Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

You keep claiming Herr Mewler's witch hunt is a bug success.
Hmm, no, i just think the Trump circle's response has been a huge failure. Like, "No officer, I ain't drinking, but I have a pound of heroin in my back pocket", failure. A fiasco, if you will ... wait, I already said that...
Why the big rush?
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Can anyone say Red Herring?
We are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY passed that. They have been here for a couple of years.

"money pouring in from Russia" means Russians are buying their condos. The last quote is pure hearsay, and we all know you can trust the fake media to tell the truth, right?

You realize, of course, that you're only proving that you're a sleazy lying douchebag.
Horseshit. He hasn't done squat to deserve this.
Of course he has. His behavior has been bizarre, and that of a guilty person. It was openly said that the special counsel's mandate was altered (and increased) because of Trump's firing of Comey and his own remarks afterward.

There is no debate to be had, there... Trump has brought most of this about with his own behavior. Now, you can call him dumb or guilty, regarding this behavior, take your pick... but that behavior is one or both of those things, you really have to admit. Come on... there is still a rational human hiding in there, I'm sure of it...

There's no debate because you're obviously spouting pure horseshit. You simply interpret things to fit your own special version of reality.
You simply interpret things to fit your own special version of reality.
That is simply not so. Congresspeople literally called for an appointment of special counsel -- and got it, ion a republican Congress -- due to trump's firing of Comney.

That is a simple fact. Listen to yourself! grow up, man!

That is, very clearly and specifically, an example of trump bringing this on himself with his own behavior.
You keep claiming Herr Mewler's witch hunt is a bug success.
Hmm, no, i just think the Trump circle's response has been a huge failure. Like, "No officer, I ain't drinking, but I have a pound of heroin in my back pocket", failure. A fiasco, if you will ... wait, I already said that...
Learn to quit drooling on yourself when you post.
You are in quite a little mood tonight. Your defense of trump is hysterical... like, I think you would probably jump into a puddle so he could walk over you...
You simply interpret things to fit your own special version of reality.
That is simply not so. Congresspeople literally called for an appointment of special counsel -- and got it, ion a republican Congress -- due to trump's firing of Comney.

That is a simple fact. Listen to yourself! grow up, man!

That is, very clearly and specifically, an example of trump bringing this on himself with his own behavior.
Democrats called for it due to Trump winning the election, and for no other reason.
You keep claiming Herr Mewler's witch hunt is a bug success.
Hmm, no, i just think the Trump circle's response has been a huge failure. Like, "No officer, I ain't drinking, but I have a pound of heroin in my back pocket", failure. A fiasco, if you will ... wait, I already said that...
Learn to quit drooling on yourself when you post.
You are in quite a little mood tonight. Your defense of trump is hysterical... like, I think you would probably jump into a puddle so he could walk over you...
The only "mood" I'm in is the one I'm always in when I am confronted by sleazy lying douchebags.
Democrats called for it due to Trump winning the election, and for no other reason.
No, that is silly. Republicans called for it, too. Dude, seriously... you're being very odd. It is all well and good to give your opinions on speculations, right/wrong,. etc. But now you are just being strange, like trying to shout away simple facts... seems a bit desperate to me.

There's no need for that. You can mount a decent defense, without all of these goofy histrionics.
Democrats called for it due to Trump winning the election, and for no other reason.
No, that is silly. Republicans called for it, too. Dude, seriously... you're being very odd. It is all well and good to give your opinions on speculations, right/wrong,. etc. But now you are just being strange, like trying to shout away simple facts... seems a bit desperate to me.

There's no need for that. You can mount a decent defense, without all of these goofy histrionics.

I dish out exactly what you're dishing out, and you call it "histrionics?"

Only never-Trump Republicans called for it. The motive is the same. You're all douchebags.
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Only never-Trump Republicans called for it.
Nonsense, the appointment of Mueller enjoyed broad, bipartisan support. Trump would support it too, if he were innocent AND smart.

No vote was evern taken on the subject, so how would you know what kind of support he actually had?

Whether they approved of the selection of Herr Mewler is a different subject from whether the witch hunt was justified.
a different subject from whether the witch hunt was justified.
Again, maybe you should consider laying some of the blame at trump's feet. Seriously, man... it's okay. You can still hold all of your wacky beliefs, and admit that Trump has behaved like a fucking idiot, regarding this investigation. And I still truly believe it possible that he is not directly guilty, but is just acting like a goddamned pitch-deaf moron.
The press asked the people they knew would give them the answer they wanted
Ah yes... whenever the facts don't immediately align with your politics and superstitions, then they are no longer facts. You have rigged the game for yourself quite nicely, there. No sir, no way you could ever be wrong, even when you yank something right out of your ass (like you just did, there).
a different subject from whether the witch hunt was justified.
Again, maybe you should consider laying some of the blame at trump's feet. Seriously, man... it's okay. You can still hold all of your wacky beliefs, and admit that Trump has behaved like a fucking idiot, regarding this investigation. And I still truly believe it possible that he is not directly guilty, but is just acting like a goddamned pitch-deaf moron.
Why should I admit what isn't true?

You have no facts, just ad hominems.

Face it, you're just sleazy lying douchebag.

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