MSNBC host cries over Jan 6th Anniversary

I wonder if what brought him to tears was the thought of the near fatal beating Officer Fanone took at the hands of traitors?
Or the physical violence others suffered? Or the consequent mental anguish they are still experiencing?
Or the sadness that a clownish, orange conman could cause Americans to fight each other so violently?

I don't cry when I think about it. I get angry.

However, mocking the talking head for crying is just another way for Trump supporters to assuage their guilt and diminish the significance of what happened that day. It's as juvenile as it is sickening.
Aw, poor baby....Did you cry at the "summer of love"? When leftists were taking over government buildings, murdering people, and destroying businesses? No....So, spare us your drama today....

And angry, or crying, all of your arguments are based in emotional bs...That's why you never win an argument...
Now, do you want me to list the riots that have happened over the years caused by the left? It would be a long list, not sure if the bandwidth could handle it.

Start by listing the riots of Democrats who attacked our Capitol because they can’t admit they lost an election

Then show riots under the banner of a Democratic candidate

Aw, poor baby....Did you cry at the "summer of love"? When leftists were taking over government buildings, murdering people, and destroying businesses? No....So, spare us your drama today....

And angry, or crying, all of your arguments are based in emotional bs...That's why you never win an argument...

What about the like month long attacks on the federal building in Portland. They firebombed it repeatedly. TEARS OVER THAT? NOPE….NOT EVEN TALKED ABOUT,

These are sick frauds.
It's a huge problem and too many refuse to address it

Democrats accept it because women and children being sold into slavery and sex trafficking is an acceptable price to them, always was. Not only where the Democrats the party of slavery, they were the party of the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, segregation, and they still are. Remember the no whites Christmas party they were all fine with? Hate is the only consistent value of the left
What about the like month long attacks on the federal building in Portland. They firebombed it repeatedly. TEARS OVER THAT? NOPE….NOT EVEN TALKED ABOUT,

These are sick frauds.
That's what I'm saying....All these DSA democrats do is project, and whine.....They are children in every sense of the word.
So disgusting. Can you imagine those who participated in Epstein island are so protected.

The left does not GAF about child sex trafficking,
I always laugh at the people that support sex work,while pretending to care about sex traffiking. All left leaning and usually students of gender studies that larp as ANTIFA and BLM.

In other words the democrats base supporters.
Jan 6?

Move along, move along……Nothing to see here
Not really.

1. There was No actual/credible threat to the country that day
2. people rioted outside Capitol (which happened across cities all summer during BLM riots and were far more destructive)
3. inside Capitol they were calmly led around by police thanks to now released video..
4. A few hours later the papers were picked up, the podiums returned, and the session resumed.

we now know all the CNN/Democrat stories of congress folk fleeing for their lives were lies, and there was no possible way “Democracy” would have been overthrown…Isn’t it good to reveal lies?
Jan 6th was a riot.
Many have been charged with rioting. None have been charged with insurrection.

Now, do you want me to list the riots that have happened over the years caused by the left? It would be a long list, not sure if the bandwidth could handle it.
It was an insurrection.
Nothing else can be compared to it, as hard as you MAGAt Trumptards try to minimize and normalize the actual INSURRECTION and attempted coup the fact remains it was a violent attack on our nation's Capitol intended to install the defeated candidate in office rather than the rightful winner.
Assigning what you consider to be more benign terminology to describe what actually occured that day does not change what actually happened.
We all saw it with our own eyes.
We don't need to see the actual word "insurgent" printed on a court document to tell us what we witnessed that day.
I always laugh at the people that support sex work,while pretending to care about sex traffiking. All left leaning and usually students of gender studies that larp as ANTIFA and BLM.

In other words the democrats base supporters.

Great point. But their bullshit “beliefs” are not supposed to be logical.


Here is a sanity check…if you think this is a white supremacist…you are an insane cult fuck and should go to cult deprogramming.

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