MSNBC guest: Dems must burn down conservatives with no survivors

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called for Democrats to figuratively “burn down the Republican Party” after the 2020 election with no “survivors” during a Sunday MSNBC appearance.
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’

Leave it to the loons to dream up some fantasy bs.
Its got to be in the water that is making those strange folks talk like that or is it just the liberal whiteness in them coming out. They don't talk like that where I come from about anyone. True we shoot each other but we don't make those crazy threats.
That’s funny. I would love to see the liberal scum try. Go way to get rid of the liberal scum if they try.

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Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called for Democrats to figuratively “burn down the Republican Party” after the 2020 election with no “survivors” during a Sunday MSNBC appearance.
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’

Leave it to the loons to dream up some fantasy bs.
I fear the Democrat party embracing the GOP's mentality of burning it all down to the ground. If burning the world down is the only thing on the ballot in 2020, that's bad for everybody.
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called for Democrats to figuratively “burn down the Republican Party” after the 2020 election with no “survivors” during a Sunday MSNBC appearance.
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’

Leave it to the loons to dream up some fantasy bs.
When you see looneyness like this growing and growing, and it then growing out of losing the overall debate, then this is exactly what happens when you see the TRUTH hitting them harder and harder about their aggressive behavior's in trying to force change on their unwilling victim's in this country......They can't stand it, so they start resorting to desperation or desperate talking points/measures in trying to hang on to any part of their supposed sanity when they are denide their agenda.

It really shows how far gone they had ventured into the Badlands of political decadence. Once the evil one has ensnared them, then he ain't so easily going to give them back up. They know this, but they are blinded to the truth anymore because they have been ensnared in it all.

Always remember that the war wasn't started by the Christian conservative culture in America, but it was instead started by the inching more and more over the supposed cultural boundary lines by the leftist revolutionaries for whom wanted the Christian conservatives to go along with those things that Christian conservatives just can't or won't go along with and they know it.

Abortion is just one of those things that Christian conservatives just can't go along with for example, and so they don't participate in it or support it in any way. They are believers in Christ, and are believer's in his word as it pertains to the preservation of life, and that all human beings are prescious in his sight, just as well as it is to the Christian's etc the same.

So it is that if those who refuse to go along, and won't go along freely with the left, then they are to be forced by the hand of government (controlled by the leftist), in order to force the Christian conservatives to go along with their agenda regardless of what the Christian conservatives think or can't believe in on the issues that are being brought by the leftist ???

Crossing the lines today is a very bad problem, and so getting the federal government to force people to accept those lines being crossed is even a far worse problem more so than it ever was before in America it seems.... I think it is being orchastrated by the Democrats against the citizens will these days, and for political reasons but I could be wrong.

Do people not understand that the key to a healthy diverse society, is actually respecting boundaries, beliefs, communities, religious views, freedom, and peace within these things, and doing so without government force needed, and most of all to respect privacy of the citizens in this country like it had done for hundreds of years before ?????

Line crossing by force has become a problem, because it seems to force other's to abide by that line being crossed no matter what the individual and/or a group's think or their belief system is anymore. Not a good thing, because it rob's people of their unique identities, and of their unique belief system's in the replacement of by anothers belief system or identity that will take the place of the other identity or belief system............. It is to rise up and over the unique identity and belief system (by force in this way) of all others who disagree, and that ain't good. This is not life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness/freedom by the individual or respecting the individual's freedom's any longer in this nation, and it's getting worse and worse it seems.
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called for Democrats to figuratively “burn down the Republican Party” after the 2020 election with no “survivors” during a Sunday MSNBC appearance.
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’

Leave it to the loons to dream up some fantasy bs.
When you see looneyness like this growing and growing, and it then growing out of losing the overall debate, then this is exactly what happens when you see the TRUTH hitting them harder and harder about their aggressive behavior's in trying to force change on their unwilling victim's in this country......They can't stand it, so they start resorting to desperation or desperate talking points/measures in trying to hang on to any part of their supposed sanity when they are denide their agenda.

It really shows how far gone they had ventured into the Badlands of political decadence. Once the evil one has ensnared them, then he ain't so easily going to give them back up. They know this, but they are blinded to the truth anymore because they have been ensnared in it all.

Always remember that the war wasn't started by the Christian conservative culture in America, but it was instead started by the inching more and more over the supposed cultural boundary lines by the leftist revolutionaries for whom wanted the Christian conservatives to go along with those things that Christian conservatives just can't or won't go along with and they know it.

Abortion is just one of those things that Christian conservatives just can't go along with for example, and so they don't participate in it or support it in any way. They are believers in Christ, and are believer's in his word as it pertains to the preservation of life, and that all human beings are prescious in his sight, just as well as it is to the Christian's etc the same.

So it is that if those who refuse to go along, and won't go along freely with the left, then they are to be forced by the hand of government (controlled by the leftist), in order to force the Christian conservatives to go along with their agenda regardless of what the Christian conservatives think or can't believe in on the issues that are being brought by the leftist ???

Crossing the lines today is a very bad problem, and so getting the federal government to force people to accept those lines being crossed is even a far worse problem more so than it ever was before in America it seems.... I think it is being orchastrated by the Democrats against the citizens will these days, and for political reasons but I could be wrong.

Do people not understand that the key to a healthy diverse society, is actually respecting boundaries, beliefs, communities, religious views, freedom, and peace within these things, and doing so without government force needed, and most of all to respect privacy of the citizens in this country like it had done for hundreds of years before ?????

Line crossing by force has become a problem, because it seems to force other's to abide by that line being crossed no matter what the individual and/or a group's think or their belief system is anymore. Not a good thing, because it rob's people of their unique identities, and of their unique belief system's in the replacement of by anothers belief system or identity that will take the place of the other identity or belief system............. It is to rise up and over the unique identity and belief system (by force in this way) of all others who disagree, and that ain't good. This is not life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness/freedom by the individual or respecting the individual's freedom's any longer in this nation, and it's getting worse and worse it seems.

Have you ever heard of Russel Means ?
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called for Democrats to figuratively “burn down the Republican Party” after the 2020 election with no “survivors” during a Sunday MSNBC appearance.
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’

Leave it to the loons to dream up some fantasy bs.
When you see looneyness like this growing and growing, and it then growing out of losing the overall debate, then this is exactly what happens when you see the TRUTH hitting them harder and harder about their aggressive behavior's in trying to force change on their unwilling victim's in this country......They can't stand it, so they start resorting to desperation or desperate talking points/measures in trying to hang on to any part of their supposed sanity when they are denide their agenda.

It really shows how far gone they had ventured into the Badlands of political decadence. Once the evil one has ensnared them, then he ain't so easily going to give them back up. They know this, but they are blinded to the truth anymore because they have been ensnared in it all.

Always remember that the war wasn't started by the Christian conservative culture in America, but it was instead started by the inching more and more over the supposed cultural boundary lines by the leftist revolutionaries for whom wanted the Christian conservatives to go along with those things that Christian conservatives just can't or won't go along with and they know it.

Abortion is just one of those things that Christian conservatives just can't go along with for example, and so they don't participate in it or support it in any way. They are believers in Christ, and are believer's in his word as it pertains to the preservation of life, and that all human beings are prescious in his sight, just as well as it is to the Christian's etc the same.

So it is that if those who refuse to go along, and won't go along freely with the left, then they are to be forced by the hand of government (controlled by the leftist), in order to force the Christian conservatives to go along with their agenda regardless of what the Christian conservatives think or can't believe in on the issues that are being brought by the leftist ???

Crossing the lines today is a very bad problem, and so getting the federal government to force people to accept those lines being crossed is even a far worse problem more so than it ever was before in America it seems.... I think it is being orchastrated by the Democrats against the citizens will these days, and for political reasons but I could be wrong.

Do people not understand that the key to a healthy diverse society, is actually respecting boundaries, beliefs, communities, religious views, freedom, and peace within these things, and doing so without government force needed, and most of all to respect privacy of the citizens in this country like it had done for hundreds of years before ?????

Line crossing by force has become a problem, because it seems to force other's to abide by that line being crossed no matter what the individual and/or a group's think or their belief system is anymore. Not a good thing, because it rob's people of their unique identities, and of their unique belief system's in the replacement of by anothers belief system or identity that will take the place of the other identity or belief system............. It is to rise up and over the unique identity and belief system (by force in this way) of all others who disagree, and that ain't good. This is not life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness/freedom by the individual or respecting the individual's freedom's any longer in this nation, and it's getting worse and worse it seems.

Have you ever heard of Russel Means ?
Nope, who is he a writer ?
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called for Democrats to figuratively “burn down the Republican Party” after the 2020 election with no “survivors” during a Sunday MSNBC appearance.
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’

Leave it to the loons to dream up some fantasy bs.
When you see looneyness like this growing and growing, and it then growing out of losing the overall debate, then this is exactly what happens when you see the TRUTH hitting them harder and harder about their aggressive behavior's in trying to force change on their unwilling victim's in this country......They can't stand it, so they start resorting to desperation or desperate talking points/measures in trying to hang on to any part of their supposed sanity when they are denide their agenda.

It really shows how far gone they had ventured into the Badlands of political decadence. Once the evil one has ensnared them, then he ain't so easily going to give them back up. They know this, but they are blinded to the truth anymore because they have been ensnared in it all.

Always remember that the war wasn't started by the Christian conservative culture in America, but it was instead started by the inching more and more over the supposed cultural boundary lines by the leftist revolutionaries for whom wanted the Christian conservatives to go along with those things that Christian conservatives just can't or won't go along with and they know it.

Abortion is just one of those things that Christian conservatives just can't go along with for example, and so they don't participate in it or support it in any way. They are believers in Christ, and are believer's in his word as it pertains to the preservation of life, and that all human beings are prescious in his sight, just as well as it is to the Christian's etc the same.

So it is that if those who refuse to go along, and won't go along freely with the left, then they are to be forced by the hand of government (controlled by the leftist), in order to force the Christian conservatives to go along with their agenda regardless of what the Christian conservatives think or can't believe in on the issues that are being brought by the leftist ???

Crossing the lines today is a very bad problem, and so getting the federal government to force people to accept those lines being crossed is even a far worse problem more so than it ever was before in America it seems.... I think it is being orchastrated by the Democrats against the citizens will these days, and for political reasons but I could be wrong.

Do people not understand that the key to a healthy diverse society, is actually respecting boundaries, beliefs, communities, religious views, freedom, and peace within these things, and doing so without government force needed, and most of all to respect privacy of the citizens in this country like it had done for hundreds of years before ?????

Line crossing by force has become a problem, because it seems to force other's to abide by that line being crossed no matter what the individual and/or a group's think or their belief system is anymore. Not a good thing, because it rob's people of their unique identities, and of their unique belief system's in the replacement of by anothers belief system or identity that will take the place of the other identity or belief system............. It is to rise up and over the unique identity and belief system (by force in this way) of all others who disagree, and that ain't good. This is not life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness/freedom by the individual or respecting the individual's freedom's any longer in this nation, and it's getting worse and worse it seems.

Have you ever heard of Russel Means ?
Nope, who is he a writer ?

The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a response to the massacre of at least 150 Lakotah men, women, and children by the U.S. Seventh Cavalry at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek.

It's an hour long but " Russ" started the " AIM" " American Indian Movement" this guy basically tried warning his ppl just like our Alex Jones and you take it from there why they tried to run him down NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR THE TRUTH of where we are headed if these idots who love Obama ( democrats) don't wake the fk up!!........

as usual MSM tried lying all the way around about Russ etc.


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