msnbc: Kids don't belong to their parents.

I never called you a pedo

You're foundering when confronted

Listen, ho, suggesting someone should avoid kids in the context of this conversation pretty much says it, so let's not be obtuse.

Maybe just go to your nearest coffee shop and sip on a cup of shut the fuck up for a while.
Does anyone have a link to the full interview? All I see on YouTube is just that clip.

I want to see the whole thing so I can see the entire context.
Listen, ho, suggesting someone should avoid kids in the context of this conversation pretty much says it, so let's not be obtuse.

Maybe just go to your nearest coffee shop and sip on a cup of shut the fuck up for a while.

The moment you called me ho you lost

Now gfy ya tiny little wannabe. You said that to my face? I'd kick your bb's up into your ears

Listen to this commie shit with this one. So matter of fact in her arrogant voice. What the useful idiots are in a nutshell to the power elites pulling this one's strings.

So you think children are chattel?
Do with them as you please?
Buy, sell, abuse...They're yours, you can do as you want.
It's your "right" because they're your property.

How very middle ages of you.
So you think children are chattel?
Do with them as you please?
Buy, sell, abuse...They're yours, you can do as you want.
It's your "right" because they're your property.

How very middle ages of you.
Holy shit
Holy shit
So you think children are chattel?
Do with them as you please?
Buy, sell, abuse...They're yours, you can do as you want.
It's your "right" because they're your property.

How very middle ages of you.

??? Did anyone even say that? Don’t conflate what people are saying. If the video clip is in proper context, then she is saying, indeed, that your children don’t belong to you, and that the community is responsible for them.

That’s just flat out wrong. “The community” has no business or any say in the upbringing of someone else’s children.
Obviously kids do NOT "belong" to their parents.
Kids are individuals, so belong to no one but themselves.
What parents have towards is obligations, and the ones with the most trusted interests.

The proof of that is when parents make huge mistakes, we take the kids away.
You could not do that if the parents were the "owners".

And clearly kids grow up, move out, and become totally independent.
Could not happen if they "belonged" to their parents.
??? Did anyone even say that? Don’t conflate what people are saying. If the video clip is in proper context, then she is saying, indeed, that your children don’t belong to you, and that the community is responsible for them.

That’s just flat out wrong. “The community” has no business or any say in the upbringing of someone else’s children.

The community is responsible for the children. That’s why we have child protection laws. The children are not yours to raise as you want. The children belong to themselves.

You can’t send your children out to work at age 8. Or marry them off at the age of 10. You can’t beat them, or starve them, or drug them.

The current iteration of Republicans are scary people. Paranoid, delusional, and obsessed with child sex. I wouldn’t let any of you near a child.
??? Did anyone even say that? Don’t conflate what people are saying. If the video clip is in proper context, then she is saying, indeed, that your children don’t belong to you, and that the community is responsible for them.

That’s just flat out wrong. “The community” has no business or any say in the upbringing of someone else’s children.

Belong is a term indicating possession, as in property.

It was not that long ago in this country that children were "sold" into "apprenticeships"

But, let's take your last sentence...

A child is being raised as a sex slave. So the community has no say?
A child is being given illegal drugs. The community has no say?

As I said...
How very middle ages of you.
The community is responsible for the children. That’s why we have child protection laws. The children are not yours to raise as you want. The children belong to themselves.

You can’t send your children out to work at age 8. Or marry them off at the age of 10. You can’t beat them, or starve them, or drug them.

The current iteration of Republicans are scary people. Paranoid, delusional, and obsessed with child sex. I wouldn’t let any of you near a child.

Nobody is saying you can starve, beat, or marry your kids off at 10, what they are saying is that “the community” is not responsible for the kids, the parents are. “The community” has no right, no authority, and no business trying to raise someone else’s kids.

Let’s put it like this, if a bunch of “trumpers” moved into your neighborhood, are you telling me you are going to be fine with them having…any…input on how your child is raised? I didn’t think so.

Belong is a term indicating possession, as in property.

It was not that long ago in this country that children were "sold" into "apprenticeships"

But, let's take your last sentence...

A child is being raised as a sex slave. So the community has no say?
A child is being given illegal drugs. The community has no say?

As I said...
How very middle ages of you.

Oh my gosh. This happens every time. Someone makes a comment like this, and the other side goes waaaaay to the extreme and starts talking about things that nobody is suggesting.

Yes, if a child is being abused, like real abuse, not the lefty definition of abuse, then yes, someone should go to the authorities, but that is not what we are taking about here, and apparently that’s not what mrs perry was talking about either. This goes back to the “it takes a village” argument, that “society” is responsible for raising kids.

You know that the arguments about kids “belonging” to the parents are not talking about the things you just mentioned, so why even bring them up. When they say a child belongs to a parent, they mean that while that child is being raised, they are to mind their parents, do what they say, learn from them, and the parents are responsible for them.

So, if the argument is that the community as a whole should have some say in how your child is raised and that other parents can have some sort of “partnership” in raising a child, or that the community should be able to directly influence someone else’s kids….then no..that is wrong.
Oh my gosh. This happens every time. Someone makes a comment like this, and the other side goes waaaaay to the extreme and starts talking about things that nobody is suggesting.

Yes, if a child is being abused, like real abuse, not the lefty definition of abuse, then yes, someone should go to the authorities, but that is not what we are taking about here, and apparently that’s not what mrs perry was talking about either. This goes back to the “it takes a village” argument, that “society” is responsible for raising kids.

You know that the arguments about kids “belonging” to the parents are not talking about the things you just mentioned, so why even bring them up. When they say a child belongs to a parent, they mean that while that child is being raised, they are to mind their parents, do what they say, learn from them, and the parents are responsible for them.

So, if the argument is that the community as a whole should have some say in how your child is raised and that other parents can have some sort of “partnership” in raising a child, or that the community should be able to directly influence someone else’s kids….then no..that is wrong.
A person decide their kids need to be quiet at night so a couple of percs at bedtime will do the trick
A person decides they need extra income so you send their 14 yo daughter to work in a strip club

Should I go on or would you rather we talk about a horny father and his six year old daughter?

Listen to this commie shit with this one. So matter of fact in her arrogant voice. What the useful idiots are in a nutshell to the power elites pulling this one's strings.

Democrats believe they can do anything they want to kids as long as they have parental/guardian consent. They say so on this forum all the time. You wanna cut kids dicks off, all you gotta do is get the parents permission. This is how Democrats plan become guardians over your kids.

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