Comey should be in jail for what he did to fudge the election
Manafort IS in jail for what he did to fudge his tax returns over 10 years ago.
And libbies think this is Mueller doing his job
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

The clown show is from the partisan hacks making shit up about the probe. So far very little if anything has leaked out so we really don’t know what they know. We are left with idiots like you creating your own narratives to suit your political agenda. You’re not fooling anybody.

Is it made up that Mueller and his cronies on this Investigation were involved in Prosecutorial Misconduct?

Altering Witness Statements?

Manufacturing Evidence?

Laying Perjury Traps?

Railroading Innocent Men to Jail?

Forced The US Taxpayer to pay millions in Restitution to their Victims?

Half of his team was fired because of Corruption and Bias and are under criminal investigation?

Were financial donors to Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama's campaigns?

Please show me which of these statements are untrue.

I'll be waiting.

Comey refuses to testify.

View attachment 231876

Comey is more than happy to testify....if the hearing is public.

Republicans want the hearings to be closed doors and secret.

Which tells you everything you need to know about who is trying to keep the American people in the dark.
Last edited:
Comey should be in jail for what he did to fudge the election
Manafort IS in jail for what he did to fudge his tax returns over 10 years ago.
And libbies think this is Mueller doing his job

And what did Comey do to 'fudge the election' that is worthy of criminal charges?

Or is this just another one of those random declarations of opinion that have nothing to do with the actual law?
Comey should be in jail for what he did to fudge the election
Manafort IS in jail for what he did to fudge his tax returns over 10 years ago.
And libbies think this is Mueller doing his job
Comey should be in jail for hurting Hillary?
It was announced far an wide that FBI was again looking into her emails, just days before the vote.
It's not that it isn't clear to snowflakes - they see it perfectly. It's just that, like the 2016 election results or Stephens' requests for additional security before he died - it is just REJECTED.


Snowflakes when you start talking about Hillary's crimes.
As if Hillary were relevant today, which she's not.

Regardless of whether Mueller is a clown show or not, he did find that Junior's 2017 statements conflict with Cohen's account of russia talks. Cohen guilty plea caught Trump off guard.
Of course she's relevant. She's the ringleader of the whole deep state coup against the president.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

The clown show is from the partisan hacks making shit up about the probe. So far very little if anything has leaked out so we really don’t know what they know. We are left with idiots like you creating your own narratives to suit your political agenda. You’re not fooling anybody.

Is it made up that Mueller and his cronies on this Investigation were involved in Prosecutorial Misconduct?

Altering Witness Statements?

Manufacturing Evidence?

Laying Perjury Traps?

Railroading Innocent Men to Jail?

Forced The US Taxpayer to pay millions in Restitution to their Victims?

Half of his team was fired because of Corruption and Bias and are under criminal investigation?

Were financial donors to Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama's campaigns?

Please show me which of these statements are untrue.

I'll be waiting.

There are no such thing as 'perjury traps'. That's just a made up term used by liars who don't want to testify.

Like....our President for example.

And its laughable that conservatives would *ever* complain about a special counsel investigation 'drifting from its initial purpose'. As Ken Starr's investigation spanned half a decade and somehow folded a blowjob into an investigation into real estate.
Again, what do Manafort's tax returns from 10 years ago have to do with collusion?

Again, what part of;

"If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation on the matters."

...did you not understand?

Remember, just because you ignore Mueller's directive and authority doesn't mean it magically changes to match your imagination.

Mueller is investigating people for anything he can find on them so he can extort them into lying. He barked up that tree one time too many, and now all his victims are telling him to go fuck himself. Only the lowest and sleaziest brand of douchebag would defend a vicious unprincipled thug like Torquemada Mueller.

Wrong again. If they lie, they lose their deals.

Ask Manafort.

Only those who tell the truth get to keep the plea deals they've made with Mueller's team.
We've been over this ground 1000 times already, and you're just as dumb and ignorant as the first time we went over it.

Where you make shit up about topics you know nothing about, and I correct you with actual facts and evidence?

Oh yeah. At least a 1000 times.
I've posted facts and evidence ad nauseum, and so has Original Tree. It's a waste of time in your case because you just ignore it and then repeat your idiotic mantra.


Like when you insisted that nothing Cohen said could be trusted.....because he was never sworn in during his plea agreement?

Or when you just ignored the explicit authorization of the Special Counsel to prosecute federal crimes he finds in his investigation:

"If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation on the matters."

Deputy AG Letter Seating Mueller as Special Counsel

Remember, just because the facts contradict your latest insanely complicated conspiracy batshit.....doesn't mean the facts change. Cohen was still sworn in, Mueller still has the authority to prosecute federal crimes he finds, and you still have no idea what you're talking about.

Isn't that spacial
Snowflakes when you start talking about Hillary's crimes.
As if Hillary were relevant today, which she's not.

Regardless of whether Mueller is a clown show or not, he did find that Junior's 2017 statements conflict with Cohen's account of russia talks. Cohen guilty plea caught Trump off guard.
Of course she's relevant. She's the ringleader of the whole deep state coup against the president.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
As if Hillary were relevant today, which she's not.

Regardless of whether Mueller is a clown show or not, he did find that Junior's 2017 statements conflict with Cohen's account of russia talks. Cohen guilty plea caught Trump off guard.
Of course she's relevant. She's the ringleader of the whole deep state coup against the president.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
As if Hillary were relevant today, which she's not.

Regardless of whether Mueller is a clown show or not, he did find that Junior's 2017 statements conflict with Cohen's account of russia talks. Cohen guilty plea caught Trump off guard.
Of course she's relevant. She's the ringleader of the whole deep state coup against the president.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Of course she's relevant. She's the ringleader of the whole deep state coup against the president.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.
Of course she's relevant. She's the ringleader of the whole deep state coup against the president.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.

You need to keep up. Tree added the 'Mueller's a murderer!' claim today.

Its not like your conspiracy nonsense had any particular rules. Its just a seething miasma of whatever hapless batshit your ilk make up on a given day. Though you have to admit, of the two explanations:

1) A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


2) Trump's just a liar.

The second is far simpler. And of course, easily provable with evidence.
oh, the deep state again.

I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.

You need to keep up. Tree added the 'Mueller's a murderer!' claim today.

Its not like your conspiracy nonsense had any particular rules. Its just a seething miasma of whatever hapless batshit your ilk make up on a given day. Though you have to admit, of the two explanations:

1) A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


2) Trump's just a liar.

The second is far simpler. And of course, easily provable with evidence.

Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.

You need to keep up. Tree added the 'Mueller's a murderer!' claim today.

Its not like your conspiracy nonsense had any particular rules. Its just a seething miasma of whatever hapless batshit your ilk make up on a given day. Though you have to admit, of the two explanations:

1) A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


2) Trump's just a liar.

The second is far simpler. And of course, easily provable with evidence.

Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?

Nope. I suspect they just shrug and fold that batshit into the mix like they're baking brownies!

Fetid, smelly, lumpy ass batshit brownies.
I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.

You need to keep up. Tree added the 'Mueller's a murderer!' claim today.

Its not like your conspiracy nonsense had any particular rules. Its just a seething miasma of whatever hapless batshit your ilk make up on a given day. Though you have to admit, of the two explanations:

1) A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


2) Trump's just a liar.

The second is far simpler. And of course, easily provable with evidence.
Yes, I know that's his theory. I don't have to buy off on everything he posts. As for the rest of your manure, it's not even worth reading.
I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
Your evidence that Trump is a liar is fake news.
I know. Its just a hilariously awkward conspiracies, as they go.

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.

You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim?
You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
Your evidence that Trump is a liar is fake news.




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