MSNBC says birds won't be able to fly over the Trump Wall. !!! HAHA

Animals are pretty resourceful, they'll figure out what to do sans the entire range of their "domains." Wolves typically have a pack range size of between 50 and 200 square miles, so I would guess that we're at best looking at intersecting maybe 10 jaguar and wolf ranges, presuming human infestation they won't be there, we've already heard of the scattering of cities and farms that are supposedly being cut in half and/or purchased - wolves/jags are unlikely to be hanging out in those locations either (they're typically not fond to compete with humans for their hunting and not to keen to hang out around humans who have a habit of shooting them.)

The wolves might loose a couple packs but the jags have much larger ranges and tend to be a bit more agile (no doubt in my mind they could easily get over the fence so it might actually /help/ them as it'll downsize the wolves share of the prey. Wolves won't be going extinct either way, Alaska's got a very healthy population of the beauties. I think we've got over 10k up here. We have cougars and lynx also, but no jaguars and idk what their population is in Mexico (more of their typical range falls south of the border) - I can't say what the long term would be on them but I suspect the impact is negligible.

Honestly, to me this silly story comes off like if the state of AK were to tell us home owners we can't put a fence up because of the animals - unrealistic and not much of an argument.

You know, I kinda agree with you, yes, animals are remarkably adaptable and after an initial getting used to it period, they would adapt and be able to live.

I'm more worried about the landowners on the border who have had their properties cut in half by current walls, and part of their property while on American soil because it's on this side of the river, is still on the Mexican side of the border wall.

And some of those people who are going to lose part of their property because of the wall were Trump supporters who are now having second thoughts.
Yup, where ARE these illegals? I don't see any and they have no time to suck off their socialist benefits and post all day long.
Too busy working and paying taxes
These animals can't defend our sovereignty at the border. Let them become collateral damage in the quest for protecting America and its natural born Citizens.

So, because we can't weaponize the animals to protect the border, screw 'em eh?

By the way, do you still think that there are over 40 million illegals here? Because if you do, that is on out of every 8.5 people who are citizens. Those numbers are even more inflated than Trump's.
I'd say the number is around 30 million! That's why we need to reinstate President Eisenhower's old program "Operation Wetback" on a grand scale so we can round them up and deport them into deep South Mexico.

Okay, so at 30 million, that is one illegal citizen for every 11 in this country. I live in Amarillo TX, and there aren't that many illegals in this town. If your calculations are correct, that would mean that my street alone would have approximately 10 of them. Nope, sorry, but hyperbole is no way to try to make a point.
Using alleged wetbacks on your street to prove your hypothetical point is flawed.
These animals can't defend our sovereignty at the border. Let them become collateral damage in the quest for protecting America and its natural born Citizens.

So, because we can't weaponize the animals to protect the border, screw 'em eh?

By the way, do you still think that there are over 40 million illegals here? Because if you do, that is on out of every 8.5 people who are citizens. Those numbers are even more inflated than Trump's.
I'd say the number is around 30 million! That's why we need to reinstate President Eisenhower's old program "Operation Wetback" on a grand scale so we can round them up and deport them into deep South Mexico.

Okay, so at 30 million, that is one illegal citizen for every 11 in this country. I live in Amarillo TX, and there aren't that many illegals in this town. If your calculations are correct, that would mean that my street alone would have approximately 10 of them. Nope, sorry, but hyperbole is no way to try to make a point.
Using alleged wetbacks on your street to prove your hypothetical point is flawed.

Saying that one out of every 11 people in this country is illegal is flawed hyperbole.
Animals are pretty resourceful, they'll figure out what to do sans the entire range of their "domains." Wolves typically have a pack range size of between 50 and 200 square miles, so I would guess that we're at best looking at intersecting maybe 10 jaguar and wolf ranges, presuming human infestation they won't be there, we've already heard of the scattering of cities and farms that are supposedly being cut in half and/or purchased - wolves/jags are unlikely to be hanging out in those locations either (they're typically not fond to compete with humans for their hunting and not to keen to hang out around humans who have a habit of shooting them.)

The wolves might loose a couple packs but the jags have much larger ranges and tend to be a bit more agile (no doubt in my mind they could easily get over the fence so it might actually /help/ them as it'll downsize the wolves share of the prey. Wolves won't be going extinct either way, Alaska's got a very healthy population of the beauties. I think we've got over 10k up here. We have cougars and lynx also, but no jaguars and idk what their population is in Mexico (more of their typical range falls south of the border) - I can't say what the long term would be on them but I suspect the impact is negligible.

Honestly, to me this silly story comes off like if the state of AK were to tell us home owners we can't put a fence up because of the animals - unrealistic and not much of an argument.

You know, I kinda agree with you, yes, animals are remarkably adaptable and after an initial getting used to it period, they would adapt and be able to live.

I'm more worried about the landowners on the border who have had their properties cut in half by current walls, and part of their property while on American soil because it's on this side of the river, is still on the Mexican side of the border wall.

And some of those people who are going to lose part of their property because of the wall were Trump supporters who are now having second thoughts.

Well as to the ones who already have fences, it's uhm done so w/e. The one video the folks had a nice gate that looked to me like a nice solution. How can they bitch out of one side of their face that the "farms" (which no doubt shoot the prey animals that said wolves and jags eat - so the prey doesn't eat their profits) and yet the other side of their face they bitch about a free cut off that protects half their profits. (You can't tell me these illegals trying to sneak in aren't stealing their crops (same as the prey animals would.)

As an aside, the one property they had in the video I saw "complaining" about it had purchased farm land in Mexico, they didn't seem to have any issue working with the disadvantages (or perhaps advantages) of buying land in two countries, they should be able to accommodate a gate. Why should /our/ fire department be providing services on the Mexican side of the border? I wouldn't want to be paying taxes for the Mexican's services, ya know what I mean? I guess I should know how this shit works considering Alaska's /only/ border's are with foreign countries, but as far as I know, Canada and Russia don't really let American's extend their land into their borders. Maybe I'll look up mines/properties on the border and see what I can ferret out about it, but I think the bottom line in my book is these property owners knew they were pushing the border of another nation, they took a risk and it's coming up to be a minor inconvenience / minor liability in the end. Business folks are used to risks, some work out, some don't. They'll bitch up a storm no matter what it is, but in the end they have to suck it up and make due.
TURNSTILES-------have the birds and butterflies go thru WALL TURNSTILES----
at a reasonable rate--------one peso or a quarter (ok a dime)

Try linear thought occasionally. Sentences in English would be helpful as well.

Try actually addressing the topic instead of insulting people, or can't you because you know the argument being made by your like minded moonbat is absurd?

Oh please. Rosie wasn't making any sense and people insult others all the time in this forum.

bryn ----how dare you INSULT me ---"rosie wasn't making any sense..."------I consider my TOLL WALL idea to be BRILLIANT ---especially CUSTOMIZED
to the sensibilities of our PRESIDENT-----BUSINESSMAN IN CHIEF.
Furthermore ----I NEVER insult anyone are saying that we have 40 million illegals, but the population of this country is only 330 million. If there were 40 million illegals like you claim, that would mean that one out of every 8.5 people are illegals.


SO?? It's 40 million, you idiot. Or maybe more. The govt has been telling us for 35 years the number is 11 million. Always stuck at 11 million!!! No one believes that.
TURNSTILES-------have the birds and butterflies go thru WALL TURNSTILES----
at a reasonable rate--------one peso or a quarter (ok a dime)

Try linear thought occasionally. Sentences in English would be helpful as well.

Yet you listen to this all day long...

If you had installed your "negrotiator" translater it would be clear to you that this is what he is saying:

Trump will do more for minority Americans than any other president in the history of America.

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