Mueller delayed release of his non-findings until after the last election

Mueller needs to fry with the rest of them...when Barr came in he put the deep state and this coup on notice...that it ends now...30 million bucks and two years of wasted investigation time was over.....and two months after Barr took over Mueller coughed up his bullshit report....there should be a cell in Leavenworth for Mueller too if you ask me.....but keep him and Obama separated....
Mueller needs to fry with the rest of them...when Barr came in he put the deep state and this coup on notice...that it ends now...30 million bucks and two years of wasted investigation time was over.....and two months after Barr took over Mueller coughed up his bullshit report....there should be a cell in Leavenworth for Mueller too if you ask me.....but keep him and Obama separated....


Mueller would have continued his charade if Sessions had remained AG. Once Barr was appointed and confirmed Mueller knew it was time
to exit...state right.

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