Mueller can't find collusion soon to end investigation

Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?

"According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York, FBI and Justice officials recently told congressional investigators that after spending nearly a year and a half looking into it, "they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier."

Yep it's coming to an end just like we said with no collusion.

Good thing Mueller is still investigating. He's gotten further than the FBI and DOJ in half the time. It's only going to accelerate from here.
It's over libs...all over...:banana:
Seems I heard that before!

The Russians-Stole-the-Election Meme Vanishes

Mar 9, 2017

RUSH: Say, have you noticed, my friends, that the whole Russians-stole-the-election theme is gone? Have you noticed it’s not out there today? You can’t find a story on it? I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed 'em.
Good thing Mueller is still investigating. He's gotten further than the FBI and DOJ in half the time. It's only going to accelerate from here
The story suggests that Mueller is looking into whether President Trump tried to interfere with the investigation. This is just Mueller going through the motions. He knows how difficult if not impossible that is to prove.
I would put my money on this whole thing ending in less than 2 months with no collusion and no investigation interference.
A big fucking waste of money that Comey and Obama's other spooks like Clapper and the white Muslim Brennan should have to pay back.
does this mean we will have a new game to play on backs of our favorite cereals? "Where Are The Russians"?
The story suggests that Mueller is looking into whether President Trump tried to interfere with the investigation. This is just Mueller going through the motions. He knows how difficult if not impossible that is to prove.

Mueller can do three things while patting his head and rubbing his stomach. Maybe you can tell us what Mueller plans to do with Flynn? That tells you what his next move is, and it isn't closing down the investigation before handing down at least four more indictments.
Mueller can do three things while patting his head and rubbing his stomach. Maybe you can tell us what Mueller plans to do with Flynn? That tells you what his next move is, and it isn't closing down the investigation before handing down at least four more indictments.
You will see R&R you know I'm always right with this inside stuff.
Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?

"According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York, FBI and Justice officials recently told congressional investigators that after spending nearly a year and a half looking into it, "they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier."

Yep it's coming to an end just like we said with no collusion.

Often these things are difficult to prove, because the people who do this clearly don't go around leaving paper trails.
Manafort doesn't start until april. It's bound to be a short technical trial. Wait until Mueller puts the thumb screws to Flynn
Manafort is out of Mueller's hands now...he is indicted for a money crime and will go on trial...
Flynn is totally innocent. It's over R&R remember you heard it here first...From Rambunctious!
Often these things are difficult to prove, because the people who do this clearly don't go around leaving paper trails.
Or they are innocent....

Potentially, or potentially not.

Here's the issue. We don't know. Yet people have taken sides and decided they are right about their view.

Now, had Trump declared for the Democrats, those for him now would be against him.

That's the ridiculousness of the system.
Has Mueller Abandoned The Trump/Russia Collusion Investigation?

"According to the Washington Examiner's Byron York, FBI and Justice officials recently told congressional investigators that after spending nearly a year and a half looking into it, "they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier."

Yep it's coming to an end just like we said with no collusion.

Its over? Again?

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