msnbc tells the biggest lie of the century !!

msnbc proves why the liberal news cant be trusted !! after Eric Swalwell farted on national television Swalwell denies he farted and then msnbc tries to cover for the lying lefty with the bullshit excuse that the sound we heard was not from Swalwells ass but that it was a coffee mug being slid across a table !!! this is an outrage !! after blatantly lying to the American public and then colluding with a major news outlet in an attempt to deceive the people of this Great country it is imperative that charges be brought against both parties !! 1st msnbc should be forced to apologize to the American people for colluding with the congressman to stage a cover up !!! 2nd Swalwells sorry ass should be censured and removed from office !! :mad:

You have a problem with a fart? You call that the biggest lie of the century?

You people so seriously need to get a grip and grow up.
msnbc proves why the liberal news cant be trusted !! after Eric Swalwell farted on national television Swalwell denies he farted and then msnbc tries to cover for the lying lefty with the bullshit excuse that the sound we heard was not from Swalwells ass but that it was a coffee mug being slid across a table !!! this is an outrage !! after blatantly lying to the American public and then colluding with a major news outlet in an attempt to deceive the people of this Great country it is imperative that charges be brought against both parties !! 1st msnbc should be forced to apologize to the American people for colluding with the congressman to stage a cover up !!! 2nd Swalwells sorry ass should be censured and removed from office !! :mad:

If President Trump had passed gas during a talk with the media, it would be an article of Impeachment alleging disorderly conduct and purposeful disrespect for the Freedom of the Press. Fartgate would be on every front page of the country, and there would be concern that the President was trying to coverup his flatulence.

In reality, Swalwell needs to resign in disgrace in a spirit of fairness.
msnbc proves why the liberal news cant be trusted !! after Eric Swalwell farted on national television Swalwell denies he farted and then msnbc tries to cover for the lying lefty with the bullshit excuse that the sound we heard was not from Swalwells ass but that it was a coffee mug being slid across a table !!! this is an outrage !! after blatantly lying to the American public and then colluding with a major news outlet in an attempt to deceive the people of this Great country it is imperative that charges be brought against both parties !! 1st msnbc should be forced to apologize to the American people for colluding with the congressman to stage a cover up !!! 2nd Swalwells sorry ass should be censured and removed from office !! :mad:

You have a problem with a fart? You call that the biggest lie of the century?

You people so seriously need to get a grip and grow up.

This is the level of what amuses them. What passes for "deep thought" in Duh Bubble.
Here’s a whole collection of sliding mugs...

There ya go. All them thar SFX are dubbed in by a Foley editor. Note how the sounds are all "up front" in your face so to speak. If we were standing where the camera is they'd be off-axis at various levels with different reflections.
msnbc proves why the liberal news cant be trusted !! after Eric Swalwell farted on national television Swalwell denies he farted and then msnbc tries to cover for the lying lefty with the bullshit excuse that the sound we heard was not from Swalwells ass but that it was a coffee mug being slid across a table !!! this is an outrage !! after blatantly lying to the American public and then colluding with a major news outlet in an attempt to deceive the people of this Great country it is imperative that charges be brought against both parties !! 1st msnbc should be forced to apologize to the American people for colluding with the congressman to stage a cover up !!! 2nd Swalwells sorry ass should be censured and removed from office !! :mad:

You have a problem with a fart? You call that the biggest lie of the century?

You people so seriously need to get a grip and grow up.

This is the level of what amuses them. What passes for "deep thought" in Duh Bubble.

If ya can't laugh, giggle or at least snicker about farts, you just don't have a sense of humor.
Top ten Swallwell rivals

That last fart had an extra ingredient than just air.

So yikes...

I can just barely, vaguely, remember working with a guy who invented his own fart machine. Something he would wind up with a rubber band and then place under his ass cheek while he sat on a vinyl seat. Then lift up on one side and brrrbrrbrbrbbrb.

People who revel in that sort of thing, you just look around for the nearest exit.
This is the level of what amuses them. What passes for "deep thought" in Duh Bubble.
If ya can't laugh, giggle or at least snicker about farts, you just don't have a sense of humor.
NoGo is just mad that he was born without a functioning Frontal Lobe and has to mimic real thought.

Problem is he is a Woketard, lives among other Woketards and doesnt know anyone that can actually think.
msnbc proves why the liberal news cant be trusted !! after Eric Swalwell farted on national television Swalwell denies he farted and then msnbc tries to cover for the lying lefty with the bullshit excuse that the sound we heard was not from Swalwells ass but that it was a coffee mug being slid across a table !!! this is an outrage !! after blatantly lying to the American public and then colluding with a major news outlet in an attempt to deceive the people of this Great country it is imperative that charges be brought against both parties !! 1st msnbc should be forced to apologize to the American people for colluding with the congressman to stage a cover up !!! 2nd Swalwells sorry ass should be censured and removed from office !! :mad:

I can't believe I clicked on NBC TELLS BIGGEST LIE OF THE CENTURY and it turned out to be about sombody farting in public. Good night kids.
msnbc tells the biggest lie of the century !!
tRump went on MSNBC?
the biggest liars of all are democrats like you !! examples are [a baby in the womb is not a human being and a convicted murderer on death has a right to live but the inocent unborn does not ] , a man can be a woman if he says hes a woman and vise versa !! taxing the shit out of businesses is good for the economy [employment ] Trump is a Russian plant, and the coast is going to be underwater because of global warming [Obama just bought an ocean front 14 million $ mansion]and socialism is a good thing ect ect ...

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