MSNBC: ‘Republican Party Is Officially Dead,’ Now ‘Party of the KKK'

I don't even recognize the republicans anymore, I am sure many in the party feel the same way and leaves the party.
They won't, they've been bought, with their tax cuts.... the bankers and all of wall street knows he is not presidential and a crooked, rotton, immoral person to his very core, but they are getting EVERYTHING THEY WANT.... huge, beyond huge corporate tax cuts, and deregulation of the banks and epa regulations, and drilling for oil off all the coasts but Florida's, the keystone pipeline at the expense of the native American's clean water etc etc etc.....

So even the ones that are embarrassed by him, that know he is extremely unpresidential in most every thing he does and says and tweets, they know he has done everything he can to divide this country, and to destroy America from within, they know he is making our country less safe, they know he has broken every protocol from nepotism to staffers without security clearances, to flying to his resorts near every weekend at our expense, to hiring the most unqualified people ever in our history for positions in the gvt they are clearly unqualified for etc etc etc etc etc ....

It does not matter, because he is making them rich....

So do NOT count on them leaving the party, even though they are aware of him being unfit for the office of the presidency.
Well, at least the Klan has always loved America, the Flag, and the Constitution........unlike today's Democrats who don't.

The good ole days of pure patriotism in a sea of White! So beautiful!




MSNBC: ‘Republican Party Is Officially Dead,’ Now ‘Party of the KKK’

You’re what’s wrong with the Conservative movement, I’ll never support the KKK, they stand for everything I despise...
Funny how the Democrat Party forgets tat the KKK was their command and control structure for better than 50 years..

Not any more. The Republican party has grown a new arm called the ALT right--thanks to Steve Bannon's

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump:

"As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises



The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, hate, anger, misogyny and ignorance.
Funny how the Democrat Party forgets tat the KKK was their command and control structure for better than 50 years..

Not any more. The Republican party has grown a new arm called the ALT right--thanks to Steve Bannon's

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump:

"As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises



The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, hate, anger, misogyny and ignorance.
Don't forget Lincoln had plans to deport the slaves during his second term after freeing them late in his first. Do you consider that move racist?
Funny how the Democrat Party forgets tat the KKK was their command and control structure for better than 50 years..

Not any more. The Republican party has grown a new arm called the ALT right--thanks to Steve Bannon's

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump:

"As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises



The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, hate, anger, misogyny and ignorance.
Deflection away from facts noted... Robert KKK Byrd was the grand master of what again? Hillary's mentor... Democrat leader for 39 years...
Funny how the Democrat Party forgets tat the KKK was their command and control structure for better than 50 years..

Not any more. The Republican party has grown a new arm called the ALT right--thanks to Steve Bannon's

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump:

"As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises



The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, hate, anger, misogyny and ignorance.
Deflection away from facts noted... Robert KKK Byrd was the grand master of what again? Hillary's mentor... Democrat leader for 39 years...
He was Grand Kleagle. To reach that status, he had to be a huge top recuiter that signed new people up.

Kleagle - Wikipedia
Funny how the Democrat Party forgets tat the KKK was their command and control structure for better than 50 years..

Not any more. The Republican party has grown a new arm called the ALT right--thanks to Steve Bannon's

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump:

"As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises



The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, hate, anger, misogyny and ignorance.
Don't forget Lincoln had plans to deport the slaves during his second term after freeing them late in his first. Do you consider that move racist?

No he didn't.
Funny how the Democrat Party forgets tat the KKK was their command and control structure for better than 50 years..

Not any more. The Republican party has grown a new arm called the ALT right--thanks to Steve Bannon's

"Slowly but surely, Bannon turned Breitbart into not only the most-read conservative web outlet but also the most incendiary one. It was happy to embrace fringe beliefs like birtherism and play footsie with blatantly racist notions of black criminality. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Bannon’s Breitbart also realized that there was a large online community that naturally gravitated to Trump, a mix of people who saw themselves as far too radical to be accepted by polite society. Among them, conservative suspicions of diversity, inclusion, feminism, and political correctness had metastasized into something much darker. This was the alt-right, a collection of racists, pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, and other noxious trolls of the internet."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump:

"As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises



The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, hate, anger, misogyny and ignorance.
Don't forget Lincoln had plans to deport the slaves during his second term after freeing them late in his first. Do you consider that move racist?

No he didn't.
Actually, he did and a whole lot more..

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