MSNBC host cries over Jan 6th Anniversary

The Senate Sergent of Arms said that there were professional agitators in the protester crowd.
The FBI had over 200 operatives in the protester crowd.
The Capital Police removed the barriers and opened the doors and waved the people in, then they charged them with trespassing.
That is entrapment.
It was set-up and smear campaign from the beginning and the Dirty Democrats are still using it to smear people to this day.
They are also violating the defendant's 6th amendment rights to a speedy trial.
The Democrat hegemony is the real threat to our democracy.
True, BLM hated America, the January 6th crowd was upset Democrats stole the election. Totally different

LOL, thanks man, MagicMike . My favorite responses are when leftists admit Trump's content is just better than yours, LOL, MAGA man
It was an insurrection.
Nothing else can be compared to it, as hard as you MAGAt Trumptards try to minimize and normalize the actual INSURRECTION and attempted coup the fact remains it was a violent attack on our nation's Capitol intended to install the defeated candidate in office rather than the rightful winner.
Assigning what you consider to be more benign terminology to describe what actually occured that day does not change what actually happened.
We all saw it with our own eyes.
We don't need to see the actual word "insurgent" printed on a court document to tell us what we witnessed that day.

Usually insurrectionists are armed....and when arrested found guilty of... wait for it... insurrection
Oh my....I wonder how many times they had to practice that one....? Drama at its best.
Maybe they had Hollywoods help directing and producing ? Kinda like they did with the J6 farce inquiries.
1. There was No actual/credible threat to the country that day
An unsuccessful plot to thwart the will of the voters and block the duly elected new prez's election from being certified by illegal means is still worthy of ballot disqualification.
True, BLM hated America, the January 6th crowd was upset Democrats stole the election. Totally different
Care to attach a link to some CREDIBLE proof any election was stolen?
Credible is the operative word here.
You see, you can't.
Because there isn't any.
There never has been.
So the best that can be said about the Jan. 6th losers if you can't bring yourself to call them what they are...violent they were a bunch of pissy, self entitled, tantrumming idiots breaking shit because they didn't get their way in stealing an election.
i was totally embarrassed at the number of knuckle dragging morons who would violate our sacred peaceful transfer of power for an insurrection. I should have cried.
An unsuccessful plot to thwart the will of the voters and block the duly elected new prez's election from being certified by illegal means is still worthy of ballot disqualification.

You're arguing to take your primary political opponent OFF THE BALLOT and talking about "thwarting the will of the voters?" Dude, get someone to pull your head out of your ass, it's cut off your oxygen, Trump Lover
An unsuccessful plot to thwart the will of the voters and block the duly elected new prez's election from being certified by illegal means is still worthy of ballot disqualification.
Ploy by who? It was a bunch of randoms, the FBI investigation said this. Why are you lying?
Emotion is the carrier frequency, the "facts" are just pulses injected in it. If you think newscasters can cry on demand, you must have seen their "outrage" act.
Care to attach a link to some CREDIBLE proof any election was stolen?
Credible is the operative word here.
You see, you can't.
Because there isn't any.
There never has been.
So the best that can be said about the Jan. 6th losers if you can't bring yourself to call them what they are...violent they were a bunch of pissy, self entitled, tantrumming idiots breaking shit because they didn't get their way in stealing an election.

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