Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Nixon wanted it to end too The ones in danger of being charged don't get to say when investigation is over
Trump has the stink of guilt all over him. He has brought this huge fiasco on himself with his bizarre behavior.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Nixon wanted it to end too The ones in danger of being charged don't get to say when investigation is over
Trump has the stink of guilt all over him. He has brought this huge fiasco on himself with his bizarre behavior.
And the stink has spread to anyone in contact with him


Shake a tree in the Trump forest and out falls a Russian.
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Can anyone say Red Herring?
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Can anyone say Red Herring?
Hello, friend!

The other guy seems to have slinked away, so maybe you can answer a question for me:

What type of evidence would convince you that Trump was "in on it" with the Russians?
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Nixon wanted it to end too The ones in danger of being charged don't get to say when investigation is over
Trump has the stink of guilt all over him. He has brought this huge fiasco on himself with his bizarre behavior.

What fiasco? Other than a waste of money. The Trump Train is on track and cannot be stopped.
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Can anyone say Red Herring?
Hello, friend!

The other guy seems to have slinked away, so maybe you can answer a question for me:

What type of evidence would convince you that Trump was "in on it" with the Russians?

If there were any evidence mulehead would have presented it already....again just a waste of time and money inspired by the leftwingers refusing to accept their loss and move on. What the democrats should be worrying about is who their next candidate will this point they have no clue...look for the socialists to make huge inroads into the democratic party.
What fiasco?
Well, they investigated his inner circle. As you recall, the former National Security Adviser (he's important, right?) pleaded guilty and earlier had to resign and register as a foreign agent.

Yep, you heard that right.

Then I think his former campaign head also turned out to be a foreign agent. Again...crazy!

Now his personal lawyer and right hand man is being raided and will likely face a criminal trial?

Yes, I would call that quite a fiasco....but not for Mueller...
Why would they bother to make recommendations to the Obama Justice department
Damn you are predictable. Nah, it couldn't be that they just didn't find anything criminal....nope, has to be a conspiracy against your feelings. Give me a break, dude. What a silly way to go through life...."it didn't happen as it should have to align with my politics and superstitions...which means everyone is lying"...delusional...
With the Obama administration, we know they are always to blame. That's their track record. think you sound smart, when you talk like this?
Only snowflakes believe citing facts makes you look dumb.
What fiasco?
Well, they investigated his inner circle. As you recall, the former National Security Adviser (he's important, right?) pleaded guilty and earlier had to resign and register as a foreign agent.

Yep, you heard that right.

Then I think his former campaign head also turned out to be a foreign agent. Again...crazy!

Now his personal lawyer and right hand man is being raided and will likely face a criminal trial?

Yes, I would call that quite a fiasco....but not for Mueller...
Who was indicted for collusion?
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Can anyone say Red Herring?
We are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY passed that. They have been here for a couple of years.

Why would they bother to make recommendations to the Obama Justice department
Damn you are predictable. Nah, it couldn't be that they just didn't find anything criminal....nope, has to be a conspiracy against your feelings. Give me a break, dude. What a silly way to go through life...."it didn't happen as it should have to align with my politics and superstitions...which means everyone is lying"...delusional...
With the Obama administration, we know they are always to blame. That's their track record. think you sound smart, when you talk like this?
Only snowflakes believe citing facts makes you look dumb.
You sound like a child. Stop that.
What fiasco?
Well, they investigated his inner circle. As you recall, the former National Security Adviser (he's important, right?) pleaded guilty and earlier had to resign and register as a foreign agent.

Yep, you heard that right.

Then I think his former campaign head also turned out to be a foreign agent. Again...crazy!

Now his personal lawyer and right hand man is being raided and will likely face a criminal trial?

Yes, I would call that quite a fiasco....but not for Mueller...
Who was indicted for collusion?
Why are you asking?
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Nixon wanted it to end too The ones in danger of being charged don't get to say when investigation is over
Trump has the stink of guilt all over him. He has brought this huge fiasco on himself with his bizarre behavior.
Horseshit. He hasn't done squat to deserve this. It's all a big conspircy engineered by Hillary, Obama and their traitorous minions. The more Mewler pursues this farce, the more evidence of deep state collusion appears.
Why would they bother to make recommendations to the Obama Justice department
Damn you are predictable. Nah, it couldn't be that they just didn't find anything criminal....nope, has to be a conspiracy against your feelings. Give me a break, dude. What a silly way to go through life...."it didn't happen as it should have to align with my politics and superstitions...which means everyone is lying"...delusional...
With the Obama administration, we know they are always to blame. That's their track record. think you sound smart, when you talk like this?
Only snowflakes believe citing facts makes you look dumb.
You sound like a child. Stop that.
You sound like a dumbass.
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review

It's already dead and all-but-buried. I say let it run it's miserable course in it's slow death. It's going to take the democrat's chances this election with it. There's nothing more important than that right now.
Don’t you want to see what Flynn and the others had to say?
Are you interested in what involvement they had with the Russians?

You seem to just want it over

For years I have seen how you lefties struggle with illiteracy. Read my post more slowly or have someone else read it and explain it to you.
What fiasco?
Well, they investigated his inner circle. As you recall, the former National Security Adviser (he's important, right?) pleaded guilty and earlier had to resign and register as a foreign agent.

Yep, you heard that right.

Then I think his former campaign head also turned out to be a foreign agent. Again...crazy!

Now his personal lawyer and right hand man is being raided and will likely face a criminal trial?

Yes, I would call that quite a fiasco....but not for Mueller...
Who was indicted for collusion?
Why are you asking?
You keep claiming Herr Mewler's witch hunt is a bug success. It's purpose was supposedly to investigate "collusion" with the Russians. So where are the indictments for collusion?
Horseshit. He hasn't done squat to deserve this.
Of course he has. His behavior has been bizarre, and that of a guilty person. It was openly said that the special counsel's mandate was altered (and increased) because of Trump's firing of Comey and his own remarks afterward.

There is no debate to be had, there... Trump has brought most of this about with his own behavior. Now, you can call him dumb or guilty, regarding this behavior, take your pick... but that behavior is one or both of those things, you really have to admit. Come on... there is still a rational human hiding in there, I'm sure of it...

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