who has invested their life savings into a small business how they have to run that business.

I think Rand Paul's point is sound...less government intrusion, more personal freedom (even if it means the freedom to be a racist asshole).

Let's look at your racist shopkeeper form another view. Does the fire department have the right to let his 'private' business burn to the ground? Does the police department have the right to not offer protection or ignore a 911 call from his 'private' business? If his business is a restaurant, does your racist have the right to serve horse meat or violate health codes?

Everyone in this country should be required to complete a certified civics course before they can vote.

To say that a fireman has to put out a fire, even against their will, would be to make a slave out of the fireman, so yes a private firefighting firm would have the right to pick and choose whatever fires they wanted to put out. However, they'd likely find themselves out of business before long.

A SLAVE? You have be kidding me Kevin! You are desecrating and diminishing the lives of REAL human beings that ACTUALLY suffered a wasted lifetime BEING a slave. You have taken ideology to the realm of STUPIDITY!

The 'free market always works...EVENTUALLY...AFTER the bodies are buried!
Let's look at your racist shopkeeper form another view. Does the fire department have the right to let his 'private' business burn to the ground? Does the police department have the right to not offer protection or ignore a 911 call from his 'private' business? If his business is a restaurant, does your racist have the right to serve horse meat or violate health codes?

Everyone in this country should be required to complete a certified civics course before they can vote.

To say that a fireman has to put out a fire, even against their will, would be to make a slave out of the fireman, so yes a private firefighting firm would have the right to pick and choose whatever fires they wanted to put out. However, they'd likely find themselves out of business before long.

A SLAVE? You have be kidding me Kevin! You are desecrating and diminishing the lives of REAL human beings that ACTUALLY suffered a wasted lifetime BEING a slave. You have taken ideology to the realm of STUPIDITY!

The 'free market always works...EVENTUALLY...AFTER the bodies are buried!

What do you call it when somebody is forced to do something against their will?
To say that a fireman has to put out a fire, even against their will, would be to make a slave out of the fireman, so yes a private firefighting firm would have the right to pick and choose whatever fires they wanted to put out. However, they'd likely find themselves out of business before long.

A SLAVE? You have be kidding me Kevin! You are desecrating and diminishing the lives of REAL human beings that ACTUALLY suffered a wasted lifetime BEING a slave. You have taken ideology to the realm of STUPIDITY!

The 'free market always works...EVENTUALLY...AFTER the bodies are buried!

What do you call it when somebody is forced to do something against their will?

In this set of circumstances...being a grownup.
Let's look at your racist shopkeeper form another view. Does the fire department have the right to let his 'private' business burn to the ground?

Nice strawman. The fire dept. is not a private business, now is it? Do you know why that is? It's because the answer to your question was 'yes' back when the fire departments were private companies.
Does the police department have the right to not offer protection or ignore a 911 call from his 'private' business?

See the above and come back when you feel like being less disingenuous.
Everyone in this country should be required to complete a certified civics course before they can vote.
I suspect you would fail it.
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

Whats so horrible about a person in this nation believing that a private business owner has the right to run his/her business as they see fit? If they wan't to be racist assholes, so be it...word will get out, and most people will never go there and they'll go OUT of business.

It seems to me to be a much simpler, and certainly less intrusive method of dealing with racist assholes than allowing a bunch of morons in Washington, D.C. to have the power and authority to tell someone who has invested their life savings into a small business how they have to run that business.

I think Rand Paul's point is sound...less government intrusion, more personal freedom (even if it means the freedom to be a racist asshole).
Oh imagine that.
Let's look at your racist shopkeeper form another view. Does the fire department have the right to let his 'private' business burn to the ground?

Nice strawman. The fire dept. is not a private business, now is it? Do you know why that is? It's because the answer to your question was 'yes' back when the fire departments were private companies.
Does the police department have the right to not offer protection or ignore a 911 call from his 'private' business?

See the above and come back when you feel like being less disingenuous.
Everyone in this country should be required to complete a certified civics course before they can vote.
I suspect you would fail it.

Ironic, you didn't address the restaurant health code question. A business that serves the public, like a restaurant or a bar can not operate without a license issued by the State. Can a 'private' bar serve alcohol to minors?

The real strawman here is that civil rights was an economic issue that could have been solved by the invisible hand of the free market. It is naive and childish dogma.

The TRUTH is people's homes were allowed to burn to the ground and police protection was BLACKS.
I see people still aren't using the context of the discussion Rand Paul was having.

Its a shame people have to try and misrepresent and discredit others just because the positions of those they support are indefensable.

Too bad.
I'd say it's pretty significant when MSNBC lies in its transcript and then the rest of the media picks up on that to make it look like somebody said something they didn't.
Whether he said Yeah or Yes in a question he has answered affirmatively (and you support) is significant?

Only to people who worry about their boogers and the specks of lint on their cellar windowsill.

You are a liar

He did not answer the question in the affirmative in the instance in question
Here we are back again.

So Ron Paul DOESN'T think 'a private business has the right to say, "We don't serve black people"?'

Is it the fact he didn't say "yes" when prefacing a reply - even when he has stated (up until his 180) on a number of occasions he believes just this?
As do you. As does Kevin. As does his father, Ron Paul, as do a whole new vocal segment who have begun to rattle about the Civil Rights Act and portions of it's repeal.

It's amazing how many ways you guys can show off your dance moves.
Rand Paul said he thought business should be allowed to refuse anyone they choose.

This means he was saying yes to Madow's question about not serving black people.

Many pretend that no one would shop at such a place, this is not true.

Racism exsists and anyone who pretends it doesnt is a fool.

Lets remember all the shit that was said during Katrina.
Possibly, Paul was trying out his LBJ, Al Gore Sr, Robert Byrd vaudeville routine. He sure sounded like a Democrat

Frank, it would be useful for you to have an understanding of conservatism.......but so far than has never happened.
The TRUTH is people's homes were allowed to burn to the ground
No fucking shit. That's why the fire departments were socialized and made a public thing instead of letting it remain a matter of the market. Given how often I speak of the muckrakers, the FDA, et al as examples of how capitalism is to be muzzled in a good society, I figured my views regarding health codes needn't be spelled out yet again.
Whether he said Yeah or Yes in a question he has answered affirmatively (and you support) is significant?

Only to people who worry about their boogers and the specks of lint on their cellar windowsill.

You are a liar

He did not answer the question in the affirmative in the instance in question
Here we are back again.

So Ron Paul DOESN'T think 'a private business has the right to say, "We don't serve black people"?'

Is it the fact he didn't say "yes" when prefacing a reply - even when he has stated (up until his 180) on a number of occasions he believes just this?
As do you. As does Kevin. As does his father, Ron Paul, as do a whole new vocal segment who have begun to rattle about the Civil Rights Act and portions of it's repeal.

It's amazing how many ways you guys can show off your dance moves.

You were right- there you did go again.

Reading comprehension fail.

Before you start trying to tell me what I believe, I recommend going back and actually reading my posts, you fucking idiot.

Here's a bit of advice for retards like yourself from the last thread on the subject:

Rather than attacking him like a bunch of idiots, the correct response is to make the case that the restriction of the business owners' liberties were necessitated and justified by the need to break a pervasive system of oppression and dehumanization of an entire race. The lesser of two evils, if you will.
The TRUTH is people's homes were allowed to burn to the ground
No fucking shit. That's why the fire departments were socialized and made a public thing instead of letting it remain a matter of the market. Given how often I speak of the muckrakers, the FDA, et al as examples of how capitalism is to be muzzled in a good society, I figured my views regarding health codes needn't be spelled out yet again.

Well you should have just used the axiom..."Don't you who I am"?

I didn't know how self important you were...sorry...
So you don't know anything about what I believe?

Yet you like to attribute to me whatever views you think it's prudent to slander me by claiming I hold?
he believes just this
As do you.

So you're a dishonest piece of shit who just makes things up as you go along?

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