MSNBC: guest Mike Pence would put gay people in concentration camps if he became President

One (I) could write a pretty lengthy pamphlet explaining why just about every statement described by the Gay Mafia as "homophobic' [a nonsensical, illogical word if every there were one] is either factual, normal, or nothing more than a harmless statement of opinion.

Consider: NOBODY in this country has EVER been prosecuted for "being gay." Your sexual orientation is your own business; nobody cares, and nobody will know without overt behavior. Again: nobody has every been prosecuted for being gay. They have been prosecuted - and persecuted - for overt behavior.

Few people give a shit where you stick your dick.

Being opposed to "gay marriage" doesn't necessarily mean one is opposed to gay people, or to private gay sexual activity. It is an entirely different issue, dealing with public policy, and not sodomy.

Condemning homosexual sodomy doesn't necessarily involve HATE of any individual person, or of a community of people.

And on, and on.

Are the ones so bent on pointing their fingers white as snow? As a counselor you need to focus on your own shit, not checking out others.

Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.

It's true - the most vehemently anti-gay are quite often the worst closet cases.


We can be sure it will go right over your head.

Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.
Gays are not mentally ill, they are just tax-paying, law-abiding citizens such as yourself...the mentally ill people are those who fixate on others' consensual adult sex life to the elimination of all else. Are you one of those sickies who, when you see gay couples, your mind immediately jumps to what they do in the sack? That's mental illness right there.

It's true - the most vehemently anti-gay are quite often the worst closet cases.


We can be sure it will go right over your head.

View attachment 190598

Ohhhhh Mindwars check out who owns newsweek


Barry Charles Diller is an American businessman. He is Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC/InterActiveCorp and Expedia, Inc. and created the Fox Broadcasting Company and USA Broadcasting. Wikipedia
According to the Bible, faggots ain't going to Heaven.They is gonna go straight to hell.

Since when does Paul have the final authority?? Is he God??
Paul didn't make the rules. The Big Guy made them.

Which big guy, give me a link?

"In the beginning, the BIG GUY created......"

Leviticus 20 and we had best get ready with your stones to stone Trump.
We be talkin' 'bout Pence, not Trump.
Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.
Good grief

Well did Mike Pence not say that all gays have a mental illness Sassy? And then the christian righties freaked out when Joy Behar called him mentally ill for his views..What is the difference?

The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

He creeps me out, not only is he dangerous he looks like a white haired Ken barbie doll..

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).
"Decades of fighting"....will you be doing any of that "fighting"?
The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.
Of course...that's why people on the Right are against homosexuality marrying as opposed to homos marrying............
Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.
Of course...that's why people on the Right are against homosexuality marrying as opposed to homos marrying............
Because of homosexuality. That's what I just said. We agree. :)
The difference is homosexuals are mentally ill and being a Christian is not. It's pretty simple. Maybe you'r not able to take care of yourself either, given your confusion over something basic like that. Are you seeing professionals and taking meds?

That's funny, considering what most homosexuals think is 'appropriate appearance'.

Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Your comment reminded me of this fella :

WALT HEYER is a former transgender with a passion to help others who regret gender change.

Walt Heyer Ministries | Rethinking Transgenderism

And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Brandon Wolf, vice president of the Dru Project, commended host Joy Reid for her apology for the controversy over past homophobic blog posts attributed to her.
MSNBC Guest: Mike Pence Would Put Gay People in ‘Concentration Camps’ if He Became President

And when MSM write their lies the sheep morons literally believe and it spreads like wild fire.
It takes a true moron to believe all this bs that MSM post out there knowing the dumbed down full heartedly believe it all because they can't figure out this is how they are played.

Can't fix stupid though.

They are so pathetic they dream this shit up and can't even prove it. He should sue the pos bastard for slander.

Like we keep telling you sheep this information is put out the there on purpose to drag down anybody they don't want to win this has been going on for decades it's just people are awake and can see it all clearly now with the exceptions of the real stupid asses who still see the Gov. as their parents.
He wants to, of course. Most Republicans do.
And of course almost none of them claim the severe mutilations helped them; they weres the same mentally ill depressed suicidal sickos, only now they have to wear diapers, so that guy is genuinely trying to help them, utterly unlike the sick gimps here encouraging them and preventing them from trying treatment and getting help, like the trolls who keep citing me and only posting their stupid infantile memes over and over, as if they are credible or something.

It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
Overly dramatic - but entirely out of the realm of what he might do if he could get away with it.

Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years
Snopes is an left wing shit eating organization...
Only a fool thinks they can pick their gender, and being gay is an absolute choice
Overly dramatic - but entirely out of the realm of what he might do if he could get away with it.

Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years
Snopes is an left wing shit eating organization...
Only a fool thinks they can pick their gender, and being gay is an absolute choice

Ever notice how fkn stupid people are who use SNOPES....... it'a amazing how clueless they are when SNOPES has been caught lying over and over.

You can pull . just about anything from them and prove they lie......

SOROS is behind SNOPES, and the idiots can't connect those DOTS . WHY OBAMA AND CLINTON MENTIONED THEM AS A TRUTH GOD..LMMFAO!!!!

They know only the STUPID take what they say as the honest to gawd truth leading the idiots to remain stupid awww because stupidity WORSHIPS their Presidential Parent Obama and CLINTON omfg the irony of stupidity.
Overly dramatic - but entirely out of the realm of what he might do if he could get away with it.

Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years
Snopes is an left wing shit eating organization...
Only a fool thinks they can pick their gender, and being gay is an absolute choice

Ever notice how fkn stupid people are who use SNOPES....... it'a amazing how clueless they are when SNOPES has been caught lying over and over.

You can pull . just about anything from them and prove they lie......

SOROS is behind SNOPES, and the idiots can't connect those DOTS . WHY OBAMA AND CLINTON MENTIONED THEM AS A TRUTH GOD..LMMFAO!!!!

They know only the STUPID take what they say as the honest to gawd truth leading the idiots to remain stupid awww because stupidity WORSHIPS their Presidential Parent Obama and CLINTON omfg the irony of stupidity.

No end to your silliness really - Is there?
It's going to take decades of fighting before the lunatic left even beginning to understand how they are being used, why they are being used and the major brainwashing going on here.

Changing your sex is so far beyond normal, we haven't even begun to see the dangerous tampering of genetics.

It's incredible how they fall for this bs.

The gays are a political football but we can't tell them anything ( most of them not all).

My best friend in the 1980's died from aids.. My parents were gone and he took care of me like a brother.

I miss him..he looked and acted like a republican..why is his sexual desires back then your business.. I never saw it.

why is there not judgment on Big ass Boob for Trump? I do like to

Anyway it is not up to me to tell anyone to change.
You misunderstand the concept. You conflate the human with his sin. No one hates homos, they hate homosexuality.

As an addiction counselor , every single one of us do things and then judge another ..

Someone with a porn addiction pointing at a gay

A fat person pointing at a drunk

How can you just single out homosexuality.. ?

Now mind you , I don't understand having those desires of the same sex myself..

A person all strung out on an opiate well... we all know when your strung out your not focusing on your own behavior..
Yes, we are all sinners. That is not to say we are to love sin.
I believe it's a sin telling people who they can and can't love.
That is not the point, generally Most people don’t give a shit one way or another. But the problem is you silly little fuckers want to indoctrinate everyone’s kids into that sick ass shit. The reason why criminal activity is what it is, is because the breakdown of the traditional American family. Don’t tell other people’s kids it’s all right to choose to be gay or any other six fucked up thing you can think of.
Being gay is just a choice... live with it. don’t try to justify it by saying anyone was born that way.

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