Mueller charges company that was not in existence at time of charge

WHAT A DISGRACE! Special Counsel Mueller Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

I watched a Reds game the other day and the Mets batted out of order
And thought how is that possible


The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news.

The Gateway Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check
What part of the transcript did you miss?

Probably the part that YOU ant to believe.......Again, here's a simple yes or no question.

Concord MANAGEMENT is the parent company of Concord Catering......

YES or NO?

Simple question for you slow-witted ass kissers.

Fool. Mueller specifically charged the catering company. It's in the transcript.

"Magistrate Judge Michael Harvey asked if the defense also represents Concord Catering, another company that Mueller charged and alleged is associated with Concord Management and Consulting. But Dubelier said they’re not representing it, because Concord Catering “didn’t exist as a legal entity during the time period alleged by the government.”

“I think we’re dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich,” he said."

Mueller Indicted Ham Sandwich: Lawyer in Russian Troll Farm Case

Mr Perfect fucked up.

If Mueller made a mistake in ALSO charging Concord be it.......It does NOT negate the charges he made against the parent company that DID exist prior to the charges.......

It'd be like letting Al Capone off the hook for opening up a food bank for the homeless AFTER he was being charged for tax evasion.
WHAT A DISGRACE! Special Counsel Mueller Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

I watched a Reds game the other day and the Mets batted out of order
And thought how is that possible


The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news.

The Gateway Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check

Little douche bag check out the Reuters article moron.
What part of the transcript did you miss?

Probably the part that YOU ant to believe.......Again, here's a simple yes or no question.

Concord MANAGEMENT is the parent company of Concord Catering......

YES or NO?

Simple question for you slow-witted ass kissers.

Fool. Mueller specifically charged the catering company. It's in the transcript.

"Magistrate Judge Michael Harvey asked if the defense also represents Concord Catering, another company that Mueller charged and alleged is associated with Concord Management and Consulting. But Dubelier said they’re not representing it, because Concord Catering “didn’t exist as a legal entity during the time period alleged by the government.”

“I think we’re dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich,” he said."

Mueller Indicted Ham Sandwich: Lawyer in Russian Troll Farm Case

If Mueller made a mistake in ALSO charging Concord be it.......It does NOT negate the charges he made against the parent company that DID exist prior to the charges.......

It'd be like letting Al Capone off the hook for opening up a food bank for the homeless AFTER he was being charged for tax evasion.

Oh mercy me. You actually admit Mueller fucked up.
WHAT A DISGRACE! Special Counsel Mueller Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

I watched a Reds game the other day and the Mets batted out of order
And thought how is that possible


The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news.

The Gateway Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check

Idiot I put up Reuters that mirrors the report
WHAT A DISGRACE! Special Counsel Mueller Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

I watched a Reds game the other day and the Mets batted out of order
And thought how is that possible


The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news.

The Gateway Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check
And he uses a hard left website to prove it! You can't get any better entertainment than what leftards provide! :777:
WHAT A DISGRACE! Special Counsel Mueller Charged Russian Company Not in Existence at Time of Charge!

I watched a Reds game the other day and the Mets batted out of order
And thought how is that possible


The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news.

The Gateway Pundit - Media Bias/Fact Check

Idiot I put up Reuters that mirrors the report
They want to deny reality as much as possible.
f you indict a company that wasn't in existence at the time of the indictment alleges wrong doing........

Its so damn easy to FOOL morons like Trump cult members......

Here....I'll make it simple for your half brain

Concord MANAGEMENT DID exist............

Concord Management decided to form an affiliate (Concord Catering) which did not exist at the time of the charges.....

NOW, rub those 2 brain cells you have and conclude.......DOES THE ABOVE EXEMPT CONCORD MANAGEMENT FROM BEING CHARGED????

Yes or NO?

f you indict a company that wasn't in existence at the time of the indictment alleges wrong doing........

Its so damn easy to FOOL morons like Trump cult members......

Here....I'll make it simple for your half brain

Concord MANAGEMENT DID exist............

Concord Management decided to form an affiliate (Concord Catering) which did not exist at the time of the charges.....

NOW, rub those 2 brain cells you have and conclude.......DOES THE ABOVE EXEMPT CONCORD MANAGEMENT FROM BEING CHARGED????

Yes or NO?

You really should stop insulting people the way you do. It adds nothing to your argument and makes you appear shallow and uneducated..

No one is saying that Mueller cannot indict Concord Management. I have no clue where you got that idea. The problem is that Concord Catering (a separate company) was also indicted (it's all in the link provided by the OP). In all my long lifetime I have never heard of a prosecutor indicting an entity which did not exist when the alleged misconduct occurred. Mueller is going to have to eat that ham sandwich. Perhaps you'd like to share it with him.

There is no doubt that Concord Management will use Mueller's abuse of authority in their own defense.

Mueller screwed up big time. Mueller is not the brightest bulb in chandelier and must rely on bullying, threats and deception to get what he wants. He made one big blunder when he charged a bunch of Russians, including three Russian businesses with election interference. Muller suspected that the Russians would never appear to defend themselves; however he failed to understand that the Russian companies could defend themselves without having to come to the U.S. It is sufficient that their attorneys appear to defend them. The lawyers for these companies have filed discovery requests that will force Mueller to defend his actions and that is something Muller does not want to do. This will get interesting.

PS nat4900: I remember you as the guy who said a president could not pardon anyone until after they were tried and convicted. You were wrong, of course, as other posters pointed out. You make stuff up and you have an aversion to research. Try to do better.
Plaintiffs have sued Mueller for millions and have won...So who’s fake news

Where the fuck do you get your "info" and "conclusions"????....Does Hannity know you're pilfering quotes from his wishful-thinking diary?

Does this one count?

“Current media applause omits the fact that former FBI Director Mueller was the top official in charge of the Anthrax terror fiasco investigation into the 2001 murders, which targeted an innocent man (Steven Hatfill) whose lawsuit eventually forced the FBI to pay $5 million in compensation. Mueller’s FBI was also severely criticized by Department of Justice Inspector Generals finding the FBI overstepped the law improperly serving hundreds of thousands of “national security letters” to obtain private (and irrelevant) metadata on citizens, and for infiltrating nonviolent anti-war groups under the guise of investigating “terrorism.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost
I think the most important question to ask in this thread is, does Steve McRacist know that the site he loves to read and share is run by a gay dude?
Here's another interesting revelation about Mueller's corrupt FBI. This one shows just how ruthless and unscrupulous the FBI had become under Mueller's leadership. Mueller's FBI raided the home of Republican Congressman Curt Weldon's daughter in an obvious attempt to cause him to lose an election. Sadly, the FBI-orchestrated smear campaign worked. This is how one source describes the illegal politically motivated invasion:

In 2006, the Robert Mueller-led FBI took horrendously unjust actions to derail Curt Weldon’s reelection bid just weeks before the vote—actions that were later described as a “hit job”: “Each of Weldon’s 10 previous re-elections had been by sizable margins. Polls showed he was up by 5-7 points [in the fall of 2006]. Three weeks prior to the election, however, a national story ran about Weldon based upon anonymous sources that an investigation was underway against him and his daughter, alleging illegal activities involving his congressional work. Weldon had received no prior notification of any such investigation and was dumbfounded that such a story would run especially since he regularly briefed the FBI and intelligence agencies on his work.

A week after the news story broke, alleging a need to act quickly because of the leak, FBI agents from Washington raided the home of Weldon’s daughter at 7:00AM on a Monday morning… Local TV and print media had all been alerted to the raid in advance and were already in position to cover the story. Editor's note: Sound familiar?

Within hours, Democratic protesters were waving “Caught Red-Handed” signs outside Weldon’s district office in Upper Darby. In the ensuing two weeks, local and national media ran multiple stories implying that Weldon must also have been under investigation. Given the coverage, Weldon lost the election… To this day, incredibly, no one in authority has asked Weldon or his daughter about the raid or the investigation. There was no follow up, no questions, no grand jury interrogation, nothing.

One year after the raid the local FBI office called Weldon’s daughter to have her come get the property that had been removed from her home. That was it…The raid ruined the career of Weldon and his daughter.”

Though some blamed the Clintons and Sandy Berger for orchestrating the FBI “hit job,” we can’t lose sight of the fact that the head of the FBI at the time was Robert Mueller. Please understand what former FBI officials have told me: the FBI would never go after a member of Congress, House or Senate, without the full disclosure to and the blessing of the FBI Director. Even if the idea on how to silence Curt Weldon did not come from Director Mueller himself, it surely had his approval and encouragement.

Doug Ross @ Journal: MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller

Robert Mueller is a despicable man. He is nothing more than a thug with a fierce devotion to the Clinton crime family. The stench of Clinton emanates from his every pore.

Edited to provide the following additional link:

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