MSNBC: Obama Admin Is Lying About ObamaCare Enrollment Data


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Obama and his comrades in arms administration LIE? no way...I hear he will be lying to us again today sometime...can't wait for it
Links on this at site


From Morning Joe today, via Instapundit:

[ame=]MSNBC: Obama Admin Is Lying About ObamaCare Enrollment Data - YouTube[/ame]

When you’re getting numbers like: Zero signups in Hawaii, Zero signups in Tennessee and Five signups in Iowa… You know the administration is not getting anywhere near the 500,000 that they claim have signed up.

all of it here
WHOA!.. MSNBC: The Obama Administration Is Lying About Obamacare Enrollment Numbers (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
man oh man, it just keeps getting worse....Obama needs to start handing out Vaseline to the people during his lying, I mean speeches......but Obama allowed the government be shut down OVER THIS folks? open your eyes
links about this at site


Consumer Reports Warns Readers to Stay Clear of Obamacare Website

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 21, 2013, 8:12 AM


It’s come to this…
Consumer Reports magazine is warning its readers to stay clear from the Obamacare website for at least another month.
The Daily Mail reported:

The Obamacare program’s flagship website is so error-prone and user-unfriendly that Consumer Reports magazine has thrown up its hands in disgust, advising readers to ‘stay away from for at least another month if you can.’

The website’s messy launch has been the subject of endless news reports, talk show segments and late-night comedy bits – adding to a full-time congressional inquiry and, now, questions about why Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is refusing to testify on Capitol Hill.

But Consumer Reports, the toaster-testing, TV-rating consumer powerhouse, is on the case.

all of it here
Consumer Reports Warns Readers to Stay Clear of Obamacare Website | The Gateway Pundit
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the leftards LIVE lying.

It is their way of life and their method to get the power - and that is ALL they exist for - power grab.

If they would be telling the truth at least 10% of the time - they would never get the power.

Too bad stupid sheeple do not realize that. Until it is too late.
the leftards LIVE lying.

It is their way of life and their method to get the power - and that is ALL they exist for - power grab.

If they would be telling the truth at least 10% of the time - they would never get the power.

Too bad stupid sheeple do not realize that. Until it is too late.

I know, those sheeple will be the end of this Free country and our Freedoms

won't be long now, 47% already take something from us taxpayers via this government...

51% is the magic number and Obama and his comrades are pushing hard now to get us there

they didn't make this Propaganda video for the hell of it

[ame=]Obama's 'Julia' Cradle-to-Grave - YouTube[/ame]
Poor rw's.

Their insurance is through the roof, their doctors are dropping like flies, they can't get the quality care from ACA that the libs are getting.

/sarcasm off

"It takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen."
~Homer J. Simpson

So you see, Obama's falsehoods are actually your fault America. Yours and of course, Bush.
the joys of living in the ObamaNation...don't know why the hell I'm still working

Better off on public assistance

Posted 14 hrs ago

DH is a student on the GI Bill. I work part time in the evenings to avoid paying for childcare and take care of our 4 month old the rest of the time. Health insurance costs just about everything I make so I looked into state healthcare and learned that our family would be financially better off if I quit my job. Between health care and food stamps, we'd have more coming in than my job provides, but with my job we are $200 a month away from qualifying. I'm working because we need the income even though I hate leaving my baby. Is it crazy to quit my job? This might be more of a moral question than a financial question.

all of it here
Better off on public assistance - BabyCenter

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