Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

Why would they bother to make recommendations to the Obama Justice department
Damn you are predictable. Nah, it couldn't be that they just didn't find anything criminal....nope, has to be a conspiracy against your feelings. Give me a break, dude. What a silly way to go through life...."it didn't happen as it should have to align with my politics and superstitions...which means everyone is lying"...delusional...
With the Obama administration, we know they are always to blame. That's their track record. think you sound smart, when you talk like this?
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
So, let's be clear. Are you going to sit there,with a straight face, and say that you could have your mind changed by evidence??

Try it, and we will see.
That is actually a no.

No, that is a try it, and we will see. So far, there is absolutely no evidence, available to the public, that indicates that Trump has done anything illegal.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News

Here's your reality check! And I'm quite sure that there are more to come.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies so far — with most of those being announced just in the past few weeks.

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 13 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people have already pleaded guilty — the latest being former Trump campaign staffer Rick Gates.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

Interesting you left out the part that reads: "None of the charges against Americans or Trump advisers so far have directly alleged that they worked with Russia to interfere with the campaign." Must have been accidental. Although considering libs have been making up trash, every 10 minutes, for the last year. Pretty sure you wouldn't be the go to guy for a reality check.

Funny. Mike Flynn had contact with Putin in Russia at a celebration for RT news. He even sat at the same table as Putin. That doesn't happen by accident.

Monofort had years worth of political contacts in the Ukraine and in Russia and laundered money for Oligarchs.

Don Jr, and Jared Kushner along WITH Monofort met with Russians IN Trump Tower back in 2016.

And Trump has done business with Russians for years.

These connections all intersect and it smells to high heaven.

The only thing that smells is your inane attempt to put two and two together and arrive at six. It is not illegal to talk to Russians, do business with Russians, or even talk politics to Russians.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News

Here's your reality check! And I'm quite sure that there are more to come.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies so far — with most of those being announced just in the past few weeks.

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 13 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people have already pleaded guilty — the latest being former Trump campaign staffer Rick Gates.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

Interesting you left out the part that reads: "None of the charges against Americans or Trump advisers so far have directly alleged that they worked with Russia to interfere with the campaign." Must have been accidental. Although considering libs have been making up trash, every 10 minutes, for the last year. Pretty sure you wouldn't be the go to guy for a reality check.

Funny. Mike Flynn had contact with Putin in Russia at a celebration for RT news. He even sat at the same table as Putin. That doesn't happen by accident.

Monofort had years worth of political contacts in the Ukraine and in Russia and laundered money for Oligarchs.

Don Jr, and Jared Kushner along WITH Monofort met with Russians IN Trump Tower back in 2016.

And Trump has done business with Russians for years.

These connections all intersect and it smells to high heaven.

The only thing that smells is your inane attempt to put two and two together and arrive at six. It is not illegal to talk to Russians, do business with Russians, or even talk politics to Russians.

No it isn’t illegal to talk to Russians

But if all Trump was doing was mundane “talking” .....why won’t he disclose the details of those talks?

We could end the investigation tomorrow
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review
But it was just starting to get interesting. They found that a Russian Rich guy gave Cohen 500k and he was involved in Hilly's selling of Nuke material to Russia. Wanted to see that file hit the media, as if it would.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News

Here's your reality check! And I'm quite sure that there are more to come.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies so far — with most of those being announced just in the past few weeks.

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 13 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people have already pleaded guilty — the latest being former Trump campaign staffer Rick Gates.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

Interesting you left out the part that reads: "None of the charges against Americans or Trump advisers so far have directly alleged that they worked with Russia to interfere with the campaign." Must have been accidental. Although considering libs have been making up trash, every 10 minutes, for the last year. Pretty sure you wouldn't be the go to guy for a reality check.

Funny. Mike Flynn had contact with Putin in Russia at a celebration for RT news. He even sat at the same table as Putin. That doesn't happen by accident.

Monofort had years worth of political contacts in the Ukraine and in Russia and laundered money for Oligarchs.

Don Jr, and Jared Kushner along WITH Monofort met with Russians IN Trump Tower back in 2016.

And Trump has done business with Russians for years.

These connections all intersect and it smells to high heaven.

The only thing that smells is your inane attempt to put two and two together and arrive at six. It is not illegal to talk to Russians, do business with Russians, or even talk politics to Russians.

No it isn’t illegal to talk to Russians

But if all Trump was doing was mundane “talking” .....why won’t he disclose the details of those talks?

We could end the investigation tomorrow

Yeah, sure, we believe you...dumbass.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.

Trump will either come off as corrupt or totally unaware of what is going on

Meuler is supposed to be investigating collusion with russia....nothing more. All those who have been indicted were indicted for other reasons....thus the biased meuler and his cohorts are proved to be on a witchhunt which must be terminated way or the other. The majority of Americans would like to see the sanctimonius asshole fired. Ruining lives just because of his hatred for Trump. Good to see the Judges slap him down.

If Sessions had any balls he would have fired him already.

Second Judge Slaps Mueller Down - Leaked Transcript Of Judge Ripping Mueller Case And ANOTHER Judge Rejects Special Counsel Motion
Go read Mueller's remit, GH, because your opening statement is dead false. Educate yourself.
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review
But it was just starting to get interesting. They found that a Russian Rich guy gave Cohen 500k and he was involved in Hilly's selling of Nuke material to Russia. Wanted to see that file hit the media, as if it would.
You mean Uranium None, the material that ALL belonged to Canada, you loveable goofball.
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
That's nice.

Again I ask (assuming that answer you never worked up the stones to give is a "yes"):

What type of evidence would convince you? Try to be specific.
The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Nixon wanted it to end too The ones in danger of being charged don't get to say when investigation is over
The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Why such a sissy? Answer the question!
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.

Trump will either come off as corrupt or totally unaware of what is going on

Meuler is supposed to be investigating collusion with russia....nothing more. All those who have been indicted were indicted for other reasons....thus the biased meuler and his cohorts are proved to be on a witchhunt which must be terminated way or the other. The majority of Americans would like to see the sanctimonius asshole fired. Ruining lives just because of his hatred for Trump. Good to see the Judges slap him down.

If Sessions had any balls he would have fired him already.

Second Judge Slaps Mueller Down - Leaked Transcript Of Judge Ripping Mueller Case And ANOTHER Judge Rejects Special Counsel Motion
If he was doing that investigation, would he not want to look into any connection between Hilly and the Russian connection. This could show if Trump and her were working together, it could be possible. Everything is strange. Hilly paid a Brit to investigate Trump and prepare a file. Brit make one up with false data. Hilly gets file to Comey who uses it to get court warrants by saying the file is true. Comey white washes Hilly and Comey's Dau gets college scholarship
'The thing to understand, what has always been the most important thing to understand, is that Jim Comey was out in front, but he was not calling the shots.

On the right, the commentariat was and is in full-throttle outrage over the revelation that former FBI Director Comey began drafting his statement exonerating Hillary Clinton in April 2016 – more than two months before he delivered the statement at his now famous July 5 press conference.

The news appears in a letter written to new FBI Director Christopher Wray by two senior Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans, Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham. Pundits and the Trump administration are shrieking because this indicates the decision to give the Democrats’ nominee a pass was clearly made long before the investigation was over, and even long before key witnesses, including Clinton herself, were interviewed'.

As usual the fix was in as it always has been with the clintons....thanks to the media, the deep state, the timely demise of key witnesses and the dixie mafia in Arkansas.

The Clinton scandals are numerous, from Whitewater to Uranium One. Vince Foster’s death, Travelgate, Troopergate, Filegate, Cattle Futures, Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, Monika Lewinsky, Chinagate, Pardongate, Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, Humagate, Anthony Weiner, Haiti, and Hillary’s likely treason via her private email server are just a few.

Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted

Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Emails: Key to Lack of Clinton Indictment | National Review

Mueller Investigation: Politics, Not Law Enforcement or Counterintelligence | National Review

Hillary Clinton & Bill Clinton’s Crime Family: Where Politics and the Mafia Meet | National Review

The Rule of Law obviously does not affect globalist elites, not even when there are thousands of deaths of innocents. Aka................News With Views | Bill Clinton And The Deadly Arkansas Tainted Blood Scandal

Dixie Mafia - Wikipedia

ARKANSAS CONNECTIONS: A Time Line of the Clinton YearsArkansas Connections: A Time-line of the Clinton Years by Sam Smith

The secret life of Bill Clinton : the unreported stories : Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, 1957- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Good inf and stuff I have not read yet.

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