Mueller can't find collusion soon to end investigation

Thats how these things usually go a special prosecutor is appointed they can't really find anything on what they were sppointed to investigate so they go off in all kinds directions looking for something to justify the time being wasted and money being spent.
The OP is the same person that said the guy in Charlottesville was innocent and that he heard it from a policeman in the police station...

I wouldn't believe a thing the OP says.
Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?

"According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York, FBI and Justice officials recently told congressional investigators that after spending nearly a year and a half looking into it, "they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier."

Yep it's coming to an end just like we said with no collusion.
Monica didn't even work at the White House during the first couple of years the GOP was investigating the Clinton's and eventually, all they got was a blowjob.
Thats how these things usually go a special prosecutor is appointed they can't really find anything on what they were sppointed to investigate so they go off in all kinds directions looking for something to justify the time being wasted and money being spent.

yep. Getting $500-$1000 per hour to "pretend to work". And they hire all their butt-buddies. These lefitst saps want more of it, keep paying these leeches forever. Comey robbed 6 months worth, not one thing accomplished. 1 1/2 years to read some emails and illegal phone transcripts. Milk the Cow. Request funding. RINO is more than willing to borrow/spend our Tax money. This really frosts my rear end!
Monica didn't even work at the White House during the first couple of years the GOP was investigating the Clinton's and eventually, all they got was a blowjob
What does that have to do with this? But as usual you are wrong again. Monica was on her third internship in the white house when the blue dress was discovered. Just think of this; She was 19 years old when he first banged her........19!!!!!
I was not "paying attention" back in these Clinton days. But, I read she was "signed in" for over 100 WH visits during that time.
Proof that it is a not a serious offense, please. At the very least there is 545 thousand dollars unreported income to the DOD. Petraeus got away by the skin of his teeth in not getting jail time. Flynn is in big trouble. The FBI will not give him immunity.
No one has ever gone to jail for failing to report earnings from foreign nations as long as it's reported on your taxes which it was. And even then the IRS would rather you pay a fine than put you in jail. So put the chub away little lib.
Wait until Popadopolous finds out he pleaded guilty for no reason. Man will his face be on the floor!
Monica didn't even work at the White House during the first couple of years the GOP was investigating the Clinton's and eventually, all they got was a blowjob
What does that have to do with this? But as usual you are wrong again. Monica was on her third internship in the white house when the blue dress was discovered. Just think of this; She was 19 years old when he first banged her........19!!!!!

22 years old

Stick with reality.

Lewinsky scandal. The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and 22-year-old White House internMonica Lewinsky. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1996 and came to light in 1998.
does this mean we will have a new game to play on backs of our favorite cereals? "Where Are The Russians"?
lol that's funny Rexx
i can picture a game on our cereals where in the complex illustration, we have to find the Russians,a "Fallen Hillary", Bill with Monica, The Weener on his PC, Al Franken having his way with a sleeping beauty and two girls peeing on a bed.
i guess then, Ferris can cancell this investigation and move on to "What Caused That Perfectly Looking White Chick" to all of a sudden feel like a black woman. What happened? did one day she crave apple pie, and the next day she craved fried chicken and grits?
The "right" age to graduate is whatever age you are when you've fulfilled the requirements to obtain your degree--and even that is debatable. In the US, most people are 18 when they begin college. Thus many graduates are 22 when they finish a 4-year program on time.
19 is a teenager, like 32 year old Roy Moore went out with. In some states too young to smoke or drink.

22 is a full fledged adult
and still on your insurance for 4 more years...if it were my daughter there is little difference between 19 and 22...but that's just me.

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