MSNBC Reporting - REPUBs Take The House!!!

I'm in independent I was against the voter suppression amendment in our state because that's what it was. It's a very Republican state, our attorney general said there was absolutely no problem with the elections but they insisted on putting this into effect without funding to reach out to people that would be disenfranchised from their right to vote because of their socioeconomic situation. If the Republicans had done that, it would not be an obstacle in voting for anyone. Of course you are free to believe any type of propaganda you want. As for liars you have one of the biggest in the world in donald trump, he started more lives in everyone else in politics combined.
you are not an independent
voter ID law protects everyone's right to vote from democrat assholes who vote twice
it is a lie that democrat voters can't get an ID
how did they register to vote without an ID
voter fraud is a voting rights violation
if you are against voter ID, you are against voting rights
It's very obvious that Dems want mail-in ballots...which were created by Democrat politicians. It's obvious who the mail-in ballots will favor, and it's obvious what "mistakes" will add up to. Mail-in ballots are the new Fuehrer. Dems are seig-heiling all the way. A decade after Germans began seig-heiling Hitler, their country was in shambles. They were told they would be elevated as the master race. They were lied to in order to get their support and to eventually give their right away They we're shamed for thinking ANYTHING else. Democrat voters think they are being rewarded for using the mail-in ballot system. Meanwhile it's all a sham used by Democrats POLITICIANS to ASSURE their absolute victory over Republicans from here on out. And the states are beginning to fall to this new system one by one. Mine just did. I live in PA.

Blame everyone but yourselves for you Cult's faiure.
you are not an independent
voter ID law protects everyone's right to vote from democrat assholes who vote twice
it is a lie that democrat voters can't get an ID
how did they register to vote without an ID
voter fraud is a voting rights violation
if you are against voter ID, you are against voting rights
I don't know about your stage but in Nebraska they know where everybody lives and all you had to do is show up with a piece of mail addressed to you. I live in a small town everybody knows me anyway maybe in the city it's different.
Democrats are known Liars and Cheaters.
That is the only reason why they are opposed to Voter ID.
Democrats voting twice is a violation of everyone else's Right to Vote
Democrats are against Voting Rights.
Exactly, otherwise why would anyone try and play that card when minorities are highly offended by such a ridiculous notion that they can't get an ID card ?

They are using such a thing as a distraction is why, and the specific minorities that let them get away with it, well they should be a shamed of themselves, because they are actually giving the implication that they are still a group of poor uneducated individuals that just can't make it without the white corrupt liberal Democrat's holding their hands in life.
I don't know about your stage but in Nebraska they know where everybody lives and all you had to do is show up with a piece of mail addressed to you. I live in a small town everybody knows me anyway maybe in the city it's different.
Just because you show up With a piece of mail does NOT mean you’re a LEGAL Resident
Blame everyone but yourselves for you Cult's faiure.
Tell us ole wise one, otherwise exactly what the Republican's did to lose in your mind so badly ?

Do it on a one, two, three, and on up list of each thing you figure caused the loses. Write them in detail.
Just because you show up With a piece of mail does NOT mean you’re a LEGAL Resident
I'm sure if I was a new person coming to the election board seeking to register I would have to show proper ID. I'm talking about the way it used to be 50 + years ago when people actually trusted one another, when I registered to vote. Look at how far we've regressed.
Fake news.
They don't understand the concept of counting mail in ballots and then adding them to the total as they come in. If they did it all at once it would be too big a shock, because Democrats vote more by mail than Republicans so it generally changes the results when all of those are added in.
Besides not understanding politics, you don't understand the after effects of a stroke and have no respect or the disabled. You have to be from the far right. Health issues rarely differentiate incompetent politician from incompetent one. It's mostly experience, as we know from the failure of people like trump.

What’s Felchermanns experience?
He was the mayor of a dump outside of Pittsburgh called Blawnox. It’s still a dump. He’s a spoiled trust fund brat that’s funded by his parents to live. He’s incapable of making his own life decisions let alone those of the entire country.
Blame everyone but yourselves for you Cult's faiure.

What’s Felchermanns experience?
He was the mayor of a dump outside of Pittsburgh called Blawnox. It’s still a dump. He’s a spoiled trust fund brat that’s funded by his parents to live. He’s incapable of making his own life decisions let alone those of the entire country.
Who attempted belittle Fetterman. He was mayor of Braddock for 13 years, that means he was well liked and did some good obviously. Then it became lieutenant governor. I believe that says a lot. I'm sorry you don't have respect for yourself or anyone else.
Who attempted belittle Fetterman. He was mayor of Braddock for 13 years, that means he was well liked and did some good obviously. Then it became lieutenant governor. I believe that says a lot. I'm sorry you don't have respect for yourself or anyone else.
Who attempted belittle Fetterman. He was mayor of Braddock for 13 years, that means he was well liked and did some good obviously. Then it became lieutenant governor. I believe that says a lot. I'm sorry you don't have respect for yourself or anyone else.
Then "IT" became lieutenant governor eh ? Glad you used the right pronoun at least... ROTFLMBO 🤣
Go turn on your TV!

MSNBC is reporting Dem - 213 Repub - 222

Now if we take the senate I will give this election an A-

And it's entirely possible for us to take the senate!

And kari lake is making an amazing comeback...she is only down 0.2% now.
Dems got the Senate.

Now what?

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