Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

I think Trump should order Mueller to report his findings in 30 days to him and congressional leaders and show reasons why the investigation should continue or not. Cuz right now this is all bullshit that has jack squat to do with Russian collusion. These things are supposed to be narrowly focused, and should have a time limit; find out what the facts are and you got 6 months tops to report on whatever you dig up. At that point your investigation is over unless you can find evidence of wrongdoing that is sufficient to warrant further investigation ON THE SUBJECT AT HAND. This politicization of justice just isn't right and it has to stop and I don't give a shit who's being investigated.
Makes him sound guilty doesn’t it?

No, it makes this whole special counsel investigation look like a witch hunt, let's keep digging until we can find something to hang his ass with. That ain't the way it's supposed to be, the investigation sure looks to me like they've left the russian collusion thing way behind and are looking for ANYTHING that Trump might be guilty of or at least embarassed by. IMHO these thing should be limited in score and time, when it drags on and on it begins to look a lot less about justice and a lot more like CYA and politics.
Witch hunt

You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means

Mueller is making progress, he has indictments, he has convictions
Hardly a witch hunt
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review

It's already dead and all-but-buried. I say let it run it's miserable course in it's slow death. It's going to take the democrat's chances this election with it. There's nothing more important than that right now.
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review

It's already dead and all-but-buried. I say let it run it's miserable course in it's slow death. It's going to take the democrat's chances this election with it. There's nothing more important than that right now.
Don’t you want to see what Flynn and the others had to say?
Are you interested in what involvement they had with the Russians?

You seem to just want it over
I think Trump should order Mueller to report his findings in 30 days to him and congressional leaders and show reasons why the investigation should continue or not. Cuz right now this is all bullshit that has jack squat to do with Russian collusion. These things are supposed to be narrowly focused, and should have a time limit; find out what the facts are and you got 6 months tops to report on whatever you dig up. At that point your investigation is over unless you can find evidence of wrongdoing that is sufficient to warrant further investigation ON THE SUBJECT AT HAND. This politicization of justice just isn't right and it has to stop and I don't give a shit who's being investigated.
Makes him sound guilty doesn’t it?

No, it makes this whole special counsel investigation look like a witch hunt, let's keep digging until we can find something to hang his ass with. That ain't the way it's supposed to be, the investigation sure looks to me like they've left the russian collusion thing way behind and are looking for ANYTHING that Trump might be guilty of or at least embarassed by. IMHO these thing should be limited in score and time, when it drags on and on it begins to look a lot less about justice and a lot more like CYA and politics.
Well, enough of being in the Way Back Machine and Whitewater.

Not sure what you meant, but the fact that it has been done before does not mean we should continue to do it today or tomorrow. There's a saying that justice delayed is justice denied, and that has a lot of truth to it. Not just with these special counsel things either, look how long it took to investigate the Clinton email/server thing. That dragged on for months during which nobody knew for sure what happened at a time when the person involved was a presidential candidate.

After all this time does anyone really think we don't have enough data to make an informed determination as to who did what regarding Russian collusion? Seriously, is there more to learn about that? I think not, if I'm President Trump I order my Atty General to present me with a report within 30 days that I can share with Congressional leadership and make the decision whether or not to pursue this any further. If the DOJ wants to look into the Stormy Davis thing or Trump's prior business dealing with anybody, fine. But not under the auspices of a special prosecutor who has unique powers that currently are being misused.
Nope to the OP.

And, no, Trump does not have the power to order Rosenstein to outline anything for him in relationship to the investigation.
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review
I think he should first be given the opportunity to commit suicide to save his family from humiliation and disgrace.
I think Trump should order Mueller to report his findings in 30 days to him and congressional leaders and show reasons why the investigation should continue or not. Cuz right now this is all bullshit that has jack squat to do with Russian collusion. These things are supposed to be narrowly focused, and should have a time limit; find out what the facts are and you got 6 months tops to report on whatever you dig up. At that point your investigation is over unless you can find evidence of wrongdoing that is sufficient to warrant further investigation ON THE SUBJECT AT HAND. This politicization of justice just isn't right and it has to stop and I don't give a shit who's being investigated.
Makes him sound guilty doesn’t it?

No, it makes this whole special counsel investigation look like a witch hunt, let's keep digging until we can find something to hang his ass with. That ain't the way it's supposed to be, the investigation sure looks to me like they've left the russian collusion thing way behind and are looking for ANYTHING that Trump might be guilty of or at least embarassed by. IMHO these thing should be limited in score and time, when it drags on and on it begins to look a lot less about justice and a lot more like CYA and politics.
Well, enough of being in the Way Back Machine and Whitewater.

Not sure what you meant, but the fact that it has been done before does not mean we should continue to do it today or tomorrow. There's a saying that justice delayed is justice denied, and that has a lot of truth to it. Not just with these special counsel things either, look how long it took to investigate the Clinton email/server thing. That dragged on for months during which nobody knew for sure what happened at a time when the person involved was a presidential candidate.

After all this time does anyone really think we don't have enough data to make an informed determination as to who did what regarding Russian collusion? Seriously, is there more to learn about that? I think not, if I'm President Trump I order my Atty General to present me with a report within 30 days that I can share with Congressional leadership and make the decision whether or not to pursue this any further. If the DOJ wants to look into the Stormy Davis thing or Trump's prior business dealing with anybody, fine. But not under the auspices of a special prosecutor who has unique powers that currently are being misused.
This is a complex case with multiple players. Mueller must fit the pieces together. Hillary was forced to testify three times....Trump has not testified once

Why are you so anxious?
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.
Well, you're the true believer to still have faith in Mueller after he has shown himself to be incompetent as an administrator by not being able to control all those leaks from his staff, and a failure as a prosecutor by not being able to level one indictment relevant to the main purpose of his assignment which was to investigate collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.
Well, you're the true believer to still have faith in Mueller after he has shown himself to be incompetent as an administrator by not being able to control all those leaks from his staff, and a failure as a prosecutor by not being able to level one indictment relevant to the main purpose of his assignment which was to investigate collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Mueller is solidly competent. There have been no staff leaks. He has many indictments and pleas and convictions. You are seeing only what Mueller wants you to see, the mark of a true master. :)
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Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.
Well, you're the true believer to still have faith in Mueller after he has shown himself to be incompetent as an administrator by not being able to control all those leaks from his staff, and a failure as a prosecutor by not being able to level one indictment relevant to the main purpose of his assignment which was to investigate collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Mueller is solidly competent. There have been no staff leaks. He has many indictments and pleases and convictions. You are seeing only what Mueller wants you to see, the mark of a true master. :)
There are almost daily leaks that keep you excited about what is coming but pan out to nothing and there are only six indictments of Americans and not one of them is relevant to the main purpose of the special counsel, to investigate collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Clearly Mueller is incompetent as an administrator and a prosecutor but has shown himself to have some value as a political operative assigned to boost the morale of Democrats.
There is nothing of the sort, toomuchtime, nothing of the sort.

You will find out what real competency is in the not too far away future when Mueller pulls down the castle.
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.

Trump will either come off as corrupt or totally unaware of what is going on
But the majority of Americans see what's going on. They know it's a bull shit witch hunt by the deep state to unseat a duly elected president of the United States, and it stinks to high heaven.


Yeah... shut it down... in fact I don't think Trump is going to take much more of this. He tweeted the other day that he's going "get involved" and use his constitutional presidential powers and probably fire a shit load of people.

He can always dig a larger hole for himself, I'm certain of it.
Time for truth: the ultimate Trumpers are terrified of Mueller's coming reports.
More likely Mueller and Rosenstein and terrified of the next inspector general's report after what earlier ones did to Comey and McCabe.
Not in the slightest. Comey is as safe as can be. McCabe has some problems of his own making. Mueller is leg breaking down the resisters with Rosenstein's blessing. What is coming is going to be so awful for the true believers in Trump.

Trump will either come off as corrupt or totally unaware of what is going on

Meuler is supposed to be investigating collusion with russia....nothing more. All those who have been indicted were indicted for other reasons....thus the biased meuler and his cohorts are proved to be on a witchhunt which must be terminated way or the other. The majority of Americans would like to see the sanctimonius asshole fired. Ruining lives just because of his hatred for Trump. Good to see the Judges slap him down.

If Sessions had any balls he would have fired him already.

Second Judge Slaps Mueller Down - Leaked Transcript Of Judge Ripping Mueller Case And ANOTHER Judge Rejects Special Counsel Motion

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