MSNBC: Ed Schultz / Mr Ed being replaced

Schultz: GOP Should Approve Unemployment Extension Because It's COLD

Ed Schultz used a map showing the severe and rare cold affecting middle America in his argument for more federal benefits.

1.7.2014 |Elisha Krauss |


Schultz then continued that "special measurements" need to be taken to help those drawing unemployment benefits.

Later in the segment he asked Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) about the chill map and showed it again saying,

“I want to show the weather map again. This arctic blast this might not be the first one we have this year... Are we to assume that everybody is gonna be able to heat their homes in this portion of the country that's down to subzero temperatures?


Brown responded that it would be difficult for people in his home state to fight the cold. Neither men mentioned global warming during the talk of cold temperatures, only unemployment benefits.

Schultz: GOP Should Approve Unemployment Extension Because It's COLD | Truth Revolt

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