msnbc: Kids don't belong to their parents.

Not really. Basically, it would take a God like miracle for them to transformed or "REprogrammed."

Please watch relatively short video of ez kgb agent Yuri Bezmenov who explained how when an individual is thoroughly demoralized without any counterbalance for a certain amount of time, they are completely contaminated and it's irreversible.

That's well over 50% of all college students, who by the time they get to college are completely contaminated. By the time they get out of college, they are basically borgs for the globalist marxist movement. Nearly every one of them are useful idiots and that's their only role is to destabilize the nation.

Like every single one of these useful idiotic morons that post for democrats on this site.


Brilliant video. Thanks for sharing it.

I always wondered if the fact that I went to a trade school instead of college or university is what made it possible for me to shed the programming. I started down that road of programming in high school but it never quite took, and I shed it completely by age 50.

It's pretty obvious with the level of radicalization that gets displayed very regularly here in USMB that there are indeed those who will never recover, who simply need to be treated accordingly.

I have invested the time in making a picture of the ratio of the normal people here in USMB to the obviously totally programmed leftists, and we are approximately 2:1, so I have hope. I see no reason for this board to not be demographically representative of the whole of American culture, so I think we have time to change, but it needs to happen now.

The good news is that I see so much pushback, instead of the right's customary tolerance, which we have displayed for the last five decades. We're done politely smiling, rolling our eyes and letting them think they're getting away with it.

Thank you for your sanity. I truly feel sorry for any children raised by these loons. Raised on hate and venom, spewed in all directions.

They are so afraid that their children will grow up capable of thinking for themselves that they will go to any lengths to ensure that their children grow up as good white Republicans.

You're so desperate that your children not grow up liberal that you're prepared to destroy your entire education system, and with it, your economy. You want to teach your kids that there is no global warming, evolution, and medical science is bunk. You're banning books that tell kids it's OK to be black, gay, Latino, or Asian.

How the hell are these fragile little snowflakes going to compete with the kids from nations who have grown up in a multi-cultured world, which is moving into the 21st Century economy, where global warming is the big concern for the future, and the growth industry of the century. The conversion to clean energy has already made Elon Musk the richest man in the world, unless Twiitter has taken him down a peg.

When I see a group of teenagers walking down the street in Toronto, there will be a couple of white kids, a couple of blacks and a couple of Asians, all working and laughing together. Toronto is a white minority city. 55% of the residents are not white. Teaching your children to hate or mistrust minorities based in their religion or the colour of their skin, is setting them up for failure in the 21st Century economy.

As a cis gendered straight white Christian woman, I think that Republican voters are having psychotic break with reality. The posters here make me weep for your future.

Kum-ba-fucking-ya, Cunadian. :laughing0301:

So the left wants to hold parents responsible for raising their kids, unless it disagrees with their philosophies and then doesn’t want parents to have any say but they are still held responsible?
Teabaggers are such drama queens.
It's like listening to FOX, with triple the stupidity, twisting of words and context.

Meanwhile in Missouri.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – One GOP Missouri lawmaker defended a 12-year-old's right to get married during a debate about anti-transgender care legislation earlier this week.3 days ago

Missouri lawmaker defends 12-year-olds getting married - FOX 2

View attachment 776841
FOX 2 › news › missouri-lawmaker-defen...
That is just stupid, 12 year olds should not be making a big decision such as marriage, they don’t even know what they want to be when they grow up.
homO and Michael Robinson agree

That is just stupid, 12 year olds should not be making a big decision such as marriage, they don’t even know what they want to be when they grow up.
Evidently in Missouri, Mike Moon "grown up" is when a girl student needs day care in middle school for her "yung un"

Listen to this commie shit with this one. So matter of fact in her arrogant voice. What the useful idiots are in a nutshell to the power elites pulling this one's strings.

She's right, though. Children are the responsibility of the parent, but there's a community responsibility as well. There's nothing at all controversial about that notion, and it's actually a pretty conservative and traditional idea that is shared by cultures all over the world.

When I was a rowdy teenager and was doing stupid shit like setting leaves on fire on the sidewalk, my neighbor walked up to me and said stop, even though I was on my own property. When I was taking drags from a cigarette that I'd gotten from a friend, another neighbor confronted me and said I needed to stop or she'd call my parents. Still another neighbor ratted me out when I had a party while my parents were out of town. Nosey neighbors are a thing. My parents didn't throw a shit fit about it; they were appreciative. That's on a small scale.

On a larger scale, when my teachers in school said I was acting up, not trying or studying as hard as I could and asked for my parents cooperation and encouragement on these things, they didn't accuse my teachers of overstepping her boundaries and that they should stay in their lane. Shit my parents sent me to catholic school and they weren't really that religious. This idea that parents should dominate their kids and shield them from other input is just ridiculous.

Individuals belong to families and they are also part of the community as well.
She absolutely IS SAYIING that

You are a liar who is attempting to twist what she said.

She means that individuals are part of a community, but I can see how that notion is threatening to people who believe that a community is family and church and maybe your immediate neighbors. That's probably even 'normal' in more rural areas. But in larger urban and suburban areas, community means something different - it has to.
She means that individuals are part of a community, but I can see how that notion is threatening to people who believe that a community is family and church and maybe your immediate neighbors. That's probably even 'normal' in more rural areas. But in larger urban and suburban areas, community means something different - it has to.
No what she is saying is that the individual has no rights and is owned by the collective
She's right, though. Children are the responsibility of the parent, but there's a community responsibility as well. There's nothing at all controversial about that notion, and it's actually a pretty conservative and traditional idea that is shared by cultures all over the world.

When I was a rowdy teenager and was doing stupid shit like setting leaves on fire on the sidewalk, my neighbor walked up to me and said stop, even though I was on my own property. When I was taking drags from a cigarette that I'd gotten from a friend, another neighbor confronted me and said I needed to stop or she'd call my parents. Still another neighbor ratted me out when I had a party while my parents were out of town. Nosey neighbors are a thing. My parents didn't throw a shit fit about it; they were appreciative. That's on a small scale.

On a larger scale, when my teachers in school said I was acting up, not trying or studying as hard as I could and asked for my parents cooperation and encouragement on these things, they didn't accuse my teachers of overstepping her boundaries and that they should stay in their lane. Shit my parents sent me to catholic school and they weren't really that religious. This idea that parents should dominate their kids and shield them from other input is just ridiculous.

Individuals belong to families and they are also part of the community as well.
Yeah... except that wasn't what she said.
Yeah... except that wasn't what she said.

I heard what she said; there was nothing communist about it.

Frankly, I think part of the problem is that there really are going to be natural differences of opinion about the role of public institutions, depending on the kind of community you live in. If you live in a diverse urban/suburban area, you're more likely to value or at least accept the role of public institutions like public schools, like the police, and other agencies. People in urban centers depend on them for a variety of reasons.

People in rural, less diverse communities don't have these institutions and don't see the need for them. Community is your family, your immediate neighbors, families at your kid's school, and church. It's a lot more straightforward. I think both sides would benefit from that level of understanding, and I totally understand sometimes why conservatives, particularly in these kinds of communities, reject what they see in the mainstream media.
I heard what she said; there was nothing communist about it.

Frankly, I think part of the problem is that there really are going to be natural differences of opinion about the role of public institutions, depending on the kind of community you live in. If you live in a diverse urban/suburban area, you're more likely to value or at least accept the role of public institutions like public schools, like the police, and other agencies. People in urban centers depend on them for a variety of reasons.

People in rural, less diverse communities don't have these institutions and don't see the need for them. Community is your family, your immediate neighbors, families at your kid's school, and church. It's a lot more straightforward. I think both sides would benefit from that level of understanding, and I totally understand sometimes why conservatives, particularly in these kinds of communities, reject what they see in the mainstream media.
Holy Cow.
That is the complete opposite of reality.
"Urban areas accept the role of public institutions... like police" - holy hell!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!
What freaking alternate universe do you live in??
Yeah... it was small towns that defunded police - not the cities!!...... whahahahaha

Who is this clueless moron people?
Evidently in Missouri, Mike Moon "grown up" is when a girl student needs day care in middle school for her "yung un"

Moon is not the only conservative who's come out in defense of underage marriage in recent years.

A West Virginia bill that would have raised the minimum age to secure a marriage license to 18 was blocked by Republicans in the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. As it stands, minors 16 and over may obtain a marriage license with parental consent, and children under the age of 16 must obtain an additional waiver from a judge.

The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty.

There have been other Republicans/conservatives in other states as well, including Mike Moon.

Taken together with these extreme bans on abortion, it's pretty clear what Republicans stand for: a return to extreme religious patriarchy in which women are effectively subservient to men.

The modern Republican party is becoming a patriarchal, theocratic, ethno-nationalist party.
It is what she said.

You are imagining what you wish she was saying

Nope, I heard what she said. I do agree we're walking away with two different interpretations of it, but having lived in the same kinds of diverse urban communities she has, I understand what she's saying and what she means. She's not advocating communism or wokism or whatever-ism.

You all are pissing in your britches because there are different ways to look at the relationships between family, community, and state, and hers is quite obviously different than yours. Fine - you don't have to agree, but it's blatantly bat-shit wrong to say that what she's saying is communist, as was suggested in the OP. Has zero to do with socialism, communism, Maoism, or Statism. Her viewpoint would actually be considered conservative in many parts of the world, including in many countries with capitalist economies.

You're free to believe whatever you want, as I am not going to change your mind and not interested in trying.

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