MSNBC Reporting - REPUBs Take The House!!!

Go turn on your TV!

MSNBC is reporting Dem - 213 Repub - 222

Now if we take the senate I will give this election an A-

And it's entirely possible for us to take the senate!

And kari lake is making an amazing comeback...she is only down 0.2% now.

It's a real RED TSUNAMI isn't it?

AZ may be 3rd place in worst cheating.

Lake had a double digit lead. This election is massive fraud.
Lake is catching up and Hobbs is probably slowing down the count to make people forget about Lake.
The interesting thing is that this morning at 8:00AM EST, the % counted was higher than the current % counted.
There is hanky panky afoot.
It's very obvious that Dems want mail-in ballots...which were created by Democrat politicians. It's obvious who the mail-in ballots will favor, and it's obvious what "mistakes" will add up to. Mail-in ballots are the new Fuehrer. Dems are seig-heiling all the way. A decade after Germans began seig-heiling Hitler, their country was in shambles. They were told they would be elevated as the master race. They were lied to in order to get their support and to eventually give their right away They we're shamed for thinking ANYTHING else. Democrat voters think they are being rewarded for using the mail-in ballot system. Meanwhile it's all a sham used by Democrats POLITICIANS to ASSURE their absolute victory over Republicans from here on out. And the states are beginning to fall to this new system one by one. Mine just did. I live in PA.
Yes they learned this bull crap during COVID, and they saw how affective it was when used, so they stuck with it.

Trump said it would be abused, and would change the system in ways that would side swipe traditional voter's. So it's either everyone needs to become aware of the impact or don't allow it at all.
Lake is catching up and Hobbs is probably slowing down the count to make people forget about Lake.
The interesting thing is that this morning at 8:00AM EST, the % counted was higher than the current % counted.
There is hanky panky afoot.

Possibly in Nevada too!
Mail-in ballots still count here if postmarked by Fri., and final counts here won't be in til' Monday!!!
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
I think that clip is taken out of context, he had to mean something else. I wonder what the rest of it said?
House going Red and probably Senate too

Cry more
Who is crying?

I am elated.

The Republican Party is finally on its way to extinction.
It's official.
This election is the death knell.

American's just aren't buying what conservatism is selling anymore.

Mail in voting is on the Repugs can't even effectively suppress the vote anymore.
The end is near.

Look for a blue tidal wave in 24!

“The worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in US history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave.”

“That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that, looked at the Republican alternative and said ‘no, thanks’.”

Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’ Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’
Who is crying?

I am elated.

The Republican Party is finally on its way to extinction.
It's official.
This election is the death knell.

American's just aren't buying what conservatism is selling anymore.

Mail in voting is on the Repugs can't even effectively suppress the vote anymore.
The end is near.

Look for a blue tidal wave in 24!

“The worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in US history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave.”

“That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that, looked at the Republican alternative and said ‘no, thanks’.”

Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’ Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’
When we've won the House and probably the Senate and you think your side won?
Who is crying?

I am elated.

The Republican Party is finally on its way to extinction.
It's official.
This election is the death knell.

American's just aren't buying what conservatism is selling anymore.

Mail in voting is on the Repugs can't even effectively suppress the vote anymore.
The end is near.

Look for a blue tidal wave in 24!

“The worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in US history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave.”

“That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that, looked at the Republican alternative and said ‘no, thanks’.”

Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’ Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’
You know full well it's the slums who are voting D because the Ds haven't raised them out of the slums and they don't know any better.
Possibly in Nevada too!
Mail-in ballots still count here if postmarked by Fri., and final counts here won't be in til' Monday!!!
Mail in ballots shouldn't have been allowed, because the emergency that caused them to come to life was over.

Biden even declared it over himself.

Actually using them outside of an emergency such as it were with COVID, could actually be seen as an illegal process that is being favored by one party all because of their use of the process that favors them outside of an emergency situation such as COVID was.
Who is crying?

I am elated.

The Republican Party is finally on its way to extinction.
It's official.
This election is the death knell.

American's just aren't buying what conservatism is selling anymore.

Mail in voting is on the Repugs can't even effectively suppress the vote anymore.
The end is near.

Look for a blue tidal wave in 24!

“The worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in US history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave.”

“That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that, looked at the Republican alternative and said ‘no, thanks’.”

Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’ Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’

Mass mail-in balloting, which is no longer necessary, turned our Country into a Banana Republic.
Reminder: Even Eurotrash shy away from this form of balloting!
Can you spell F-R-A-U-D??
Mass mail-in balloting, which is no longer necessary, turned our Country into a Banana Republic.
Reminder: Even Eurotrash shy away from this form of balloting!
Can you spell F-R-A-U-D??
Can you spell C-O-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N-A-L
and TOTALLY L-E-G-A-L ????

Better get used to it snowflake!

It is the FUTURE of U.S. elections....and whining about it after every election just looks desperate and pathetic after THIS beat-back.
Mail in ballots shouldn't have been allowed, because the emergency that caused them to come to life was over.

Biden even declared it over himself.

Actually using them outside of an emergency such as it were with COVID, could actually be seen as an illegal process that is being favored by one party all because of their use of the process that favors them outside of an emergency situation such as COVID was.
Why would you be opposed to anything that gives voters MORE access to voting and increases voter participation across the board?

Why do you hate your own country?

WHAT kind of American are you....other than a whiny, snowflake LOOSER?

Polls do show that supporters of Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden prefer voting by mail over in-person voting. An Emerson College poll of those who plan to vote by mail showed that 76 percent prefer Joe Biden as compared to only 20 percent who prefer Donald Trump.

However, a Stanford University research team published a study in April 2020 showing postal voting tends to affect turnout (how many voters show up) for both major parties equally. And vote by mail does not increase the share of total votes for either party. Vote by mail does, however, tend to increase overall voter turnout.

Why would you be opposed to anything that gives voters MORE access to voting and increases voter participation across the board?

Why do you hate your own country?

WHAT kind of American are you....other than a whiny, snowflake LOOSER?

Polls do show that supporters of Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden prefer voting by mail over in-person voting. An Emerson College poll of those who plan to vote by mail showed that 76 percent prefer Joe Biden as compared to only 20 percent who prefer Donald Trump.

However, a Stanford University research team published a study in April 2020 showing postal voting tends to affect turnout (how many voters show up) for both major parties equally. And vote by mail does not increase the share of total votes for either party. Vote by mail does, however, tend to increase overall voter turnout.


Ffs learn to spell at a 2nd grade level

Ffs learn to spell at a 2nd grade level
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I wILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
I WILL NOT spell loser with two "o's"
Go turn on your TV!

MSNBC is reporting Dem - 213 Repub - 222

Now if we take the senate I will give this election an A-

And it's entirely possible for us to take the senate!

And kari lake is making an amazing comeback...she is only down 0.2% now.

Kelly Tshibaka of Alaska is also leading globalist murkowski.that is FANTASTIC.:yes_text12:

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