MSNBC - The bane of conservatives - is one of the few outlets acknowledging Paul wins

You actually listen to the whole thing?

Sure did. MSNBC brings up the '64 Civil Rights Act in an attempt to smear the Pauls as racists. There's no other reason to talk about something completely irrelevant to the 2012 Presidential elections.

No he doesn't.

Ron Paul has this lunatic notion that government has no place in regulating business. Says so all the time. It's Ron Paul that starts the racist crap.

Yes, because not regulating businesses is racist.
When did they start doing this?

Cuz everytime I've put on msnbc lately they are just kicking around Perry and Bachmann and saying big 0 is still the annoited one.

doesn't matter, media picks who makes it to the finals and has for a long time.

Hope your ready for Pres Perry b/c big 0 has nothing to stand on.

For quite some time. Matthews seems to actually like Ron Paul. I think a good many "liberals" like Paul as well. They just don't like everything he's about.

Anybody that likes the Contitution should like Paul, since he's the only one that actually knows it.

Ron Paul has a very skewed vision of the role of government in Society. Which in the real world, wouldn't work out so great.
Sure did. MSNBC brings up the '64 Civil Rights Act in an attempt to smear the Pauls as racists. There's no other reason to talk about something completely irrelevant to the 2012 Presidential elections.

No he doesn't.

Ron Paul has this lunatic notion that government has no place in regulating business. Says so all the time. It's Ron Paul that starts the racist crap.

Yes, because not regulating businesses is racist.
That's not what Sallow said, you brain dead fuck.
Sure did. MSNBC brings up the '64 Civil Rights Act in an attempt to smear the Pauls as racists. There's no other reason to talk about something completely irrelevant to the 2012 Presidential elections.

No he doesn't.

Ron Paul has this lunatic notion that government has no place in regulating business. Says so all the time. It's Ron Paul that starts the racist crap.

Yes, because not regulating businesses is racist.


Because not regulating business is suicidal.
Sure did. MSNBC brings up the '64 Civil Rights Act in an attempt to smear the Pauls as racists. There's no other reason to talk about something completely irrelevant to the 2012 Presidential elections.

I agree, Kevin, but I'll say this. The left's concerns of racism, misplaced though they may be, are more legitimate than the attacks Paul gets from within his own party (e.g. the isolationist crap).

I don't think Paul is a racist. It's antithetical to everything he's fought for in his political career. But many years ago, when Paul was desperate for any support he could find, he accepted support from people who, quite frankly, WERE racists. And I don't think the left is out of line to want an explanation on that.
No he doesn't.

Ron Paul has this lunatic notion that government has no place in regulating business. Says so all the time. It's Ron Paul that starts the racist crap.

Yes, because not regulating businesses is racist.


Because not regulating business is suicidal.

No, it's not, but how does Ron Paul start the racist crap when it's MSNBC that constantly brings up the Civil Rights Act?

Because not regulating business is suicidal.

I was going to buy a loaf of bread. It's all so confusing now. I need to fill out the race survey to make sure that the store I buy from meets the race quota matrix. And then there is the whole brand issue, I have to make sure that the baker meets the racial profile that the federal government dictates. The farmers need to be diverse, 99% illegal alien labor is a minimum.

BUT it's all worth it so that we can have Dear Leader decide who we do business with!
Yes, because not regulating businesses is racist.


Because not regulating business is suicidal.

No, it's not, but how does Ron Paul start the racist crap when it's MSNBC that constantly brings up the Civil Rights Act?

It's something he was actually against. And he talks about it in various forms in one way or another. He also talks about secession. Do I think he's racist? Absolutely not. But he brings these things up as a method to get his viewpoint across. This is fine if one wants to do a "checklist" of challenges to existing or new legislation. Which is why I like having someone like him in congress. As well as people like Kucinich and others. Because they provide viewpoints that harden laws against challenge..whether they be Constitutional or others. But in the role of leader..or President..I, personally think that such a viewpoint is not positive. Since a President must be decisive.

Because not regulating business is suicidal.

No, it's not, but how does Ron Paul start the racist crap when it's MSNBC that constantly brings up the Civil Rights Act?

It's something he was actually against. And he talks about it in various forms in one way or another. He also talks about secession. Do I think he's racist? Absolutely not. But he brings these things up as a method to get his viewpoint across. This is fine if one wants to do a "checklist" of challenges to existing or new legislation. Which is why I like having someone like him in congress. As well as people like Kucinich and others. Because they provide viewpoints that harden laws against challenge..whether they be Constitutional or others. But in the role of leader..or President..I, personally think that such a viewpoint is not positive. Since a President must be decisive.

So once again, how does he start the racist crap? If it's MSNBC that asks the question how is it him starting it? And how is it racist crap at all if you admit he's not racist? The only answer is that that's how MSNBC, and Paul's opponents, try to spin his answer. They say he's racist so that nobody would even consider supporting him, because who wants to support a racist?
Fiscally.... Ron Paul wins, but his views on national defense kill his chances at ever winning.

I like some of his fiscal views..but I think his views on defense are on the money.

We should be focused on defense!

He is too extreme for me... there is a time and place for us to defend ourselves.

However, I will admit.... we are doing a piss poor job of it right now.

We are spread way too thin at the moment, and have been for a while now.

Ironically, you recognize that we are spread too thin right now, but don't support Paul in that department, when we all know full well he's the only one that would actually reduce our military presence internationally.

If you don't think so, please name me one republican candidate right now that you think would close down even one single base anywhere in the world.
So once again, how does he start the racist crap? If it's MSNBC that asks the question how is it him starting it? And how is it racist crap at all if you admit he's not racist? The only answer is that that's how MSNBC, and Paul's opponents, try to spin his answer. They say he's racist so that nobody would even consider supporting him, because who wants to support a racist?

I'm a Libertarian and I like Paul.

Still, Paul supporters DO have a problem. Too many racists embrace Paul. The Stormfront JOOOOOO haters just love him. I'm not sure why, but they do. Trust me, I always encourage them to go support Obama, but often them come back to Paul. The Paul camp needs to loudly and publicly disavow these neo-Nazis.
So once again, how does he start the racist crap? If it's MSNBC that asks the question how is it him starting it? And how is it racist crap at all if you admit he's not racist? The only answer is that that's how MSNBC, and Paul's opponents, try to spin his answer. They say he's racist so that nobody would even consider supporting him, because who wants to support a racist?

I'm a Libertarian and I like Paul.

Still, Paul supporters DO have a problem. Too many racists embrace Paul. The Stormfront JOOOOOO haters just love him. I'm not sure why, but they do. Trust me, I always encourage them to go support Obama, but often they come back to Paul. The Paul camp needs to loudly and publicly disavow these neo-Nazis.
I'm a Libertarian and I like Paul.

Still, Paul supporters DO have a problem. Too many racists embrace Paul. The Stormfront JOOOOOO haters just love him. I'm not sure why, but they do. Trust me, I always encourage them to go support Obama, but often they come back to Paul. The Paul camp needs to loudly and publicly disavow these neo-Nazis.

It's not that mysterious. Ron Paul represents the only significant challenge to the status quo. Naturally, people dissatisfied with the status quo, people who find themselves shut out by the current establishment, will be in favor of shaking things up. They also make the same mistake that many on he left make and see Paul's principled opposition to identity politics as an endorsement of their bigoted beliefs. But fringe groups with bizarre agendas support mainstream candidates as well; it's only an issue with Paul because it goes well with the establishment's campaign to portray him as a nutjob.
So once again, how does he start the racist crap? If it's MSNBC that asks the question how is it him starting it? And how is it racist crap at all if you admit he's not racist? The only answer is that that's how MSNBC, and Paul's opponents, try to spin his answer. They say he's racist so that nobody would even consider supporting him, because who wants to support a racist?

I'm a Libertarian and I like Paul.

Still, Paul supporters DO have a problem. Too many racists embrace Paul. The Stormfront JOOOOOO haters just love him. I'm not sure why, but they do. Trust me, I always encourage them to go support Obama, but often they come back to Paul. The Paul camp needs to loudly and publicly disavow these neo-Nazis.
Who ELSE do you think the neo-nazis are going to support besides the one candidate in the entire field with a foreign policy of ending financial aid internationally?

He would end aid to ALL countries, but because that just so happens to include Israel as well, it instantly appeals to stormfront.

If idiots like them want to support the man becuase they think his policies would somehow be a victory for neo-nazism, so what?

It's not like the man is walking around seig heiling everyone on the campaign trail. The racists are misguided, and are just another example of a support group for a political candidate that aren't exactly going to get everything they THOUGHT they were getting when they pulled the lever.

No one should "disavow" supporters. Everyone has their own reason why they want to vote for someone, and usually they're wrong about a lot of the reasons. This is just another case of that. Let them vote. They're still American citizens with the right to free speech and should be free to support whoever they choose, for whatever reason no matter how deluded that reason is.

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