Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

So many still stuck on the election... karma is a bitch
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
So where is evidence that Trump called Putin and said “let’s work together?” None. Because it never happened.

The whole vast Russian conspiracy circus isn't about evidence comrade, it's simply that the MIC, their NSA/CIA/FBI and assorted neocon buddies (the so called deep state) require a credible enemy to justify the $1 trillion war budget and Orwellian spy powers. A bunch of jihadis in the desert just don't cut it and the since evil commies worked so well as an enemy the last time....


Your seeing a whole team of psychiatrists aren’t you?
So many still stuck on the election... karma is a bitch

Trump Warned of Endless Clinton Investigations. Instead, the Focus Is on Him

Trump Warned of Endless Clinton Investigations. Instead, the Focus Is on Him

Endless investigations. The biggest scandal since Watergate. Coverups. An inability to govern. A possible constitutional crisis. These were all arguments that Donald Trump made against Hillary Clinton in the closing days of the 2016 presidential election

“There's virtually no doubt that FBI Director Comey and the great, great special agents of the FBI will be able to collect more than enough evidence to garner indictments against Hillary Clinton and her inner circle, despite her efforts to disparage them and to discredit them. If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.”
Why would they bother to make recommendations to the Obama Justice department
Damn you are predictable. Nah, it couldn't be that they just didn't find anything criminal....nope, has to be a conspiracy against your feelings. Give me a break, dude. What a silly way to go through life...."it didn't happen as it should have to align with my politics and superstitions...which means everyone is lying"...delusional...
Why would they bother to make recommendations to the Obama Justice department
Damn you are predictable. Nah, it couldn't be that they just didn't find anything criminal....nope, has to be a conspiracy against your feelings. Give me a break, dude. What a silly way to go through life...."it didn't happen as it should have to align with my politics and superstitions...which means everyone is lying"...delusional...
With the Obama administration, we know they are always to blame. That's their track record.
So what crime are you two so AFRAID President Trump committed that Mueller has his eyes on?

None. No crime committed. This is just a smear campaign.
mueller, the special counsel, and the deputy attorney general haven't smeared a single soul.... not a one!

Yet your messiah and his minions and his State run TV channel, has done ALL THE SMEARING, double dose version, since day 1.....

How can you live with yourself, spreading all the lies that you do? Ah, lying is now all A-OK, since your messiah does it 5 times before breakfast, every single day of the week....(when not on the golf course).

No one on the Special counsel is smearing Trump, nor are they on a witch hunt....they are searching for the truth....yes, simply the truth of what the Russians did and how they did it...

WHY are YOU so afraid of the truth....? the truth is like water being thrown on the wicked with of the west to you and Trump.... no wonder you are so are afraid of disappearing.....melting away.... :lol:

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

LET the Sun shine, let the Sun shine in!
Everyday this disgrace goes on it smears the President of the United States and the American electoral process.
if the president had kept his mouth shut and not tried day in and day out to interfere with the investigation, it would be over with.....

The president has been nothing but a distraction and is bringing all the attention to himself by all of his tactics.

In the end, it could be that the President did not know that say, Manafort was working with the Russians to help the Trump campaign or through Roger Stone to help the trump campaign and President Trump was unaware of what Manafort was doing, to pay off his massive debt to the Russian/Ukrainian oligarch who was close to Putin....

Mueller's investigation, CAN CLEAR the president....

We the people, have a right to know what really happened....and the president has an obligation to us, the citizens of this Nation, to find out as well....

if the president was not a part of the Manafort doings or whomever in his team asking Russians for help, then this will all come out once the investigation has reached its end.

If you truly believe the president had no knowings or dealings with the russians and their interference, which is possible in the Manafort aspect, then you and the president has nothing at all to worry about....
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review
If Sessions and Rosenstein are held in contempt of Congress, we will be nearing the end.
To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review
This country for the last 8 years under Obama spend 4 million plus dollars investigating Hillary and her emails. 8 years. You mean to tell me, with all the facts and tweets and words we have from the clown in chief, its now time to throw in the towel and give up? insult removed--Against CDZ rules
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To begin with............'The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia’s interference in the election — if there is one.'

Congress needs to act--- this ludicrous effort by the Trump haters is harming the nation and the ability of our elected President to govern ....the great majority of Americans understand this and want it to end.

The Congress must assert itself and understand for the good of America this witchunt must be stopped now!

Mueller’s Trump Investigation Should Disclose Crimes Being Investigated | National Review

Russia Report: FBI Missteps Covered by Outrageous Redactions | National Review
This country for the last 8 years under Obama spend 4 million plus dollars investigating Hillary and her emails. 8 years. You mean to tell me, with all the facts and tweets and words we have from the clown in chief, its now time to throw in the towel and give up? Clearly you're on something!!
Let's not forget the Ken Starr investigation of the Clintons. It lasted for 4 years and began with Whitewater (nothing criminal was ever found of the Clintons) and ended up asking Bill about his sex life under oath. I think Trump deserves no less and I'd wager his sex life was every bit as good as Bill's.
If Clinton had really been investigated she would be in jail....what we saw regarding hillary was political theater...........not even to mention there was a very long record of hillary and billary being involved and or associated with criminal activity in Arkansas as well as in Washington...but no honest and sincere effort was ever made to really bring the Clintons to justice. “They must be having one hell of a Christmas party,” Republican says of Mueller’s spending

The Clinton Crime Family - Part 1 | Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth

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