Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it, or cancel plans to build such a building.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to have Russian Nationals making up the majority of your Board of Directors at any Corporation or Organization in America. Otherwise everyone working at The Podesta Group would be in Jail.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

It's not Illegal to pay Russians or other Foreign Agents even laundering money through COIE Lawfirm. and Fusion GPS for Russian Propaganda, and LIES. Otherwise Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It is Illegal to file False Affidavits in a FISA court based on Russian Propaganda you know is false especially when you conceal who paid for it and where it came from. Mueller isn't interested in THAT CRIME!

It is also illegal to plot to use propaganda to undermine and damage a sitting president and it's illegal to use false information that you know is false to launch unrestricted broad and far reaching investigations in search of a crime that no one can name.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash on President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.

You wouldn't know justice if it hit you in the head.

Worth noting that Clinton spoke in Russia AFTER he left office.

The Russia dossier was not concocted by Russia. Russia wanted Trump to win. The idea that they would help Clinton is ludicrous.

You gave Mueller a chance because you thought he would wallpaper over the investigation. Your problem is that you realize Mueller is running a real investigation. None of the lawyers on his team has been fired. Nor are heavy Democrat donors.

The fact is that doing business with Russia is doing business with Putin. It represents a prime opportunity for Putin to pay off Trump. In this case, if you follow the money, it makes sense to examine Trump's business dealings with Trump.

The trouble is that they went into a meeting with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. Especially after they were briefed on potential Russian interference in our elections. The fact is that none of this is Russia propaganda. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton.

There is no COUP except in your crazy head. You should be in a looney bin somewhere. Mueller has not been charged with anything except desperate attempts by stupid Trump and his crazy supporters.

Russians and Clinton’s have been in bed together for decades...

Trump and Russia have been in bed together for a long time as well. Donald Trump Jr bragged about all the business they are doing with Russia.

Yup, that's certainly a possibility...if you're in business. Pretty sure you can't make the same claim with the Clintons.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

Fox News can no longer be considered an impartial new source with former Fox anchors and producers on board. Larry Kudlow, Bill Shine, John Bolton, Heather Nauert, Mercedes Schlapp, Tony Sayegh and K. T. McFarland all working in the White House now. And of course nightly phone calls between Trump and Sean Hannity.

Give it up.

This piece with MCarthy is nothing but tabloid trash.

It's pathetic to call Mueller incompetent. What the fuck does that make Trump?

McCarthy has been corrupted by Trump. He has no credibility to judge Mueller. Geraldo Rivera is the latest to speak out against what Fox News is about. It's a bad joke. Fox News was voted the number one source for fake news.

You are indeed fake.

Trump suggested earlier this week that the media should award an annual Fake News Award for the worst coverage of his presidency but left Fox News out of the running since it is the only network the president and his supporters believe gives him fair coverage. But 40% of all voters think Fox News should be the winner of the first annual Fake News Trophy.

CNN is in second place with 25% support, followed by MSNBC (9%), ABC (4%), CBS (3%) and NBC (2%). Six percent (6%) say the award should go to someone else, and 11% are undecided.

The Winner of the 1st Annual Fake News Trophy Is … - Rasmussen Reports®
You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.
Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.
Reagan was like every other career politician... rotten to the core.

And demonstrating my point about Reagan elegantly......Rustic.

Conservatives today would be unrecognizable to the Party of Reagan.
Only fool would think Reagan was a conservative, Reagan was a progressive... obviously
Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it, or cancel plans to build such a building.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to have Russian Nationals making up the majority of your Board of Directors at any Corporation or Organization in America. Otherwise everyone working at The Podesta Group would be in Jail.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

It's not Illegal to pay Russians or other Foreign Agents even laundering money through COIE Lawfirm. and Fusion GPS for Russian Propaganda, and LIES. Otherwise Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It is Illegal to file False Affidavits in a FISA court based on Russian Propaganda you know is false especially when you conceal who paid for it and where it came from. Mueller isn't interested in THAT CRIME!

It is also illegal to plot to use propaganda to undermine and damage a sitting president and it's illegal to use false information that you know is false to launch unrestricted broad and far reaching investigations in search of a crime that no one can name.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash on President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.

You wouldn't know justice if it hit you in the head.

Worth noting that Clinton spoke in Russia AFTER he left office.

The Russia dossier was not concocted by Russia. Russia wanted Trump to win. The idea that they would help Clinton is ludicrous.

You gave Mueller a chance because you thought he would wallpaper over the investigation. Your problem is that you realize Mueller is running a real investigation. None of the lawyers on his team has been fired. Nor are heavy Democrat donors.

The fact is that doing business with Russia is doing business with Putin. It represents a prime opportunity for Putin to pay off Trump. In this case, if you follow the money, it makes sense to examine Trump's business dealings with Trump.

The trouble is that they went into a meeting with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. Especially after they were briefed on potential Russian interference in our elections. The fact is that none of this is Russia propaganda. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton.

There is no COUP except in your crazy head. You should be in a looney bin somewhere. Mueller has not been charged with anything except desperate attempts by stupid Trump and his crazy supporters.

Russians and Clinton’s have been in bed together for decades...

Trump and Russia have been in bed together for a long time as well. Donald Trump Jr bragged about all the business they are doing with Russia.
Trump Was not in elected office, the Clinton’s were
the sooner he goes to jail the better!

what scum!

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.

Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.

Another Skylar post without a shred of evidence to support it.

Reagan admonishes today's Trump supporters in prophetic speech.
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.
Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.
Another Skylar post without a shred of evidence to support it.
Reagan admonishes today's Trump supporters in prophetic speech.

Reagan certainly was not a conservative
Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.
Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.
Another Skylar post without a shred of evidence to support it.
Reagan admonishes today's Trump supporters in prophetic speech.

Reagan certainly was not a conservative

Actually, this was covered back during Trump's campaign. Trump is an admitted nationalist, rather than a conservative.
You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.
Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.
Another Skylar post without a shred of evidence to support it.
Reagan admonishes today's Trump supporters in prophetic speech.

How does that prove that Skylar has evidence to support his imbecile claims?
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.

I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.

I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Wow…you should do something about that. Oh wait; you’re nobody.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.
They did a recent study of Clinton Voters. And this is no joke. Most of them live in their mom's basement.

Sanders: Clinton "Absolutely Correct" When She Said My Supporters "Are Living In Their Parents' Basement"

More and More Millennials Are Living at Home With Mom and Dad
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.

I never said America was Nazi Germany. I said The DemNazis use Nazi tactics to leverage power and to gain it. If it looks like a DemNazi, quacks like a DemNazi, walks like a DemNazi, and talks like a DemNazi, it's a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as them Nazis.
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.

I never said America was Nazi Germany. I said The DemNazis use Nazi tactics to leverage power and to gain it. If it looks like a DemNazi, quacks like a DemNazi, walks like a DemNazi, and talks like a DemNazi, it's a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as them Nazis.

Meanwhile back in reality it is ONLY Trump and his administration who talks about jailing his political opponents, has legalized kidnapping of kids from their families, and is firing tear gas into other nations.
Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.

I never said America was Nazi Germany. I said The DemNazis use Nazi tactics to leverage power and to gain it. If it looks like a DemNazi, quacks like a DemNazi, walks like a DemNazi, and talks like a DemNazi, it's a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as them Nazis.

Meanwhile back in reality it is ONLY Trump and his administration who talks about jailing his political opponents, has legalized kidnapping of kids from their families, and is firing tear gas into other nations.
What kids were kidnapped? The only abductions of American citizens I know of are from Islamic and Hispanic Gangs in this country illegally that abduct young girls and boys for purposes of Human Trafficking and Prostitution. If you haven't been paying attention, there is an epidemic of young women being abducted in The US, never to be seen again. I know myself of three women I personally know in The Mahoning Valley who have been abducted and never heard from again.

In Michigan they just rescued 123 Children who were abducted and were being used in Prostitution. 123! Just ONE OPERATION. Is this why you continue to advocate for open borders? Because this is part of that.

123 missing children found in Michigan during sex trafficking operation

Mexico unable to cope with kidnapping epidemic | DW | 30.08.2018
Last edited:
Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.

I never said America was Nazi Germany. I said The DemNazis use Nazi tactics to leverage power and to gain it. If it looks like a DemNazi, quacks like a DemNazi, walks like a DemNazi, and talks like a DemNazi, it's a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as them Nazis.

Meanwhile back in reality it is ONLY Trump and his administration who talks about jailing his political opponents, has legalized kidnapping of kids from their families, and is firing tear gas into other nations.
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.

I never said America was Nazi Germany. I said The DemNazis use Nazi tactics to leverage power and to gain it. If it looks like a DemNazi, quacks like a DemNazi, walks like a DemNazi, and talks like a DemNazi, it's a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as them Nazis.

You said, and I quote 'We are in Nazi Germany!'

Don't try to backpedal from your insane panty shitting hysterics now.
Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.

I never said Mueller and Comey murdered anyone, dumbass. Stop making shit up, even though it is what you do best.
I did. Mueller was an accessory to 19 murders by Whitey Bulger.

Oh yeah. The batshit conspiracy hysteria that the right is rolling around in like a pig in mud.....just keeps getting batshittier.

With Tree insisting "THIS IN NAZI GERMANY!!!" and now accusing Mueller of being a murderer. The more indictments that come down, the more Mueller works his way up the Trump team ladder, the more wild, baseless, and hysteric the Trumpies accusations become.

I never said America was Nazi Germany. I said The DemNazis use Nazi tactics to leverage power and to gain it. If it looks like a DemNazi, quacks like a DemNazi, walks like a DemNazi, and talks like a DemNazi, it's a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as them Nazis.

You said, and I quote 'We are in Nazi Germany!'

Don't try to backpedal from your insane panty shitting hysterics now.

Trying to force people to lie while interrogating them is against the law. It is called Suborning Perjury. This is a standard tactic of Nazis in Nazi Germany when they were hunting down their political enemies.

"In American law, Scots law and under the law of some English-speaking Commonwealth nations, subornation of perjury is the crime of persuading a person to commit perjury, the swearing of a false oath to tell the truth in a legal proceeding, whether spoken or written."

Tucker Carlson: The Mueller probe continues to hurt people who have no connection to Russian spying

Corsi says he will file 'criminal charges' against Mueller

DemNazis same as Them Nazis

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